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Time to Get Moving

Posted on 24 Sep 2009 @ 12:36pm by

549 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Brig
Timeline: During the attack

The ship was under attack but Nniol had no idea who the attackers were. By his estimate they had to be in Romulan space, but that still left an open question; were they friendly to him? Certain corridors were troubled by renegades and alien pirates and whilst the Galae attempted to keep routes clear their success largely depended on who was paying the miscreants. On the whole it was not a comfortable situation to be in.

A lurch and a shudder catapulted Nniol to the floor but it was as he picked himself up that it happened. As he steadied himself against the lip of the cell Nniol grinned then as soon as he was sure that his eyes were not playing games he stepped forward.

How typical of the Federation – a failsafe to ensure that even a prisoner had a chance of escape if the ship was in danger of being destroyed – what a shame T’Pal hadn’t disabled that!

Was it a lucky strike that triggered it? Nniol had only a second to consider this as a security guard entered the outer room, the one in which he had thrashed, presumably to check that he, Nniol had not been injured T’Pal – the man was caught by surprise and easily floored. For good measure Nniol relieved the man of his weapon and shot him with it before divesting him of his jacket – in the turmoil he stood a better chance of being overlooked if he was wearing false colours.

Nniol had long ceased to expect assistance from Geillun, so he was on his own. It was as he was considering his options that the transporter beam removed him from the Federation ship. He was still considering those options when he rematerialised in a very Romulan transporter room.

He was still wondering why they had dropped their shields when he rematerialized in the transporter room of a Romulan vessel. The air was a blend closer to that of home rather than the peculiar atmospheric mix that allowed the majority of Federation species to breath with the minimum of risk to their systems.

“I am Riov Amerik i-Nn'Verih, Commander of this vessel. Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth ordered your release,†he said concealing his chagrin at having his first set of orders overruled.

With barely a glance at his saviour Nniol stepped off the pad, “Are you really,†he said with marked disinterest.

“The hru’hfirh t’Khellian transported to the Federation vessel – we were able to use the moment when their shields were down to extract you.†If he found the Starfleet jacket stretched across the man’s shoulders unexpected he did not show it.

“If you wish to be awarded a medal petition the senate,†Nniol snapped, days of confinement had left him irritable, and even at his most genial he was not one to demonstrate gratitude. “Destroy them,†he said.

i-Nn'Verih swallowed knowing that his next words might very well end his career, “I have fulfilled my familial obligation, Galae Enriov and in the course of doing so violated orders direct from the Senate. I will have you transferred to the support ship which will rendezvous shortly, but I will do no more.â€

Without another word Nniol shoved past the man, this was not over.

Nniol t'Illialhlae


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