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Posted on 27 Sep 2009 @ 1:40pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

482 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Backpost

Melanie was working at her desk. Casiday was stable and comatose for the moment...even though her mind screamed out on occasion. She heard the doors open and looked out into sickbay and saw a woman coming in.

Melanie got up and went to greet her. "Hello...can I help you?"

"Hello I'm here for a physical. I understand that you need to check me over and see if I meet your standards?" Chrisandra smiled, "My name is Chrisandra Davidson."

Melanie smiled, "I'm Dr. Hemmingway, and it isn't my about you hop onto the biobed there and I will start the scans."

Chrisandra sat on one of the biobeds and waited for the doctor to make her scans, "Technically they are your standards. You are the Chief Medicial Officer of this ship. If you see that my physical results satisfy you then they are within your standards." Chrisandra blushed, "I have a nasty habit of blabbing and making others feel uncomfortable. I've been trying to change that, but I can never seem to do it. I have no idea why. I hope you can forgive me for my outspokeness."

Melanie laughed. "You can speak freely here. What is said here stays here." She grabbed her tricorder and began her scans.

Chrisandra sat as still as possible. She never liked physicals, but once they were out of the way then she would be fine. The woman watched the nurse do her scans and waited. Did a virus appear suddenly in her body or was she healthy?

Sensing that Chrisandra was nervous about the scans she looked at her and smiled. "You are fine, perfectly healthy...and up to my standards Lieutenant." Melanie said putting the tricorder back down on the tray.

"Was there anything that you wished to discuss?"

Chrisandra thought it over and then shook her head, "Not that I am aware of.... unless your interested in my Starfleet history before I joined the Freedom."

"If you wish to share it then of course...if you are not and it doesn't affect your duties then I am all right with that too."

Chrisandra smiled, "For now I have to get back to my duties, but when we both have time I'd like to share my history with you over a cup of coffee maybe? I need to get in the habit of meeting new people and trying to make friends. After what happened on the Merlin I could sure use some friends."

"Come find me when you are ready. I will be glad to grab a cup of coffee with you. You are free to go."

Chrisandra nodded, "See you later doctor!" The woman left and headed back to the science lab.

"Have a good day!" Melanie called out as she added data to Chrisandra's file.


Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom


Lt. Chrisandra Davidson
Science Officer
USS Freedom


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