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Aftermath - Part 2

Posted on 21 Sep 2009 @ 12:02pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,402 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Romulan Space


Galae EnRiov Hru’hfirh Llaiir e-Ramnau t’Khellian blinked once. The resemblance between she and the Ambassador would be apparent even to the eyes of a Klingon, but where Isha possessed a fragile beauty, Llaiir, even at the age of 150 was clearly still a strong and powerful woman, quite comfortable with her station in life. Her dark eyes glinted at the Klingon.

"You seem to be in some difficulty, Commander," she noted in a tone as thick as honey.


Da'nal raised a brow at the face on the viewscreen. The physical resemblence was uncanny. "So it would seem. It would also seem that someone has a great deal to lose by defying the orders of your government by attacking us."

"Or else a great deal to win," Llaiir observed. Her only surviving child, her heir, was on that Federation ship; she was prepared to be reasonable. "We tend to assess an action based on the positive side of a risk. They are holding back, at least, but their friends are not far behind us - I had the ... good fortune, to be informed of your route in advance."

No doubt the ambassador had in formed her 'allies' of their projected flight plan. It wasn't like the route had been classified, but he left issue at that. "Win or lose - they obviously do not what us to arrive at Romulus." The news that another ship was on its why was not what he wanted to hear. The Freedom was in no shape to tangle with the class of vessel that was no doubt on its way. And with their cloaking systems damaged their was no way to make it to the nearest system not to mention making it to Romulus. Before he could speak again the Romulan Captain spoke again.

"Our scans show that you need to make repairs. You cannot do that here and you are too far into Romulan space to make a run for it. I'll be frank with you, Commander - I will turn that escort vessel to dust in an instant, but I may not be able to fire on the ship that comes to their assistance - the consequences could be catestrophic."

Well their rescuers were either out classed by the coming vessel or those issuing the orders held considerable power.

"There is somewhere you can go, I can grant you passge, and whilst it is not under my control, the man who does is a member of my House, and an acquaintence of my daughter."

~Help from a Romulan...~ Well he had little choice if their were going to be successful in reaching Romulus and hopefully bringing about the downfall of Nniol and his ilk. "It appears I have little choice in the matter. Very well."

Da`nal then glanced to Silonez as he continued to speak to the Romulan Commander , "There is a Federation Engineering vessel near the border that would be only be a matter of hours away at high warp. If you could provide us with the coordinates of our destination they can facilitate our repair while we plan our next move."

Looking behinding to his Exec. "Given our damage what level of warp will we be able to maintian?"

Silonez replaied before the Exec, having alread accessed the information eariler. "Angera is 12 hours away at warp 8, and its sister ship Todega is Sineron system which is 10 hours away, but Angera is enroute, we can rondezvous with them near the Elorg rift in 7 hours, but we are going to need atleast a week in a ship yard to repair everything that can't be done in the field." silonez paused as an engineer handed him a PADD "I can get warp 8 out of the engines for 8 hours, but that means we can't cloak, and we can under no circumstances get into another fire fight, or we're going to need a barge to tow us to a ship yard."

As she listened a smile tugged at the edge of Llaiir's mouth; they weren't going to turn around and run, even if they could make it unscathed. She had attacked Klingon ships before and they had an irrational habit of returning fire, even when the action was detrimental to their survival; there was no reason for her to imagine that a Klingon, even one in command of a Federation vessel would act any differently.

"There are facilities considerably closer which can be made available - an unusual arrangement, but I will see that my daughter gets to Romulus as intended. Where is she?"

Da'nal couldn't put another ship and crew in harms way just to get the Freedom repaired. He couldn't allow Rolmulan access to their systems either. However Deep Space 5 had been infiltrated for some time and the Freedom's construction had been completed there. So there was no telling how much the Romulans already knew about the Frederation newest class of vessel. T'Pal would know doubt have fit, but he had little choice, "If you could provide us with the coordainates then we can get under way. As yo your daughter, I had left her under guard in her quarters after foiling an assassination attempt by a Romulan operative. It seemed that several of the operatives behind the attack on Deep Space 5 got aboard during crew transfers."

Tapping his combdge he called the ambassador. "Ambassador t'lllialhlae. There is someone here that wished to speak to you." After a lengthy pause he tried again. "Ambassador respond."


The EMH closed his tricorder as he completed his scan of Ens Webb. and moved to the still groggy Ambassador. "Captain, she is unavailable at the moment. During the engagement a conduit ruptured. She and Ens Webb. were injured. Ens. Webb took the majority of the blast but the Ambassador has suffered a major concussion and burns to her extremities."

=^=Were is Dr. Hemmingway?=^=

"She is in surgery at the moment."

=^=Understood, bridge out.=^=

As Da'nal listened to the report from sickbay his anger rose. Webb was dead, as where other, the Ambassador's wound were relatively minor thanks to Webb's sacrifice. He died honorably in battle and the crew would need to come to terms with the losses, but now wasn't the time.

"Commander, If you would care to beam aboard I can meet you in our sickbay?"

If Llaiir found the news about the attack and her daughter's position disturbing it did not show in her face; she cut the audio communication for a moment and exchanged a few words with her own first officer.

"Very well," she said as the signal resumed, "While I am with you Tei will attempt to get some truth from the commander of the S'harien - we do not have long, and if their friends arrive while I am aboard we will proceed to our haven and the Mosaram will remain to ensure that we are not followed."

Da'nal nodded "Very well. Freedom out."

[USS Freedom]

Turning from the screen he issued a series of instruction. "Helm once you have coordinates, engage the cloak and set a course. Maintain the cloak as long as possible; I want to at least be out of the escorts sensor range before we drop the cloak.

Mr. Silonez, do your best to make that happen."

"I hope we have the best course possible out of here, I can't guarantee we'll be able to stay cloaked for more than 30 minutes before things go to hell, thirty minutes that's it, at thirty one we can start the count down to a core breach." Silonez said with emphasis.

"I'll keep the maneuvers at a minimum to conserve the cloak." CJ replied, "Maybe we can squeeze a bit more out of her."

Nodding he then turn to the rear of the bridge. "T'Pal have someone escort the Commander from the transporter room the sickbay."


With a glance to Andrew, "Commander, you're with me. Lets see just how badly he've been hurt."

As the ship got underway Da`nal turned to T'Pal, "You have the bridge."

Andrew quickly disengaged his station and left it to the relief officer, crossing the Bridge towards the lift.


Commander Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant T'pal
Chief Security/Tactical - Played by Da`nal (with permission)

Lt Ericson
CIO/ Acting Cheif Engineer

Galae EnRiov Hru’hfirh Llaiir e-Ramnau t’Khellian
NPCd by Louise

Lt "CJ" DeHavilland


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