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Check Up - Short and sweet

Posted on 31 Mar 2009 @ 3:33am by Colonel Stadi Andrus

486 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Back post - just before the "the word was given post

T'Pal had a moment before she went back to the bridge and decided to get her physical done. Once that was out of the way, it was out of the way for a year and that suited her. She made a right turn and made her way to sickbay, looking for the CMO as she entered.

Melanie finally had sickbay ready for the casualties that were going to be coming through the doors. She hated the fact that she only had the EMH to rely on. ~Why couldn't I accept a position where I had a full staff?~ She thought to herself when a woman walked through the doors.

"Doctor," T'Pal said seeing the CMO. "I am here for my physical, do you have a moment?" she asked, her voice neutral as she studied the other woman carefully.

"Absolutely." She smiled at the other woman. "Please have a seat." She said motioning to the nearest biobed.

T'Pal hopped onto the biobed and sat stoicly, watching her getting ready, not returning the smile. Apart from the ridges displaying her Klingon heritage, one could have assumed she was Vulcan, well until she was provoked, of course.

Melanie grabbed the medical tricorder and a blank PADD. She entered the tests that she was going to be performing on the lieutenant. Melanie began the scans. "How long have you been aboard lieutenant?"

"A few hours," she said. "Why do you ask?"

"Small talk lieutenant...this isn't an interrogation."

T'Pal attempted to smile and nodded. "I didn't think so, Doctor, was just curious," she said.

"I have only been here a few hours as well.." She set the tricorder down. "Well seem to be in perfect health. I haven't seen your medical file yet so if there is anything else you care to discuss..."

"No, not at present, Thank you for your time Doctor," she said and slid off the biobed. "I am not a regular visitor to sickbay, unless I get injured in sparring exercizes. Usually I send people here on a regular basis, " she said with some mirth although it was the truth.

"Try and hold back on sending people here on a regular basis until I am fully staffed." She smiled.

"I will try my best,' she said. "If you need help and I am not on duty, let me know if I can be of assistance. I am trained in field medicine," T'Pal offered.

"That will be a great help. Thank you."

T'Pal nodded. "Then you will let me know," she said as friendly as she could, which wasn't much. "If there is nothing more, I need to get back to the bridge."

"No..we are done. I may need you when the casualties come in...unless my nurse get's here first."

"Understood," The hybrid said and after inclining her head slightly, clasped her hands behind her back and walked back to the bridge.


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