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The word is given

Posted on 30 Mar 2009 @ 10:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

849 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Bridge

Things had returned to normal after the commander had hauled the two lieutenants off to no doubt chew them up one side and down the other. What had they expected....acting that way...especially in front of a Klingon. Then again it wasn't any of her concern being a lowly Petty Officer. Her only regret is that that cute technician had left. If they make it back she'd have to see if she could find him on the station. Huffing a like looking for a needle in a pile a needles.

Glancing over to the Tactical station. "Excuse me Lieutenant. Have you heard anything about how things are shaping up outside the station?

"I know that there are three Romulan ships and and the station is on red alert, so are the other Starfleet ships," she said with an edge of frustration in her voice.

Alex chewed his lip nervously, eyes far away. "A D'deridex warbird. About the only thing we can do is outfly her, the D'deridex turns like a tanker." He frowned. "Two or three broadsides from her disruptors though, and it doesn't matter HOW maneuverable we are."

As the conversation went back and forth Jessie's panel beeped as a request from sick bay came in.

DeHavilland chuckled, "Depends on your pilot, Langley." he quipped, "They can't get a broadside if I'm turning circles around them." The chief engineer grinned back at their helmsman, noting a kindred spirit, as Lieutenant Rodriguez blazed onto the Bridge.

T'Pal was still frustrated with the little information they had, but she agreed wholeheartedly with Langley. "As long as we stay out of their way," she said to DeHavilland. "We still have phasers only," T'Pal warned them.

"Aye, Lieutenant." DeHavilland chuckled, "Stay out of their weapons fire AND keep close enough for phasers." he said, "Should I tie my hand behind my back, or do you want to?" he quipped.

"Your skill would certainly be tested," T'Pal commented. "And we have only 93% aft phazers, so we can't rely to heavily on that either," she said a smirk tugged at ther lips. The idea of a battle invigorated her, whether it was logical or not, teh Klingon half of her looked forward.

Jessi looked up as the XO came out of the Ready Room. The look on her face was wasn't good. Although after that other guy had come out...he had looked absolutely livid she really hadn't expected any thing different.

Mari's eyes narrowed in on Jessi and demanded, "Update!" as she approached the first officer's chair on the bridge.

Swallowing hard, she gave her report. "No change in ships status More personnel continue to arrive as their transfer orders are recieved. Sick bay has requested any engineer or technical staff available, and the station has gone to red alert."

"Mierda," Mari cursed with a frown but she didn't panic. She forced herself to breathe slowly and evenly as she tried to think of who she might be able to send to sickbay when she needed all her technical staff to simply be getting the ship up and running and ready to go if needed, "Chief Intel..." she said suddenly to herself, "I wonder if he could swing by sickbay to check things out..." He had seemed extremely technically minded so it was a possibility...

Langley winched his jaw back up - several years dealing with greying academics on the homeworld had not prepared him for someone with the temprament of their XO. "L-Lieutenant Rodriguez? I'm Langley, Chief E-Engineer...I'd be, uh, happy to head down to Sickbay."

Looking up as the words were spoken, clear relief appeared on Mari's face, "Ah, bueno. Si, please go down and see what it is that they need. I don't want to detract from your department's preparations, though, so if it is too much or not essential, let me know."

"Not a problem, Lieutenant. N-nice to meet everyone." He nodded to the assorted officers, and headed for the turbolift, and the trials of Sickbay maintenance.

Mari turned back to the bridge with an inward sigh and looked toward the ready room. Maybe soon the captain would come and take his post so that she could go back to hers...

[Ready Room]

Da'nal sat at his desk trying to formulate how they were going to win the fight that was coming. With the stations systems defensive systems offline or compromised, the fighting would fall to the Freedom and the Ashton. What they needed was time, time for the stations crew to get the things back online. His intitial plan had already been approved but that wasn't going to be he completed the thought the rest of the plan came to him. Now he just needed to coordinate things with the station, he just hoped it would be enough. Rising from his chair he headed back out onto the bridge feeling the eyes of those assembled on him.

"Red Alert."


Lt. Commander Da`nal

Lt. Mariposa Rodriguez

Lt. T'Pal

Lt. Alex Langley

Lt. CJ DeHavilland

PO3 Jessica Logan (NPC'd by Da`nal)


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