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Doing what they can

Posted on 20 Sep 2009 @ 1:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,154 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Timeline: during the battle

Tom slammed into the bulkhead again as the ship rocked afrom another impact. If it wasn't the Romulan weapons fire, it was the tships pilot turning the ship harder than the inertial dampaners could keep up.

Calls for medical teams were coming from all over the ship and they did what the could as they made their way from location to location.

Tom looked to Aki as the tended to a crew member pinned under a fallen beam. The woman was consicious but her injuries were extreme.

"OK, OK, just calm down, I'm just getting a hypospray... " Aki exclamed.


Tom tried to move the beam but their was no way to move it, it was going to need to be cut away to get her out.

She screamed again. "AHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm going to die aren't I?!!"

"Not while I'm here with you." Aki said with a sincere look in his face. He then turned to face Tom.

Tom took out the tricorder as Aki tried to comfort her. Looking over to him, he closed the tricoder and slowly shock his head.

Aki, who was holding her hand, stood up and put a hand on Tom's shoulder. "Damn."

[ DECK 4 - Aki and Tom's location]

Tom reached down closing the woman's eyes as they felt an explosion. "That was an impact...that was inside the ship."

"That means more wounded. Let's get moving." Aki, who had a tear in his eye, basicly shouted to no-one inparticular.

Grabbing up his kit they headed the jefferies tube and stated the climb.

[DECK 2 - VIP Quarters]

As they climbed out of the tube they could smell burnt components and flesh. Scrabling down the corridor the walls were charge from the explosion an the wall crackeled with severed circuts. Digging through the debris thay found two bodies.

"Verify their corpses. I'll look for more." Aki said, in a seemingly harsh tone.

Looking up at Aki's back with a scowl, then his features calmed a bit. ~Guess he took that lady's death personally?~ Returning to the task at hand he scanned the bodies partially covered by debris. "WE GOT LIVE ONES HERE! The first bodies had the remains of uniform and as Tom clear more debris he saw a phaser clutched tightly his th man's hand. ~must have been security...but why did he have his phaser out? Maybe he has expecting the ship to be boarded.~

"He's in bad shape, He needs to get to Sick bay now."

"Agree'd, Search for more, They'll probably let us use a site to site transport for this job"

"The other.....IT'S the AMBASSADOR!"

Aki's face turned instantly and ran to the side of the Ambassador. "Report!" Aki yelled at Tom, the first time he had given an 'order' in quite some time.

Tom cleared more of the debris and tagged the security officer with a transponder from his kit once activated he was transported to Sickbay. Now with him out of the way he could get to the Ambassador without any problem. Scanning her again, "she's got a concussion and plasma burns and what looks like a previous injury to her side."

As Tom gave his report the commotion must have brought her arround. "You'll be ok...just take it easy. What happened?"

"He put himself between me and the conduit," Isha said, dazed enough to revert automatically to speaking in her native tongue. Perhaps she was a little charred around the edges - certainly, what had been a formal gown bore the evidence of exposure to heat and the stains of blood that was not Isha's own. She blinked slowly realising that she was on the floor.

Tom helped her sit up slowly, then gave her a mild stimulant to help clear the fog. As he did she became more alert to her surroundings.

"What do you think you are doing in my quarters?" she asked sharply.

"Saving your life. Now, sit still, don't figit. If you want to live that is." Aki said, kneeling down to tend to her wounds.

Isha held up her hand, palm out, "I've had enough of assassins and traitors. Tell me who you are before you come an inch closer to me." She spoke Federation Standard now, and was quite willing to allow herself to bleed to death before she let the stranger closer.

"I'm not an assassin!" Aki yelled at her. "Frankly, if it were up to me, I'd let you bleed. But it's not up to me, so I cant. Do I make myself immaculately clear Ambassador!" His words were lies. He knew that. His employer knew that as well... He just didn't want to reaveal it, just yet.

"Which is just what an assassin would say!" Isha snapped back. "Address me with proper courtesy, lloan'ha," she said, irritable haughtiness a fitting refuge from the pain.

"Damn it woman!" Aki bellowed obviously annoyed. "You'll die by your own damn hands if you dont let me and Tom do our job!" This was the first time Aki had shouted at someone who could have him killed within ten seconds. "Now, are you going to let us help you, or are you going to continue being difficult?"

"In which case I shall pass out of this life knowing that you will never be able to explain why you let me die." With a half smile Isha turned her gaze to the other one. "If I were you, Tom I would advise your nameless friend here to watch his tongue, I have an exceptionally long memory ..." she reached for the nearest piece of furniture to pull herself to her feet but fell back as the pain lanced down her side.

Aki was abviously getting annoyed. "Damn it you spoiled brat! My name is Aki Vixen! I'm the Chef onboard! I'm here to save your life, and frankly, you haven't got a choice about it!" Aki yet again bellowed, he then reached for a hypospray and assembled it with the correct substance.

While the two argued Tom had prepared another hypo. ~I never should have gine her that stim~ he thought. He knew enough the the anger of an arguemnt would raise her blood pressure...the last thing someone with a concussion needed. As she fell back he beat Aki to the punch and pressed his hypo to her shoulder and caught her as she collapsed into unconsciousness. ~She's not going to like me when she wakes up...~

"What the hell are you thinking?! I told you she had a concussion and your here fighting with her." Tossing Aki his kit, "let's just get her to sickbay."

"Agreed. But next time I'm in an arguement with a hurt Romulan, please just knock 'em out before they talk." Aki said, part joking, part seriously.


Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Ships Steward - NPC'd by Chris

Aki Vixen
Ships Chef


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