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Tactical engineering

Posted on 30 Mar 2009 @ 9:37am by

366 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: jeffreys's tube
Timeline: Current

It was still very hot in the jeffrey's tube but T'Pal didn't mind the intense heat. For the third time, the circuit running to the aft phazers blew when they tried to load. Even if the heat from the small exposion didn't bother her, this was testing her patience. Once again, she crawled closer. She was no engineer, so she wasn't going to interfere with the repair crew, but there was something her trained eyes would pick up on quickly and that was tampering. Her suspicious nature compelled her to look at every angle.

With nimble fingers, she quickly removed the panel and checked for tell tale signs, but found none. But the circuit would blow with the wrong interface, now wouldn't it? The string of words that flowed out of her mouth were vile. For a hybrid Klingon, it came naturally to curse anyone and everyone that had worked with this. The repair crew held back a bit.... it was too hot for them anyway.

T'Pal bypassed and rigged an interface that would hold.... had to anyway. She shooed the repair team to get out of the way so they could test again. She crawled forward to a junction and climbed through the hatch and called the tac afficer on the station to load the banks again. Stretching her legs a bit, she waited for the result.

At least this time it seemed not to blow the circuitry. She crawlwd back to the where she made the adjustments and opened the panel, checking the current. "T'Pal to Tactical. Run ii five more times and monitor the frequencies at my location. It is still too hot, so I will recallibrate," she said

=/\= "Acknowledged" came the response form the bridge.

T'Pal contined to monitor and make the neccesaary adjustments, before she after she was certain the interface would hold and then made her way out of the jeffreys' tube. Swinging out of the hatch, she motioned for the repair team that they could go ahead and do their part.

She had to pass by medical on her way to the bridge and decided to do her physical, so she could get it out of the way.



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