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Waiting ...

Posted on 29 Mar 2009 @ 4:37pm by

230 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Termin Elek's Quarters
Timeline: Freedom's Departure

Elek felt a frission of excitement as he felt the emotional "temperature" go up in the ship - departure was imminent.
The El-Aurian / Betazoid had returned to his quarters to briefly meditate, and prepare himself for the mission ahead. He wasn't sure if his diplomatic skills would be needed on the mission ahead, but he was sure that his counselling skills certainly would be - the stress this crew had been under was certainly intense enough to warrant tensions and anger to rise quickly and result in incidents.
He was aware that a captain had been assigned, and he resolve to speak to him as soon as possible about it.
Elek leaned back in a chair that he had turned to face the window, and felt a sense of calm overtake him as he stared out at the sights outside. He always found space to be enchanting, and it made allowed him to feel rested. He knew that he wouldn't feel like this for very long - whatever was going to happen would happen soon - so he took the chance while he still could.
Closing his eyes, he drew in a breath and began mouthing an El-Aurian meditation mantra, giving himself ten minutes before he would return to the bridge and allow himself to be immersed in whatever issues arose.

Lieutenant (JG) Termin Elek
Chief Diplomatic Officer / Ship's Counselor


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