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Freedom, Or So It Seems

Posted on 29 Jul 2009 @ 12:29pm by

315 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Liberator
Timeline: After "Arrival"

Wandella, now uncuffed and free to do as she liked, had decided that seeing her quarters wasn't top of the priority list at that moment, she wanted to see the Liberator that the CO had been going on about. She'd test flown Aerowings before, but never a fully armed one in a combat situation. ~I wonder if my code already works.~ She thought as she entered it into the bay door, "Sweet!" She broke into a broad grin as the doors opened and she slid into the Liberator for the first time.

The inside of the Liberator was like nothing she'd ever seen before, the Aerowings she'd flown before had been very bare bones and experimental, this one was like a luxury shuttle with a lot of teeth, "A girl could learn to live like this." She smirked, walking around the cockpit, but not feeling just right. Realizing the problem she reached down to remove her boots and tossed them behind her, walking barefoot in the shuttle that would become her main base of operations, ~Who would ever want to fly a console on a ship when they could fly this?~

She checked every button, every dial, every instrument, finding everything to be beyond state of the art, "Computer, status of warp drive."

=Warp drive is fully functional and operating at 99.8743 percent efficiency.=

"Very nice." Wandella nodded, "Computer, status of weapons systems?"

=Weapons systems are fully functional and operating at maximum efficiency.=

"So we're ready to fight then." Wandella laughed softly, she was going to get so much out of this machine, more than anyone had ever dreamed about getting out of any shuttle. Looking at her watch Wandella realized she should try to get settled in, so she grabbed her gear and her boots, stepping out back into the main corridors, "Don't worry, darling, mama will be back soon."


Ens. Wandella Kristere


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