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You're Kidding, Right?

Posted on 29 Jul 2009 @ 11:25am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

662 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Commander's Ready Room
Timeline: Leaving SB 47

Lieutenant DeHavilland stood quietly just before the door into the Commander's Ready Room, his finger poised over the chime as he took a deep breath and tried to prepare his thoughts. Steeling himself, he pressed the chime.

Da`nal was looking over a message from his family. They had arrived at DS5...looking up, "Enter."

CJ stepped smartly through and approached the Commander.

"Sir, I'd like to speak with you if you have a moment." he said.

Already knowing what this was about he waved the officer in. "Have a seat Lieutenant."

CJ took the seat quietly and then looked up at the Commander.

"I think you know why I'm here, sir." he said. "I would never question you openly, but I feel you're sidelining your best pilot to babysit the Freedom." he said, "My abilities are better put to use flying the Liberator. Petty Officer zh'Bol is more than capable of holding up this end of things."

Sitting back in his chair, Da`nal crossed his arms over his chest as a scowl formed. "But you would question me behind closed doors?" CJ was lucky he wasn't on a Klingon ship.

"I feel its in the best interest of this crew and this mission that I question this order, sir." CJ replied, "I feel our chances of success will be far greater if you make use of my experience and abilities aboard the Liberator. You've seen first hand what I'm capable of, sir, why even consider another flight crew?" he asked.

"So. Your recommendation, should we enter a combat situation, is that I should send my best pilot into the fight in a shuttle so he can play fighter jock. All the while leaving every member of this crew in the hands of a Petty Officer." Before he could reply Da`nal continued. "Whose piloting allowed T'Pal to target the Romulans effectively? Who's piloting kept the enemy fire away from weakened portions of our shields? Who's piloting not only kept us on target so we could deploy the torpedoes, and kept us from being destroyed at the same time?"

CJ tried sputter a response, but Da`nal continued.

"So unless you have made a duplicate of yourself you will man your post Mister." Da`nal took a calming breath. "Lieutenant, you are correct I know 'first hand' just how good you are. Its that very reason why I want You at the Freedom's helm when going into battle."

CJ stared blankly back at Da`nal at a utter loss for words, which was saying something for him. He opened his mouth a few times to try and speak, but finally gave up and just nodded his head.

"Aye, sir." he said quietly, drawing himself up a bit. Now that he was fully embarassed, he tried to turn the conversation. "Who did you choose to fly the Liberator?" he asked.

"For now it looks as if it'll be our resident hot dog, Ensign Wandella. Her pilot ratings are about as impressive as her arrest record. She is in your department so I expect you to keep her inline. As passed in the briefing before we left I want that ship crewed and ready when we hit the border, rapid deployment and joint vessel drills. Also see if the Liberator's bay door can be boosted for rapid deployment...I would hate to have to blow the doors if the shuttle is needed in a hurry."

"Funny thing about hot-doggers and their ratings... there's always someone better." he smiled. "I'll keep her in line, sir. No worries there. As for the door's, I'll work with the Chief and see if we can't arrange something." he added.

"Good. Now lets get out of here. Request a departure clearance from the station and set a course for the Neutral Zone, to the coordinates provided by the Ambassador."


Cmdr Da`nal

Ltjg "CJ" DeHavilland


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