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something that shouldn't be done (Part 2)

Posted on 30 Jul 2009 @ 8:00pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

821 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Holo deck 2
Timeline: back post

Lita was standing in the turbo lift, there was only one real way to deal with Silonez, and it wasn't going to pretty, she even knew which holodeck program he'd be running, she just hoped that he would listen to her and the Captain, they had the answers that he needed.

As they entered the holo-deck the air filled with a blast of what could be described as controlled tribal warfare, it was somekind of Music, if she was correct the term was 'death metal' a twentyeth and twenty-first century music form that was a darker off shoot of rock and roll. The Venue itseft could be described as something from the early twenty-first century, the crowd was a mixture of humans, klingons, and other species, one klingon walked over to Da'Nal, dressed in what were called Jeans and a shirt that said 'Napalm Death' he let out a growl held up his hand in a jesture that involved extending the two outer fingers on a clentched fist.

Da`nal was temped to end the program and confront Silonez directly, but decided to let the program continue. Pushing passed the Klingon Hippy he made his way into the crowd to find his officer. Turning back, "Any suggestions?"

Lita looked around, she saw mostly humans and klingons around, but none resembling Silonez, it wasn't until the staccado of the next song blasted through the air that Lita figured out where he was, she pointed to the stage, he stood there an electric guitar in hand, his hands and fingers were moving a blistering pace, the Female Klingon vocalist let out a guteral roar and the crowd seem to be enjoying themselves Lita looked at Da'nal, "I knew he could play guitar, but I didn't know about this." Lita observed.

"Well, it's time to put an end to his little concert. Computer, remove audience."

Silonez stopped playing as soon as he realized the crowd was gone, he looked up and saw Lita and the Captain standing there, annoyed that his leasure time was being interupted he asked with a rather sharp tone "What brings you here?"

Folding his arms across his chest, "The fact that you were called to the Ready room and didn't respond, to either mine nor the Ensigns hails."

Silonez knew the music was loud enough to drown out the comms, "Sorry about that, now down to the matter at hand, what brings you here?"

Lita handed him the PADD, "we came down here because of this."

Silonez sat down on the edge of the stage, and started to read, it wasn't hard to realize that he was getting confirmation of someting that he had suspected for three weeks now, he looked up then looked back down at the PADD, he went from heartbroken to seething with rage, everyone around him knew he was going to say or do something instead he stood up and looked at the Captain, then at Lita. "When we get back into federation space I have to get in contact with assistant Director Admiral Morgan about this, this information doesn't leave this holodeck."

Da`nal looked at his officer carefull. "Care to explain yourself Lieutenant. First you are beating yourself up to the point you try to kill yourself and know you are ready willing and able to jump back into the fray???"

"Not at the moment, I think a more productive responce would be to allow me to find my own way back to active duty Captain, this report is something I've lived in denial about for a few days, now seeing it compiled here infront of me is enough to make me realize that at some point I'm going to have to face this problem, and serve the penalties that come with it." Silones sat down the PADD beside him and looked at Lita then Da'Nal.

"By responce I assume you are meaning from Admiral Morgan?"

"Admiral Moragan had me assigned here to keep me away from this, fully knowing I wouldn't take it well, but knowing I comprimised my own mission was enough to make me realise I was foolish, but I also need to find a more productive method of dealing with this."

"Could it be that he had something else to be concerned about than how you would take it. It seems that by keeping this information from you; you were carrying a burden of guilt for things that were not your fault"

"But in the future I will be more careful about who I associate with, I've already been burned once." Jarred said with some irony.

"Well then, now that thats settled perhaps we can get back to work. Ensign if you would be so kind as to bring your boss back up to speed. We do have a mission to complete"


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Silonez Eircson

Ens Lita Wilkinson
IO - NPC'd by Silonez


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