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After the 'interview'

Posted on 30 Jul 2009 @ 8:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

996 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Da`nal's quarters
Timeline: After Nerok's arrest - on route to the NZ

Straight after the arrest and the intruder's demise, T'Pal walked out of the brig and tapped her comm badge "T'Pal to Da'nal, I need to see you urgently," she said. She wanted to see the CO even before she spoke to anyone else.

It was late and Da`nal was in his quarters wrapping up a letter to someone at DS5 when he was paged. Setting the padd down he replied, "I'm in my quarters." His curiousity peeked at what she needed at this late hour.

"I will meet you there," she said and made her way to the CO's quarters and pressed the chime to be allowed entrance once she had reached his quarters. As the doors swished open, she stepped inside.

Da`nal sat there out of his uniform in some slacks and a loose shirt. While he had been waiting he had got another drink, an Earth drink that he actually liked, and was returning to his seat when the chime rang and he allowed his guest to enter. "What can I do for you T'Pal?"

"I apologize for disturbing you so late, but I need to bring a few things to your attention," she said still standing.

"Go on."

"I had a mind meld with the Romulan Ambassador, as she wanted assistance with a memory that had been blocked. she had seen someone on the ship she had recognized, the same person we had been investigating, as a suspect for being an intruder and here to assist Nniol to escape. He
is known on this ship as Nerok, a science officer. It was confirmed that he was that person. I needed more proof though and went through with my plan to *interview* Nniol". She was still dressed in the outfit she went to see Nniol with, a little blood on her hair, with some signs of the
violent interaction still visible to the trained eye.

Da`nal smirked a bit at the term 'interview', know full well that it had been much more than that. "Were you able to get the information you needed?"

"Eventually he did give me name I was after, namely Guillan, or Nerok. We went to arrest him, but when he found that we were on to him, he commited suicide," she reported handing him a PADD with a full report. As she leaned over, her eyes accidentally fell on the name of the person
he had addressed his letter to.. Normallly she wouldn't take notice, but something caught her eye. ~Ayren Kelan, CDO, DS5.~ She had the same surname as the hit she had recieved form Kretorg of the House of Torath.... X'aedell Kelan, his niece. her face remained it's controlled mask, nothing of her thoughts or even that she had seen something noticeble.

He thought for a moment as he read the report. Does the Ambassador know of the agents death...does Nniol?" Before she could reply he backed the conversation. "First things first..How did you get the information?"

"I was getting nowhere with him, so I needed something more drastic, that was when I dropped the shield and as I did that, my staff knew to lock me out of the security system. I allowed him to believe that he had me overpowered and took control of the situation once I got what I wanted." He would see in the report that she had had a broken arm and jaw for her efforts and several other cuts and bruises. She took a big risk, but it had paid off in the end.

He continued to read the report as she explained her 'technique'. She had put herself in danger to say the least. "You didn't attempt to get any other information from him? A man like Nniol seems to be one that boost when he feel in a superior position. Surely there is more information that you could have gotten from him?"

"You are right Sir, There is indeed something else... Nniol told me that he kept a Klingon slave... I thought that was something you might be interested to know..." she said.

"A slave?! I find it hard to believe a Klingon would be a slave to anyone, let alone a Romulan. Did you get this slaves name?"

"No," she said with some regret. "That was not my focus... " she said. "He did mention that he had *fun* breaking him in... I do believe that over a period of time... and the warrior is prevented from committing hegh'bat, this man could break almost any one," she observed thoughtfully.

Breathing out slowly. "I suppose it is possible, hopefully this Klingon is just playing a part and biding his time, until he has the chance to redeem his honor. Trace this, Nerok's movements. See if there is a real Nerok that this Romulan was impersonating. If so I'm sure the family would like to know...if they weren't eliminated as well."

"I will do so," she said and got ready to leave. "I think the swich took place on DS5. I will contact the station security. Is there anything else that you would like me to do?"

Da`nal was about to dismiss her when a thought occurred to him. "Check to see if this Romulan's DNA matches the DNA found after the attack on my children. The reports from the attack and witness accounts should be in the computer." If they could link Nniol's man to that attack...they could bring those charges against him specifically. Even a Romulan government couldn't condone the attempted assassination of children.

A small almost imperceptable smile formed on T'Pal's mouth, seeing where he was going. "I will look if there is a link.." she said. "We will bring this man to justice, one way or the other," she said, leaving the meaning of her words open to interpretation.

Nodding with a subtle grin of his own, "Dismissed."


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt. T'Pal


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