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Romulan Rendezvous

Posted on 01 Aug 2009 @ 7:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,535 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom - at the Neutral Zone

After leaving Starbase 47, it had taken little time to reach the Neutral Zone. After receiving a hail that the Freedom was closing rapidly on their destination, he stood from his desk and moved quickly out onto the bridge.

"Helm, slow to 1/2 impulse. Do not cross into the zone."

"Aye, sir."

"T'Pal, any sign of our escort?"

"There is nothing as yet. They must still be cloaked," she said as she continued to scan for them.

"Open hailing frequencies."

Jessie found herself on the on the bridge again when the ship was preparing to face Romulans. She only hoped this time it didn't turn into a firefight. From what her department head Lt. Cranz had informed them this situation could get ugly quick. "Hailing frequencies open sir."

"To any Romulan vessels. This is the Federation Starship USS Freedom. With the permission of the Romulan Senate we are here to bring Ambassador t'Illialhlae, and other citizens of the Romulan Empire to Romulus. Acknowledge."

Shaking her head Jessica informed the captain of the obvious. "No response sir."

"Understood, close the channel." Once the channel was closed, "Looks like we'll just have to wait." Da`nal frowned, ~Romulans...~, he knew they were out there...they had to be. He allowed the minutes to tick by waiting for a response ... of any kind. Tapping his commbadge, =^=Ambassador t'Illialhlae, we are arriving at the Neutral Zone. Please join me on the bridge.=^=

Webb was sitting in a chair going over reports as to what had transpired over the last few days. He sipped on a glass of Iced Tea waiting on the Ambassador to get ready. They both new that she would be getting called to the Bridge sooner or later.

“Tell him we’ll join him,†Isha said to Webb as she wound her hair into a coil at the base of her neck and skewered it with a pair of decorative bodkins. The lacquered handles encrusted with gems that glittered crimson, matching the trim that edged the black high collared gown; it was the same thing she had worn when she visited Darson a day or so before the attack on DS5, but now the tightly fitted bodice felt rather looser, “At this rate I’ll have to have everything altered,†she muttered to no-one in particular s she rose.

Webb tapped his comm badge. =A=This is Webb, Captain. We are on our way.=A=

Turning at the sound of the turbolift doors, Da`nal watched as the Ambassador stepped out. "Ambassador, we are holding position at the border. I have no doubt that our escorts are out there, but there has been no reply to our hails. Would you care to try?"

Isha paused, her gaze scrutinizing the Klingon for a moment … it was something about the light … “Tell me, Da’nal, had we ever met before you visited me in my office at the Consulate on Deep Space Five?†she asked, quite puzzled as he moved and the illusion of familiarity passed.

Da`nal was puzzled by her inquiry, especially at this stage of the game. "Not to my knowledge."

The Ambassador shrugged, “You should have summoned me sooner,†she said, “I believe I told you that our clearance was provided for my use and that they would want confirmation that I was on board – once that is done I am certain that you will not need to drag me in here every time you wish to communicate with them. I need to instruct your computer – will it obey me?†It wasn’t as though she was ordering a cup of tea, Isha thought, they should have her locked out of every major system, that one in particular.

"It will once you have access." Da`nal nodded to T'Pal to grant her her the temporary access she needed.

T'Pal tapped her console and adjusted the clearance that would allow teh computer to obey her. for now.l

“Then be so good as to transmit the first clearance code I supplied, on repeat – now, computer, amend the third string on the seventh iteration. After the ninetieth integer - insert - lhohnu'dhival – sei’lhi – Illialhlae – and repeat … its terribly simple, amending the clearance by two digits … now … if you will allow me, and forgive my excessive use of titles, please hail them again.â€

“Shaoi ben this is Ambassador hru'Hfirh e-Khellian’ramnau t’Illialhlae, Khre’Riov of S’Deihuih Ael’khlina-vrelnec. Make yourselves known,†Isha paused for a moment before turning with a half smile to her Federation hosts to offer a little explanation as she waited for the response, “Its an honorary hereditary title,†she said, “my House is still in a position to be able to adhere to the tradition of supporting the government by directly providing and controlling ships – the Great Senatorial Wing of the Honored Scimitar – it sounds so bloody pompous! That’s actually why our flagship is named Vrelnec, and why I’ll meet such terrible opposition if I rename it,†she added for the benefit of those who had rescued she and Opaka from the warbird. “I don’t generally feel the need to go around naming myself an admiral but it seemed appropriate – all we know are the names of our escort - the Yhae and the S'harien – perhaps it will help impress whoever is in command of those ships.â€

Da`nal took a seat in his chair as they waited for the ships to respond and show themselves.

Rolling her lower lip between her teeth Isha touched her fingertips together – the lack of trust she was able to place in her own people was growing intolerable. She hated having to rely on aid from another source but with her House split she could not call on one of her own ships and risk finding out too late that it was packed with turncoats and traitors – the assistance Galae Enriov Liun had negotiated through the Senate was preferable.

As the screen changed she released her lip and let her hands fall to her sides as she examined the man’s image, he was about a hundred, she estimated, ranked Riov, and probably lacked any sense of humour, Isha surmised, he was also utterly unfamiliar to her.

“Da’nal, would you join me,†she said as she waited for the Romulan to speak.

“Shaoi kon, Ihhei hru’Hfirh t’Illialhlae, Galae Enriov Liun sends his greetings. I am Amerik i-Nn'Verih commander of your escort detail,†he said.

Isha nodded, “Riov, I would introduce my hosts to you. This is Commander Da’nal, the commanding officer of the USS Freedom. i-Nn’Verih, you will liaise directly with his people as we head to ch’Rihan as though you were speaking directly with me.â€

Da`nal stood at his introduction, nodding. "Commander. If you are ready to get underway I would suggest we proceed. We don't want to keep your Senate waiting." He would have asked the Commander if he and his officer would care to join him for a few refreshments after the set off, but remembering how things went with the ambassador he passed on the idea.

Isha's lips tightened as she threw a sharp little sideways glance at the Klingon; That was not very polite! she thought, what sort of dha'rudh aggravates an escort through hostile territory - many Rihannsu were exceptionally touchy about the little courtesies, especially those who had escort duties foisted on them. Of course it left her to tidy up after him.

"What the Commander says is true, Riov i-Nn'Verih, on another day we might take the time to become better acquainted, but we do have an exceptionally tight schedule," Isha said pleasantly.

The Romulan's eyes flickered between Isha and Da'nal as if he were considering saying something, but he merely allowed himself a half suppressed smirk, "Very well, Ihhei it will be as you ask. ta'khoi (screen off)."

As the screen blanked Isha folded her arms, "Is that all?" she snapped.

Da`nal knew better but he couldn't help it, especially considering her holier-than-thou tone. "No that will be all. You're dismissed."

Isha sucked in a deep breath, the glint in her agate eyes every bit as cold as the fury she felt at the offhand manner of this ryak'na (trash).

"You will regret that," she said to Da'nal, close enough for her low whisper to be audible only to him, "

kll'inghann-a fvaiin aefvadh-ayar'dhat nneikha
," while the translator was still working on rendering the idiom she turned on her heel and stalked from the bridge, "Webb, with me, please," she said without waiting to see if he was following.

Webb nodded to the Captain as he fell in behind the Ambassador and followed her to the turbolift. Once in the turbolift he turned to face the closing door with a motionless face.


Cmdr Da`nal

Ambassador Ish e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Ensign Timothy Webb
Security Officer

Lt T'Pal

PO Jessica Logan - Operations
NPC'd by Da`nal


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