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Posted on 27 Jul 2009 @ 9:20pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,815 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom
Timeline: Current

Da`nal walked the bridge glancing from console to console as he walked. No doubt he was making the junior officers nervous but they would just have to get accustomed to his movements. He couldn't sit in any chair for long, he was too accustomed to standing or moving around taking care of this task or that. He wondered if all new Captains went through the same thing he was.

Preparations for departure were complete and the crew had all been recalled from the station. Right now they were waiting on there new pilot he had requested. As he started another round, Da`nal's yeoman stepped out of the turbo lift and to the rail, "Captain, the personnel file on the pilot you requested." Handing the padd down to him. "She should be arriving within the hour."

Taking the padd, "Thank you. Send her to the ready room as soon as she arrives."

"Aye, sir."

As the yeoman left Da`nal turned to his XO, "Lets see who Starfleet has sent us." ~Finally! Something to do beside pace the bridge.~

Andrew nodded and stood up from his chair "Who've you got?" Andrew asked, crossing the Bridge just a few paces behind the Commander towards his Ready Room.

Tossing him the padd as he stood Da`nal head toward the ready room. Taking a seat at his desk, he activated the monitor and the transfer order along with her records was already there waiting for him.

Da`nal read the profile quickly..."Looks like we have ourselves a bit of a hot dog."

"Yes... because we need another one." Fienneman replied, arching his eyebrow and shaking his head at the display. "DeHavilland nearly flew this rig apart in your last battle. Last thing we need is another hot shot spinning apart our shuttles too."

"Well I did ask for the 'crack pilot', so I guess we got what I asked for. At least the Liberator is designed more like a least more than the Freedom herself." Glancing again at her service record, "Well at least the two of you will have something in common." The corner of his mouth lifting as he referred to the XO own bar brawl.

"Hardly." Fienneman replied, shaking his head.

"I would never question you in front of the crew, but what's your expectation here, Da`nal?" he pressed, "You expect DeHavilland to take this lying down? I've only met the man once, but based on the reports I've read, he's going to be a handful. He may not take staying here on the Freedom as well as you'd like." he continued, "And, to be honest Da`nal, I can't blame him. You're putting an Ensign pilot in charge of that vessel when you have a higher ranked and more expereinced, battle-seasoned Officer here on the Freedom." he said, pausing to gauge the Commander's reaction a bit.

Da`nal pursed his lips slightly as he straightened in his chair. "Whether he likes the situation, how he takes it...'lying down' or otherwise and if he's going to be a handful or not is for you to handle. However I expect DeHavilland to act like the Department Head he is. As to who is in charge of the Liberator; as the Flight Control DH, that still falls to DeHavilland. Unfortunately he can't be in two places at once, that is one reason I requested a high caliber pilot for the Liberator. The other being with us heading into what could easily turn into a fire fight, if not a war zone, the battle-seasoned flight officer will need to be at the helm of this ship. Once this mission is over and we aren't facing the prospect of battling Romulans at every turn, they can rotate bridge/shuttle assignments for all I care, as long as it doesn't interfere with the smooth operation of this ship".

"Right." Andrew replied, sighing. He sympathized with DeHavilland, but there wasn't anything else he could do.

"So when's our new pilot get here?" he asked, trying to move the conversation on.

[Meanwhile...Outside the ship]

Wandella had received her orders three days before to transfer to the USS Freedom, apparently they were quite ready for her to be gone, not even allowing her to stay until the Freedom arrived to pick her up, instead ordering her to meet them halfway, ~That's okay, place wasn't any fun for me anymore anyway.~ She thought as she approached the starbase from about twenty thousand meters, ~This place might be fun, though. Time to find out.~ Punching the throttle to it's absolute max she buzzed by the ops deck quickly, looping underneath and up again, and zipping into the open spacedoors at top speed, flying between the nacelles of the Freedom before spinning around and coming to a stop behind the ship, =A= Attention USS Freedom, this is Ens. Wandella Kristere, your new shuttle pilot, reporting for duty. Permission to land?=A=

=A=You fracking psychopath! What were you trying to do, kill us all?=A= The deck officer shouted over the comm, =A=Permission to land in shuttlebay one granted.=A= With that he shut off the comm channel to her, opening one to security, =A=Have the security officers on deck arrest that lunatic the second she lands.=A=

[Five Minutes Later]

Wandella had made a perfect landing, even doing a bit of in-bay aerobatics, a small 360 before landing in a small, out of the way space. Stepping out of her shuttle she let her long hair down and unzipped her jacket, turning to greet the phalanx of security officers waiting for her, "Hi, boys. All this for me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow naughtily, some of them were kind of cute, after all.

"Ma'am," The CPO in charge of the detail said, "Place your hands behind your back, thumbs up."

"Shouldn't you at least buy me dinner first?" She joked as he handcuffed her, ~Well, if nothing else it feels like home already.~ "Hey, can one of you get my bags? Thanks!"

[Five Minutes Later, in front of Commander Da'nal's Office]

The security CPO rang the chime to Commander Da'nal's office and waited to be admitted, turning to his assistant while he did so, "Better call down to the brig and have Petty Officer Turner get a cell ready for this one. Skipper's real likely to throw the book at this one.

Wandella just rolled her eyes, ~If I had a slip of latinum for every time I've heard that.~

[Ready Room]

Da`nal opened his mouth to reply just as the chime sounded. "That could be our pilot now." Sitting back slightly he replied to whoever was at his door, "Enter."

Andrew paused as well, turning his attention to the door and drawing up a bit more professionally.

"Sir, Chief Petty Officer Brundle, security." The Team leader introduced himself, "I have this prisoner and was instructed by the deck officer to take her into custody and bring her to you."

"Hi, Wandella Kristere, nice to meet you." She smirked, "Forgive me if I don't shake hands."

"Thank you, Mr. Brundle." Fienneman replied, casting a glance sideways at Da`nal. At least when he'd been sent to the Brig, he handled it with a bit more... finesse. "You can turn her loose." he added.

"Not necessary, sweetface." Wandella winked, slipping the cuffs with relative ease and handing them back to Brundle, "There. You should hold on to these, it's far too early in our relationship for you to be giving me jewelry."

"That will be enough Ensign." Then turning to the Chief, "What did the Deck Officer charge her with?"

"Careless operation, violation of landing protocols, violation of docking protocols, breaching station security, reckless endangerment." Brundle sighed, "He says he wishes we could charge her with criminal stupidity as well."

"Stupidity? STUPIDITY?!!?" Wandella growled, "I'll show that fool stupidity. He wishes he could fly like me!"

"Sir, permission to stun her?" Brundle sighed, he was at his wit's end with her as it was.

Launching himself from his desk, his hands striking the surface. "ENOUGH! Chief I asked for charges not offhand remarks! Ensign, I don't know what type of CO's you've had in the past but you have a choice! Follow the rules, remain on this ship and get to pilot our aerowing class runabout....and possibly the Freedom herself, the first of her class and a state of the art starship. OR I can see that you return to the brig and pilot nothing faster than a travel pod!"

"All I was trying to do was land, Captain." Wandella replied, "I don't know what all of this fuss is about. You want to be angry? Talk to this stun happy lunatic! If you want to be happy, just stand back and watch what Wandella can do with your aerowing, not to mention this ship. I fly circles around any pilot in Starfleet! That's a fact, Sir, not an opinion."

"Confident, are we?" Fienneman replied. "This should be an interesting flight crew." he added, smirking at Da`nal.

Nodding, Da`nal though ~That was an understatement.~

"I just know my skills, Commander." Wandella smiled and untied her hair, letting it shake out in a slow flip, she liked him already. She walked over to him seductively, but, she walked everywhere and to everyone seductively, "Ensign Wandella Kristere, sir, best pilot you'll ever see."

Andrew looked drolly over at Da`nal with a look that cleary said, 'you're kidding me', but smiled back at the Ensign. "Pleasure." he said, shaking her hand. "We'll see about that best pilot business later." he smiled.

"Whenever you're ready." Wandella replied, raising her eyebrows naughtily, "I promise you'll have fun."

Da`nal arched an brow at her play on words with a senior officer. ~Well as the saying goes...Not guts no glory.~

"Perhaps we should introduce her to her Department Head?" Andrew asked, smiling mischievously at Da`nal. DeHavilland's own reputation as a hot-shot stood to make this quite the interesting pairing.

"Sirs, I hate to interrupt, but are you going to want me to toss her in the brig or what?" Brundle asked, "I mean, if you'd like, I have some other things I can be doing and I can let you handle this."

"I think we can handle it Mr. Brundle." Andrew replied, gesturing towards the door.

"Suits me just fine, Sir." Brundle nodded, moving towards the door and motioning for his men to come with him, "Girl's crazy anyway."

"That's a popular theory." Wandella smiled.

Da`nal took his seat as he smirked and shook his head. Tapping his commbadge. =^=Mr DeHavilland, would you join us in the ready room.=^=


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt. Cmdr Andrew Fienneman

Ens. Wandella Kristere


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