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Posted on 29 Mar 2009 @ 3:38pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

284 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: USS Freedom / DS5 Ops

[Ready Room]

Da`nal grinned and look our the port towards the repair yard were the Ashton was no doubt as hectic as the Freedom. In a hushed voice he returned her toast. "Qapla ra'wl' (Success Commander).
"Computer open a secure channel to Station Operations."

"Channel Open."

As the Channel opened Commande Davies voice filled the room, but it was not the Freedom he was addressing.

"Attention all decks. We are now at a full red alert. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill. All civilian personnel are to report to the central hub for safety. All crew are relieved of off duty status and you are to report to your department for further instruction. People of Deep Space 5, we are about to come under attack and we are to stand unified against this incursion onto our station. Good luck, Commander David Davies."

Muting his end of the comm he looked into the eyes the XO staring at him. "Seal all exterior hatches and clear all moorings. Then move the ship clear our our docking bay and bring the ship to Red Alert. All technicans still aboard are to remain or return to their assigned areas to man any empty stations and assist Engineering and Damage Control parties."

Without another word he turned back to the comm panel on the desk and unmuted the connection. "Lt. Cmdr Da`nal to Cmdr Davies. I have arrived and assumed command of the USS Freedom."

Closing the channel he sat and began to formulate a battle plan. Technically he was still the stations Strategic Operations officer, and the success or failure of the coming battle could vary well rest on his shoulders.


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