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Something that shouldn't be done - Pt 1

Posted on 27 Jul 2009 @ 4:52pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,248 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Captains Ready room
Timeline: Shortly after the Departure Brief

Lita was flustered, she had a hunch and she needed the captains premission to act on it, Termin was getting no where with silonez and time was running out, she was taking a huge gamble that this would do more harm than good but he was her friend and Lita neede to do something, anything was preferable too nothing. She pushed the door chime and waited for the gruff Klingon acknowledgement.

Da'nal yawned as the chime sounded, it had been a long frustrated couple of days. Soon they would be under way and the sooner they got this over with the better. "Enter"

"I'm sorry to interupt captain" lita said timidly

"Ah Ensign, what can I do for you?"

"I think Lieutenant Eleik is going about this the wrong way, its not what is wrong, its what going on, I did some digging with a friend back on earth, Silonez may be suffering from post tramatic stress." Lita was less than subtle about the matter. "I found a mission report from three months ago that set off more than one red alert."

"Hmmm... Well PTSD would definately explain things. What did you find?"

"I found a report about a bombing on Rigel 7, Silonez was right there, I'm trying to find out more but there were alot of civilian casualties amoungst them were three children." Lita paused "I think that was the breaking point."

Da`nal listened, then stood, walking over to the window and watched the service craft move about inside the stations docking bay. "You think that was his breaking point...". However when he turned his expression was one of irritation. "So let me get this straight. You don't think our; trained counselor doesn't know how to treat those he sees. You think that you know better than someone that has lived nearly 6 hundred years and seen and experienced more than either of ever will." Crossing his arms over his chest. "And just what course of treatment would you recommend Ensign?"

"Termin can only go so far, I can go alittle further, I need access to all the files that are related to the Rigel mission silonez was on, I know that it had something to do with the Orion syndicate and illegal weapons but I'm locked out due to its security classification." Lita said not wanting to say the next part

From the look in her eye he could tell that she was holding something back. She was probably biting her tongue from the dressing down she had received. "You can go further than a train telepath? Interesting. So with your extensive counseling experience...." Da`nal stopped himself surprisingly.

"Ensign, I know you are concerned for your superior officer, however there is a right way and a wong way to do things. You should have brought your concerns...youe insights to Mr. Elek. If he felt the information relivant, which he most like would have, the he could request thte access if needed. So request Denied; but tell me what were you hoping to find?"

"I think his mission got comprimised, and I think I know how" Lita said hoping to spark some interest

"And how did you come to this conclusion...your 'digging'?"

"Yes, I think it has something to do with Silonez' ex-girldfriend"

Taking a stab in the dark, "and I assume you beleive he feels responcible for the death of those children?"

"I think he feels more than responcible, I think he feels betrayed, and now in some how he thinks its starting again, Captain I need to confirm that Rita was an operative for the Orion syndicate, all the operative lists are restricted, if we can some how, maybe, just maybe lift some of his guilt it might be enough to get him back on track.

"Captain give access to the files, if I'm wrong then we can let Mr. Elik do his work, but what if i'm right?"

Da`nal raised a hand to his chin. "Ok - lets say you are right. Do you just want me to drop that information in his lap, and tell him to pull his head out of his ass?"

"It could be that simple Captain, or it could take time that he needs, the less of this disaster hanging over his career the better, I owe him that much." Lita stated

~Owe him?~ Now her determination to assist her OIC was starting to make sense. However reports were classified for a reason and there could be more that just a name in those reports. "Know I see why you are so...adament. Well Ensign, as you well know I can't grant access to classified materials on a hunch. The reports you want to access would definately contain other information that frankly you don't rate to see. So your request is denied." He paused only breifly and before she could reply he continued. "However, I will access the files and then either confirm or deny your suspicions."

Lita realized that will have to do, "I have a holo-image of Silonez and Rita from about four months ago, all we need to do is a visual match I could care less about the rest of the files." She passed him the PADD with the one particular image.

Moving around to his desk he began his inquiry. "Computer file Rigel 7 stardate 61326.0."
As the file opened he scan the list list of operatives to find the individual in question. Da`nal didn't bother looking at name as they were most likely altered from the name Lita had provided. Eventually he did find a image that match the holo taken with Silonez. "Well Ensign, it appears your suspicions are correct."

"I had a good teacher,"She retorted " this is what we needed, I know this is now a clearance issue, but I need a copy of that report captain."

"I take you want a copy to prove to him that she was involved and that he doesn't need to be blaming himself for what happened?"

"You read my mind" she said hoping the joke would catch

Da`nal huffed a slight chuckle. "You know Silonez better than I and I know that his counseling sessions are not going well at all." Da`nal stood, he hated sitting for too long and began to pace. "Perhaps a diffent approach is needed?"

"I was just going to confront him with this info, its either going to shock him back to reality, or he going to lash out and your going to need to beam me to sick bay real fast." Lita said frankly.

"Well in that case perhaps I had better be the one doing the confronting." Before she could reply he summoned Lt. Silonez. "Lt. Silonez, report to the ready room."

Lita stood there waiting for a reply, after a few seconds of silence, "Masterson to Ericson respond please" again total silence.

Da`nal had a flash of concern, there was no way he was going to have the first death on his ship be a suicide. "Computer, locate Lt. Silonez."

=="Lieutenant Ericson is Currently on holodeck 2"===

Lita looked at the captain confused, but begining to realize what hes doing. "Well at least hes' not drunk" she paused "yet."

He was already up and moving. "Let's go..."

Lita followed closely behind, half knowing half suspecting what was going on, she was hoping that her suspicions were correct. She just hoped that he wasn't doing something stupid.

End Pt. 1


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