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Posted on 21 Jul 2009 @ 9:37am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

392 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom

Wandella had received her orders three days before to transfer to the USS Freedom, apperantly they were quite ready for her to be gone, not even allowing her to stay until the Freedom arrived to pick her up, instead ordering her to meet them halfway, ~That's okay, place wasn't any fun for me anymore anyway.~ She thought as she approached the Freedom from about twenty thousand meters, ~This place might be fun, though. Time to find out.~ Punching the throttle to it's absolute max she buzzed by the bridge quickly, looping underneath and up again, flying between the nacelles before spinning around and coming to a stop behind the ship, =A= Attention USS Freedom, this is Ens. Wandella Kristere, your new shuttle pilot, reporting for duty. Permission to land?=A=

=A=You fracking psychopath! What were you trying to do, kill us all?=A= The deck officer shouted over the comm, =A=Permission to land in shuttlebay one granted.=A= With that he shut off the comm channel to her, opening one to security, =A=Have the security officers on deck arrest that lunatic the second she lands.=A=

[Five Minutes Later]

Wandella had made a perfect landing, even doing a bit of in-bay aerobatics, a small 360 before landing in a small, out of the way space. Stepping out of her shuttle she let her long hair down and unzipped her jacket, turning to greet the phalanx of security officers waiting for her, "Hi, boys. All this for me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow naughtily, some of them were kind of cute, after all.

"Ma'am," The CPO in charge of the detail said, "Place your hands behind your back, thumbs up."

"Shouldn't you at least buy me dinner first?" She joked as he handcuffed her, ~Well, if nothing else it feels like home already.~ "Hey, can one of you get my bags? Thanks!"

[Five Minutes Later, in front of Cdr. Da'nal's Office]

The security CPO rang the chime to Cdr. Da'nal's office and waited to be admitted, turning to his assistant while he did so, "Better call down to the brig and have Petty Officer Turner get a cell ready for this one. Skipper's real likely to throw the book at this one.

Wandella just rolled her eyes, ~If I had a slip of latinum for every time I've heard that.~


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