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Posted on 21 Jul 2009 @ 10:43am by

759 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Current

The bulkhead exploded in a flurry of silver and gold sparks, sending the panel to the floor. Andrew ducked behind the corner of the corridor as it did, quickly surveying his Security detail with him and inclining his head towards the turn. He moved his left hand quickly, relaying orders via hand gestures.

Two, crouch, fire and move. Two, cover fire. Move.

He moved quickly to the opposite side of the corridor to give his men room to move and maneuver down the hall, adding his own Phaser fire to the cover fire the other two were providing. Two Ensign's crouched and moved forward under the cover of their comrade's to the next break in the corridor, shifting their gaze the way they wanted to go as well as to the side access points in case the enemy should try to flank them. Satisfied that they were secure, they waved for the others, who made their way under cover fire, one by one.

Lances of green light rebounded off the corridor walls, missing the Security staff by inches as they moved steadily forward.

"Sir! We're being flanked!" called one of the crewmen, his words followed by the stifled cry of agony as one of the green lances hit him full in the chest. Five red streaks flew past the downed crewman towards the source of the fire, exploding off the panels and sending the Reman attackers in both directions.

"Wheel left. Triad defense pattern!" Andrew called out, shifting backwards a few paces and changing places with one of his team.

"Keep them pinned." he ordered. The team nodded and began firing suppressing fire on the corridor in both directions.

With a practiced hand, Andrew crouched beside a nearby Engineering access and wrenched the panel free. He balanced his phaser on his left knee, pointing towards the engagement as he started pulling the isolinear chips free and reorganizing them. He held the last one in his hand delicately, looking over his shoulder at his team.

"Fire in the hole!" he called out, slipping the chip into the panel and quickly moving away. The panel exploded in a flurry of sparks that rippled along the corridor, sending Engineering panels flying off the walls at random intervals like missiles before converging in a satisfyingly loud explosion that rocked the walls of the corridor where the enemy was hiding. The overhead lights flickered and then died before the emergency lighting came on.

"Clear left!" Andrew called, waving his arm that way.

Two of his team nodded and slowly moved that way, holding their phasers at the ready in case anyone or anything tried to take them by surprise.

"Left Clear." called a voice after a few terse moments.

Andrew waved to the two closest crewman and then down the corridor to the right, edging around the curve to provide cover. The crewmen nodded and moved slowly down. As they moved, a Reman sprung from the debris of the hall. The Ensign quickly raised his weapon and kicked his own feet out from under him, landing on his butt as both he and the Reman fired. The green lance streaked over the Ensign's head, right where his center of mass would have been while the Ensign's strike caught the Reman square in the abdomen, sending him to the ground, dead. He slowly got to his feet and, with the other crewman, cleared the corner.

"Clear right." he called, looking slightly shaken at the close call.

Andrew smiled and holstered his phaser. "Computer, End program."

With a swoosh of particles and a flash of light, the holodeck reverted back to the lined grid that was its standard facade. Andrew stood quietly in the empty holodeck, letting his heart rate calm down and taking slow deep breaths. It was holo-simulations like this that he loved to run with his Tactical staff back on the Intrepid, and for a moment he missed the simplicity of being a Department Head.

It was time to move on though, his life had changed and so had his career. He was the Executive Officer now, and the Commander expected that he would use his years of experience as a Department Head to make sure that the Freedom ran smoothly. I can handle that, he thought, smiling to himself. He heaved one last steadying breath and made his way out of the holodeck, bound for a long sonic shower and then off to dinner.

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer
USS Freedom


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