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Dinner Date

Posted on 19 Jul 2009 @ 8:51pm by

3,082 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Tim's Quarters
Timeline: Current

Maria had just gotten off shift and, as usual, she'd found the work invigorating. As soon as she stepped onto the turbolift, though, her thoughts went to Tim and how all she wanted to do now was tell him about her day. Most people would find hearing about the doldrums of engineering to be boring but not Tim. Tim always listened. He was always fascinated by whatever it was that she said. And that was one of the many things she loved about him.

Tim had just got of shift and went straight to the sonic shower, throwing cloths off as he approached the shower. He really needed to relax. He got into some comfortable clothes and felt those familiar hunger pains. He decided to call Maria if she wanted to get a bite to eat. He knew she would be getting off shift and going back to her quarters to relax. He taped the comm badge that laid on the desk...... "Ensign Webb to Lieutenant Cruz"

"Lieutenant Cruz here...right outside your door, Ensign," Maria answered with a nearly giddy giggle before asking, "So are you going to let me in or what?

"Yes......please come," Tim began to smile as the door hissed open.

Maria grinned when she saw Tim standing on the other side of what was moments ago a closed door and she immediately threw her arms around him and kissed him. "How have you been? Was your shift as eventful as mine? I came right here from there because I couldn't wait to tell you about it."

"Lets hear about yours over dinner. Are you hungry? What would you like? "Tim walked over to the replicator and glanced back at Maria.

Suddenly realizing that she was absolutely famished, Maria followed him, saying, "Wow, I'm starving and I didn't even realize it! I don't know. Food is food is food. I could eat anything. How about you? Do you want me to make it? I could cook instead of you replicating again..."

"Oh no, you just got off your shift, I don't want to make you cook too. It's time to relax and enjoy each other. Quick and easy for now. Chinese?"

"Mmmm...sounds delicious. Sweet and sour chicken, egg rolls, chicken fried rice..." she licked her lips, "I'm over here salivating! Let's get to it already!"

"Replicator, you heard the lady, Sweet and sour chicken, egg rolls, chicken fried rice and Ice Tea for two." A large platter appeared steaming with plentiful food for two along with two glasses of ice tea and two plates with silverware on a large serving tray. Tim picked up the tray gently and inhaled deeply. "Mmmm....smells good" Rolling his eyes as he began to walk towards the table.

"Of course it does, I programmed it myself with my special recipes," Maria said proudly as she followed him and took a seat.

Tim removed the items from the tray and kissed Maria on the cheek before sitting down to enjoy the beautiful meal with his someone special. "And thank you for that, my dear."

"Anytime sweetheart," Maria gushed, a pleased pink tinge rising to her cheeks at his kiss, "So how was your shift? Did anything interesting happen? Did you brig anyone? Find anyone doing anything they shouldn't?"

"I am still guarding the Ambassador. We have a few things in the works but we haven't found what we are looking for. I think we are getting close. Enough about me, I want to hear about you. What do you think about your boss? Since you are not a CEO anymore, are you ok with it? Being under someone?" Tim began to eat the delicious meal. Chinese was his favorite. He savored every bite while listening to the most beautiful women in the universe.

"Well," she began with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "I can think of someone else that I would rather be 'under', but it's not bad. I'm still assessing the situation, getting to know him and all, but he seems interested in my input," she paused thoughtfully and said, "It's rather nice, actually. This way I can focus more on what I do best, the job. And maybe I'll have more time for some fun pranks now," she grinned.

"After reading your record, he would be a fool not to listen to you. I am sure that you are just as good as him if not......Well, I'm sure he does value your input. You know what you are doing, after all. A prankster? Should I be watching my back or something?"

Maria grinned, eyes twinkling with mirth, "Well, I did have a the academy."

"Really? for being a prankster? Tell me about it. I would like to know." Tim looked at her intently.

"Oh...nothing spectacular...just something to do with a sonic shower and orange dye..." Maria said nonchalantly, "Really, I could be *much* more creative than that!"

Tim laughed. "I am sure you can but, I can think of other places that I would like to see your creativity in." winking at her. "What else don't I know about you? A lot, I guess. I would like to fix that too."

"Really?" she asked with astonished pleasure. It always amazed her that this incredible man had any interest in her whatsoever, least of all as much interest as he always showed. What in the world had she ever done to deserve him?

"I think it's time to get to know one another. We haven't really done that yet and I think that it is past due. I need to find out why I love you and deserve you so much....."

Blinking in a bit of disbelief even as a huge smile spread across her features, Maria suddenly starting talking a mile a minute, saying, "Well, some say that there is such a thing as love at first sight. I didn't believe in it until I met you. Still not sure I do since we at least had some time together and a few experiences together before I felt like this was love but I suppose you're right. We really don't know much. I don't know what to tell you, though. Suddenly I'm really nervous," she said with a giddy laugh.

"I have never seen you nervous......why? It's just me. I want to know everything about you......"

"I know," Maria responded softly, "But that's not something that anyone has ever wanted before. Usually they hear how much I talk and I scare them away."

Tim took her hand gently and kissed it. "It's me here, remember? You can tell me anything....and I want to hear everything....."

Butterflies fluttered in Maria's stomach and she gave him an amazed but tentative half-smile, "Ohhh...where to start, where to start...well...I was born on Betazed, grew up on earth...hmmm..." Suddenly, now that he was wanting her to talk, she was finding herself clamming up, not knowing what to say. It was a novel experience for her.

"You know what? Don't worry about. We have all the time in the world to get to know each other. What would you like for dessert?"

"Hmmm...raspberry cheesecake," Maria responded, "It's always been my favorite. There, see? Something you didn't know about me."

"Be right back," Tim got up and went to the replicator, "Two raspberry Cheesecakes." Then returned to the table with two plates of cheese cake covered in a red glazed covering with pieces of raspberries on top. He place a plate in front of her while kissing her on the cheek before he sat down and began to eat his.

"This recipe is one of the best. I could probably eat a whole pie myself!" Maria giggled, impulsively holding out a forkful of her own dessert for Tim to taste, "Let's see if mine tastes better than yours and vice versa."

Tim, smiling, let Maria feed him the bite of cheesecake. "Delicious," Then returned the favor by feeding her a bite of his, still smiling.

"Mmmm..." she said, grinning, "I think I like yours better."

"Good, then we will share mine." Tim scooted his chair closer to Maria and fed her another bite before he took one for himself.

"Delicious," Maria said, grabbing the seat of his chair and pulling him closer still, "So other than being born on Betazed and growing up on earth and going to the academy and playing pranks, there's really not that much to know about me, but on the other hand, I still don't know much about you, either."

"There is more to you than meets the eye, I'm sure. My story is a little sad and weird at the same time. It's hard to talk about. I did lay it on you when you came aboard but, it should be easier to talk about now." Tim was no longer smiling.

"I know you told me some," Maria said, laying a hand on his shoulder, "But I want to hear it all..."

Tim sighed. "I met her in my second year at the academy. Some our friends introduced us. We seemed to have lots in common so we got along real well and things between us developed quickly. We were in love so everything was perfect. We decided to get married as soon as we graduated. During the last year we found out that she was pregnant. The baby was born on board the ship and shortly after that, we were attacked by the Borg."

Nodding, Maria's hand reached upward to gently touch his face, "Most of that I remember from before. But I want to know how long you were together, how you're feeling about everything all of that relates to...well, me. And us."

"We were together for about three years, I guess. I was working down in engineering when the Borg attacked. She and the baby were in our quarters. When I found out that the ship was going to be destroyed, I ran for our quarters. Once I got there, I realized that I was too late. The support beams for the quarters came crashing down on them before I arrived and killed both of them. I remember forcing my way into the room. She was alive for the moment, but died in my arms. All I wanted after that was to join them, so I placed our child in her arms and I was going to sit beside them till the end came. My best friend came by and dragged me out to an escape pod."

Unshed tears twinkled in Maria's eyes by this time, filling with pain for him as she imagined the horror of what he'd been through. She took and held his hand, giving it a squeeze as she gently urged, "Go on. I'm listening."

"The Borg captured and assimilated the remaining survivors, including me. To answer your questions, I feel that I have just lost her now that most of my memory has returned. I am in love with her but, she is gone. On the other hand, I am in love with you. I fell in love with you without memory of the past so this love is not a byproduct. It is pure. Basically, what it means is that I am grieving for her but, I have you to help me with the process. I need time and I need for you to be patient with me. Nothing alters the feelings that I have for you.....nothing."

Maria studied him intently, her hand once again going to his face as she asked, "You are sure? I would be here regardless, you know. As a friend. To help you through. Whether there was anything else there between us or not. I don't want things to get hazy or confused for you now that you do remember. This thing, between us, may not have started with her in your mind, but she is surely there now and this could easily become what it was not before. As you said just a short time ago, we barely even know each other. So how can we love each other as we do and not have it clouded at least somewhat by the past?"

Tim couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was trying to make sense of what she was saying but, it was very difficult. A war was raging in his head for two loves. Tim stood up and walked over to the window and peered out at the stars shooting by, "I don't believe it to be affected in any way but, if you think it is then, maybe we need to take a break and let me thing about our situation."

Maria went to him, placing her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them soothingly as she said, "I don't think we need a break, Tim, but I don't think we need to go any further than where we are now until you have had time to think, to sort things. I don't want to become 'the other woman' when that's not how I began. Does that make any sense, sweetheart?"

I can't see how my feeling for her affected my feeling for you when my memory was suppressed. My feelings and love for you are genuine. I don't know how to explain any better than that. When you first came on board, I was hesitant to tell you that my memory returned along with feelings for someone else. That person is gone and I need your help to move on. I do not want our relationship to regress, I want it to progress."

Only focusing on what he said at first for a moment, Maria shook her head, sighed, and stepped back, saying, "I know your feelings are genuine, Tim. I'm worried they may get clouded by a memory. I-" she stopped as she finally managed to process the last of what he'd said, "THAT is how you want me to help you move on? progressing our relationship further?" Her heart started to race, butterflies fluttering in her stomach again, "But...but...progress how? What do you see our next step as being, Tim?" This was sounding too good to be true and she was hesitant to believe it.

"I am not sure yet. I need time, but I need you with me. We need to take small steps. I do not want to move backwards. I also want to spend all my time with you, building our memories. I am going to ask you a question. You do not have to answer right now. Take all the time you need before you decide but, be sure that is what you want." Tim turned to look at Maria's face. "I want you to move in with me."

A tiny gasp escaped Maria's lips and they formed into a perfect, rose-petal-shaped 'o' and for once in her life, she was speechless. "Oh, Tim! I...I...I don't know what to say! Are you sure that's what you want? Are you sure that's what would be best for us? I mean...I mean...Ohhhh, I don't know what I mean!"

"You do not have to say anything right now. I want you to think about it. I don't know what is best for me right now, but, I know what I want. I want you. I want to make memories with you. Intimacy is not an issue here, I just want to be with you and have your companionship. Everything else will fall in place at the right time." Tim laughed. "Always I have enjoyed listening to you talk, your voice is so pleasant and soothing. Today you are quiet. I have never seen you like this."

"You've thrown me off track," Maria admitted with a half-grin and a rather adoring look in her dark eyes. Many things churned in her mind for what must have seemed like an eternity to them both but finally, her half-grin spread into the full package and she nodded, impulsively throwing herself into Tim's arms, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I came here for you and only you and I don't want to spend a moment that I don't have to apart from you. I want you to learn all there is to know about me from how often I forget to brush my teeth to the number of times a day I brush my hair and more than anything, I want to make memories with you as well. Good memories, sweet memories, precious memories that we can carry with us for all time."

Tim began to kiss Maria on the cheek, working his was to her mouth, kissing her teasingly on the lips until she couldn't stand it any more, then it became a long, passionate kiss. After the kiss, he drew her in very tight for a long moment, enjoying the way she felt close to him. It was comfortable and it felt right. "I am happy you said yes."

"I am, too," she admitted with an adoring grin, her arms circling his shoulders as he continued to hold her in a long embrace, "In fact, I'm feeling so giddy that you may just be in for an incredibly long tirade about how every little gidget and gadget in these quarters can be taken apart and put back together again, that's how excited I am."

"You have my full attention, begin when ready." Tim kissing her on the cheek but, not letting go just yet.

Settling into his embrace, clasping her hands in place so he couldn't let go if he tried, Maria grinned and said, "Wellllll...the replicator over there can be taken apart and put back together within five minutes. I know. I did it in the academy when someone dared me to try. The sonic shower? Soooo many options for pranks with that one. If you ever find yourself without water, wasn't me."

While she was still rambling on about stuff, Tim began kissing her lips teasingly for a few seconds before adding passion to a long, deeply moving kiss.

Unable to think clearly enough to keep talking, Maria finally gave up the attempt and curled her fingers into the hair at the back of his head, pulling him closer so that she could kiss him just as passionately as he was kissing her.

Maria Cruz NPC'd by Mari's player


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