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Make or Break

Posted on 17 Jul 2009 @ 4:35pm by

1,193 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Silonez Eircson's Quarters

Elek knew he needed to speak again to Silonez Eircson, but didn't want to do it in the confines of his office - the intelligence officer needed at least the illusion of familiarity around him, and an impersonal office wouldn't do it, especially one that he had previously stormed out of.
Elek had checked with the computer, and - fortunately - Eircson was in his quarters, so the counselor went straight there. His conversation with the captain ringing in his ears, he pressed the door chime.

Silonez was at his desk in his quarters, his train of thought was interupted by the door chime, "Enter" he said in a flat voice.

Elek stepped in, and saw the lieutenant sat at his desk. "Hi, Silonez," he said in a friendly, yet neutral, voice. "Mind I sit down?"

"If your here to ask about my status, I'm not making any decisions until after we are done on Romulus." Silonez cut to the point

Inwardly, Elek was immediately frustrated. Eircson was rejecting any overtures of friendship, and not recognising help when it was staring him in the face. He didn't let it show, however, and sat himself down, making himself comfortable.

"I'm just here to check on how you're doing," he said, looking over the desk. "We didn't exactly end our last conversation on friendly terms, and I'd like to apologise for that. Perhaps we can start over?"

Silonez looked up at Termin, "True, but no one has exactly rolled out the welcome mat for me here, so I'm in no rush to make friends."

"Who said anything about being in a rush?" Elek retorted quietly. "I'm happy going at whatever pace you need. I'm El-Aurian, remember?"

Silonez looked down at his desk, "I've seen your lengthy file." he said

Elek shrugged. "Anyway, everyone needs a friend. Why don't I be on the short-list to be yours?"

"Short list?" Silonez felt like he had to conduct an interview to have friends now, "I'm not big on shop talk."

Elek frowned. "Shop talk? I'm not sure what you mean. I'm just here to offer a friendly ear. To see if you've had any more thoughts about what you want to do."

"No, I'm still undecided about what to do." Silonez wasn't too far from the truth, he hadn't made a decision but then again he had not thought about alot of things, just getting through the mission.

Elek nodded. "Well, that's understandable. There's a lot going on at the moment." He hesitated, not knowing how to approach this. "Silonez, I need to ask you this ... this mission we're on, it's ... well, the captain's got a lot riding on it. He needs to feel confident with every link in the chain of command."

Elek leaned forward in his chair and looked Silonez in the eye. "He's got to be able to trust everyone from the XO right down to the crewman third class who does the holodeck maintainence, and everyone in between, and have confidence in their wellbeing." He sighed. "At the moment, your emotional well-being isn't 100%. I want to work with you, to be able to give the captain an assurance that you're fit and able to continue working while you make a decision. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"If I wanted to leave, I would have gotten off as soon as we docked at starbase 47 ok?" Silonez was not about to let this conversation turn into a question of if he can do his job or not.

Elek had to push the point - he didn't like to strain it, but knew he had to. "The captain needs to hear that, Silonez. If you want to stay, we need to start working through your issues, getting you back on track. If you don't want to stay in Intelligence, then that's fine - we can discuss options. But the captain isn't going to want to be left in limbo - he's going to want some answers. And, if you'll let me, I'm willing to be your sounding board to help you make the decisions."

Silonez picked up a padd and tossed it into Termin's lap. "The ship that got away, attacked the transport with Captain Tahir on board. Since I had my suspicions they were after something and it was ignored. Next time I'm ignored or someone over rides my imput on a matter we will end up dead."

Elek picked up the padd and placed it back on the desk, without immediately looking at it. Silonez wasn't fully listening ... or taking or ... what he was saying. He wanted the intelligence officer's job to be secure, but at this rate, with that attitude - Elek doubted he would have any sort of job. If only he could get through to him.

"Have you thought about a leave of absence?" he asked. "To take some time to think about what you want to do with your life? Now might be the perfect time, being docked at Starbase 47."

"You're the third person to say I need a leave of absence, I guess I'm not wanted here maybe I should resign? Maybe then everyone else will be happy." Sionez stood up shaking the desk.

Elek remained sitting, and didn't react. "What would make me happy," he said neutrally, although with an edge of steel in his voice, "is for you to stop a minute and take stock. I need you to see that there's no-one conspiring against you, or wanting you to resign. You need to understand that we really do have your interests at heart - we want you to do whatever it takes to recover from your current inner turmoil. Now, that won't happen overnight, but we are coming up with solutions to try and help you make your mind up. I want to you happy, and relaxed, and I would suggest a Klingon mating ritual if that's what it took!"

Silonez finally blew "Between you, that idiot bitch of a former first officer, and that vulcan assassin called a security chief and that bubble headed doctor, everyone here seems to want to blow off my input on matters that affect this ship, we broke the damn law interrogating that Romulan in lock-up, and left other Federation personnel at risk by letting that Romulan ship get away, why the hell should I be an intelligence officer on this ship when I'm ignored to the point where I'm not needed, answer me that smart ass?" Silonez was inching his hand towards the desk drawer.

Elek leaned forward and rested his hands loosely on the desk. This was going too far. Elek, as a child, always visualised emotions as colours and shapes - right now, Eircson would be a jagged silver line, slowing splitting open into darkness.

Keeping his periphery vision on Silonez's hands, Elek said, "Silonez, you're not ignored. Perhaps we should continue this session another time."

*And I can get the hell out of here, secure his cabin, contact Dr Hemmingway and the captain, and get him sedated,* Elek thought. *He's losing it, and fast.*


Lt. Silonez Ericson

Lt (JG) Termin Elek
CDO / Counselor


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