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Belated introductions

Posted on 26 Jul 2009 @ 4:35pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

533 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Operations/Captains Ready Room
Timeline: backpost


Entering her office during docking procedures, Saraya checked and double checked her scans and had not noticed anything unusual coming from the brig. Looking forward to a strong drink, she knew that Starbase 47 stocked the real stuff and a vacation from synthahol was a welcomed treat. Keenly able to hold her own at the table, Cranz was known to have the ability to drink many an officer under it, but this time she would be drinking for taste alone and not for the thrill of what ever transpired from a room full of drunken sailors and whatever else transpired.
She was just about to walk out of the office when her comm badge chirped an alarm at her. Saraya stopped and walked back to her console and checked her readings. Punching in a few commands, she paused with a puzzled look on her face.

A signal of some sort was definitely emanating from the brig area, something she had not detected before. Saraya fine-tuned the bandwidth and narrowed the parameters to the point that there left no doubt it was there, but the source of the signal was a mystery.

"I'd better contact T'Pal just in case..." She said just as her comm badge chirped again and she was ordered to report to the Captain's Ready Room.

=/= Aye Sir...On my way=/= she responded.

Saraya exited the office, boarded the turbo lift and ordered her destination, then she immediately contacted security.

=/= Lt Cranz to Lt T'Pal=/=

=^= T'Pal here, do ahead =^=

=/= I...I've picked up a very faint signal of unknown source eminating from the brig...almost non-intrusive, but I have not yet been able to establish a link...I've been summoned to the Captain's Ready Room...however, I am analyzing the signal...if you access my office terminal, you should be able to note any progress the computer may have available =/=

T'Pal swirled around to access her console and accessed the files. =^= Thank you, Lieutenant, I can see it...=^=

=/= I'll contact you after my meeting with the Captain...Lt Cranz out=/=

Saraya ended the transmission just as the turbo lift doors swooshed open and she stepped off. Turning the corner, she walked through the bridge area and chimed the Ready room door.


Saraya straightened her tunic, walked through the door and stood at ease in front of the Commander, 'Lt. Saraya Cranz, reporting as ordered, Sir..."

"Ah yes Lieutenant come in. What with all this Diplomatic maneuvering I haven't had a chance to speak with you. All settled in?"

"Yessir..." the OPS officer answered. "I just hope I didn't give you the wrong impression of me on the bridge, when I mentioned fetching a stiff drink while in port...I am quite devoted to my work and I do look forward to serving on board this ship."

Da`nal grinned. "No need to worry about that. What happens off duty is your business. You carry out your duties and you'll have no problems from me. Beside, with what we've been dealing with and what is probably yet to come. You weren't the only one wanting a drink."


Lt T'Pal

Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Saraya Cranz


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