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Waking up

Posted on 26 Jul 2009 @ 4:31pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

747 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Melanie had been working at her desk, trying to find a way to fix the injuries that Casiday had suffered. She had a couple of options but one was more dangerous than the next. She put the PADD down, closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. Mel had decided that she was going to have to speak to the Commander.

Casiday mind was raced... her whole life had flash before her eyes from the moment the explosion had happened.... ~Doctor~

Melanie nearly jumped from her chair when she heard Casiday's inner voice. She ran to the woman's beside grabbing a medical tricorder as she went. ~Cassie...stay still...I'm here.~ She touched the other woman's mind comforting it.

~What happened to me?~ Casiday felt so frightened she was panicking ~Help me!~

~Relax,'s Melanie, your friend. You were in an accident. Stay calm and don't move!~

~Mel make the pain stop please.~

=^=Hemmingway to Commander Da'nal, you are needed in sickbay immediately!=^=

=^=Understood.=^= Leaving his meal he rose and left the mess hall and headed directly for sickbay.

"I know you are hurting honey, the pain will go away soon." She replied verbally. Melanie injected the last of the
pain medication she could. "I am going to let make you sleep now. I will discuss your treatment with the Commander. I am going to give you something to make you sleep." She grabbed the hypospray and injected Casiday again.

~I'll not be far away.~ She comforted the woman's mind again and gently squeezed her hand. Melanie watched Cassie's mind fall into a dreamless sleep again. She would have to get the Commander's approval on this immediately, she couldn't just keep pumping Cassie full of medication. She had to be proactive.

Stepping from the turbolift his long strides brought him quickly to the doors to sickbay. The doors parted at his approach and he continued right up to the doctor's side. "What is it?"

"It's Casiday. She woke up from her coma today, on her own, which I was not expecting. I had to put her in a medically induced one to keep her from experiencing the pain. I have a way to fix the damage to her brain and her lungs, but you wont like it." She replied looking up at him.

Taking in the information he nodded. "Just what is it that I'm not going to like?"

"I need nanoprobes." She said with a sigh.

Da`nal looked at he doctor questioningly.

"I can replicate them but I want your permission to do so." Melanie explained.

"Are you talking about nanites or borg technology?"


Melanie pinched the bridge of her nose again. Cassie screaming in her mind was going to drive her around the bend.

"Ugh! Both, I suppose...I'm sorry, even with her in a coma her mind is screaming out to me. Nanites will will the nanoprobes. I can replicate both....but her mind....I can't close my mind off to hers..."

~Doctor! Commander!~

Even being a phi-null kKlingon Da`nal was able to feel her pleading. "What kind of brain damage are we talking about. If she had brain damage how is she still able to....reach out mentally? Exo-Neurology is obviously not one of my strong suits."

"I tried putting her in a medically induced coma so her mind could rest and heal...she refuses to sleep..."

The mental outcry's from her patient must have been wereing on her. "You mentioned that earlier. What about this nano treatment. What are the risks involved? I take it that there is no other course of action that can be taken?"

"None...I have tried absolutely everything! I wouldn't of suggested nanites...or the borg nanoprobes if there was another course of action to be taken..." She was mentally exhausted.

"Well as Lt. Taylor isn't capable of of chosing for herself,I'm going to have to decide for her. Start the treatment, Doctor. Then you get some rest. I can't have you dead on your feet."

"Yes soon as I am done here with Cassie I will go sleep." She nodded.

"Good. I hope this remedy of yours works, Doctor. Keep me informed."

"You have my word." She smiled up at him and returned to work.

With a glance to the chemically comatose officer, Da`nal left the Doctor to her work.


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Ltjg. Cassiday Taylor


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