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Aftermath - Medical

Posted on 29 Sep 2009 @ 11:28am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

2,631 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations


With a glance to Andrew, "Commander, you're with me. Lets see just how badly he've been hurt."
Turning to T'Pal, "You have the bridge."

Andrew quickly disengaged his station and left it to the relief officer, crossing the Bridge towards the lift.


As the two stepped into the turbolift he announced their destination. "Sickbay."

Andrew folded his arms quietly as the lift hummed to life.

Pulling at his chin, "I don't like how this is playing out. We need an alternative plan of action, something our romulan 'friends' are unaware of. Any ideas?"

Andrew shook his head, "I think we're lucky to be holding this ship together as it is." he replied. "Of course, at the rate we're going, if we don't get creative we may not have any ship to hold together."

"Romulan's and their Treachery... We're caught in the middle of a struggle for power and with one groups ties to an extremist group that wants to upset the balance of power of the Romulan Empire itself. Just before the attack on the ship there was an assassination attempt on the Ambassador by one of these extremists. Our orders were to bring teh Ambassador, our prisoner, and the evidence against him to Romulus but," Da`nal paused breifly, "I have to tell you though, there is a....conflict of interest for me in how this turns out."

"Should I be concerned, sir?" he asked, turning towards him curiously.

"We have an opportunity to expose a threat to the Romulans that can keep them occupied cleaning up their own affairs for quite some time. And at the same time rid my House of an long time enemy. Nniol and his kind cannot win. If we succeed, an internal threat to the Romulans will be exposed, the Federation will be secured, and even my House can, hopefully, begin to settle our differences with the t'lllialhlae. If we fail....I have no doubt the attacks will continue, the amdassador will be killed, and the feud will continue if not escalate. We could be looking at beginnings of what could be a war."

Andrew shook his head and turned away. "I think a yes would have sufficed." he chuckled nervously, as the doors slid open. As they stepped out he turned back to Da`nal. "All that said, we have to get things in order if we have any chance of not just success, but of making it out of here alive. This ship isn't a battle-cruiser."

"Unfortunatly true. I will be recommending some upgrades be made when we ge back. This vessel is brand new and has already seen two major engagements." And with Klingon perspective he added, "Who knew Diplomacy could be so...engaging."

[Sick bay] (lots of wounded)

Llaiir knew that for decades Isha had done her best to avoid having to spend any time with her beyond what was absolutely necessary, and she knew why her daughter felt that way. The rather bold gesture of making her daughter, already a hru'hfirh in her own right her own heir had done little to help reconcile their differences, but she had to try.

They did not waste any time in taking her from the transporter room to sickbay, which was good; Llaiiir did not have time to waste. They were already waiting for her. Llaiir's gaze travelled to Isha then to someone who had obviously not been quite so fortunate and on to what she assumed was a medic.

"ri'Nanov?" Isha said with some surprise. She waved the nurse away and slipped down from the biobed. Llaiir was a good four inches taller than she and looking somewhat incongruous in the present company, "They're so very keen to stop me," she sid without any detailed explanation, "perhaps they would have done if Webb hadn't got between me and a ruptured plasma conduit."

Llaiir watched her daughter for a moment, talking in a tone that implied that her only impairment was a broken fingernail; nothing seemed able to stop her. She wanted to open her arms to Isha, and take some of the burden she was hiding, but it would not do to discard her reserve in public, nor would it help her daughter to indicate that she couldn't hide her weariness or the slight glint of dogged resolve that sharpened her eyes - she might hide it from the lloann'su, but she saw through it.

"Is there somewhere I can speak with my daughter in private?" Llaiir asked.

The EMH pressed a hyospray to the ambassadors neck, under normal circumstance he would have kept his patients for observation but his triage subroutines told him otherwise as they needed the biobed. "This will keep swelling under control and also contain a time release anagesic. You had a serious concussion so I want to know immediately if you have any periods of lightheaded or dizziness. Also tyou will experience tinging and some light itiching as the dermal patches heal the burns and regenerate new skin. Don't remove them."

As the next patient was brought over he turn towards the sugical bay. Dr. Hemmingway was still busy and would probably be so for some time. "The doctor's office is available if you need privacy."

Llaiir eyed the hologram; she had heard about this technology and appreciated its value - why waste supplies on a medic when an on-call sub-routine could perform all the rarely needed functions of a doctor and make room for a productive crew member. She turned away from it and held her arm out to her daughter.

Isha declined to take it, but followed her mother slowly to the office.

Da`nal and Andrew neared sickbay and came upon those with minor wounds being tended to by medics and others. Among those aiding the medics war the ships steward and another man he had yet to meet. Once in sickbay they saw the more seriously wounded, and saw the Ambassador and their new guest in the doctors office. He didn't ask for a caualty report, that could wait until those in need had been tended to, but he took the time to stop and reassure those that were conscious.

One crewman was glaring towards the office, the anger in his face obvious to anyone. Da`nal looked to Andrew nodding in the man's direction. Stepping over to in he blocked his view of the office and addressed him. "Crewman. You going to be ok?"

He had looked up at his commanding officer the moment his form had blocked his view. For an instant his fury had shift to him but he forced himself to swallow hard and relax. "I'll be fine sir. But Webb's is Sanchez, Graves, and unless the doc can pull a miracle so is Amber. I mean Klosek isn't going to make it either."

Da`nal could understand the hate and anger that was in his eyes, he had felt it himself, but he couldn't afford any 'incidents'. They had enough of a problem with the Romulans trying to kill eachother; the last thing he needed was members of his crew adding to it. Taking a breath he gripped the man's shoulder, "Our crewmates have died in battle. Their deaths came while doing what they had chosen to do. I know this is difficult but I see your anger, I have felt it myself. Do not dishonor them by doing anything rash. For now consentrate on getting better. And if you need to blow off some steam...come see me, and we'll head to the holodeck."

Realizing how transparent he'd been he nodded. "Thank you sir. There won't be any trouble."

"Good." giving the crewman's shoulder a strong pat he turn to Andrew, who had been likewise talking with the injured. Stepping over to him, "Lets go see what she has to say."

Melanie was working hard to save Amber's life, she had lost her heartbeat twice and had to stop repairing the extensive damage to restart the young woman's heart. Amber had extensive injuries throughout her entire body and most doctors would have labeled her a lost cause and let her slip silently instead of trying to save her life.

Melanie wasn't like that and so she continued to work along side with her nurse. They finally got the bleeding under control, which stabilized Amber's blood pressure. Her nurse, Natalie, was closing up the gash on her forehead and Melanie was about to finish the surgery.

Now it was simply a waiting game to see if they had reached Amber in time and she would pull through. Melanie looked at the console taking Amber's vitals and smiled. "Good job Natalie...let's move her to post op. and hook her back up to the monitors." They silenced the monitors as they move Amber and hooked her back up. Amber had lost a lot of blood but if she had the will she would survive this.

Melanie stayed with Amber and monitored her to make sure she wouldn't relapse.

Rapping on the entry to the Doctor's office the two officer's stepped in as Isha turned and Llaiir's gaze moved from Isha to Da`nal.

"So you're the Commanding Officer," Llaiir said. Unlike her daughter she did not speak Federation Standard, nor was she a diplomat. "I've seen enough to know that you are in no shape to continue your journey. Have you considered my 'suggestion'?"

The universal translator made sure that Da`nal understood her just as it had on the bridge. "I have. I left orders to proceed, under cloak for as long as it will function, to the coordinates provided. We should be able to make it out of the escorts sensor range before we are forced to decloak. But this is not the place to discuss this. the diplomatic suite with its conference rooms would be more private."

"Then we should move there with alacrity," Llaiir said, "we estimate that their support vessel will be here within the hour - that will be your window of escape."

"ri'Nanov," Isha said, touching her mother's arm, "What was the chef doing in my room?" The Ambassador had lapsed once again into Rihannsu.

"It was nothing e'lev," Llaiir said taking her daughter's hand.l "I need to know exactly what has been administered to her," she said in an undertone to the Klingon and his companion, "there could be complications." Isha's medical history was not something that Llaiir intended to give details of, but she needed to be certain that they had not inadvertantly endangered her in their misplaced desire to help.

Not knowing what had transpired Da`nal called for the steward who was helping with the wounded. "Mr. McEwen, the Amdassador tell me the chef was in her quarters?"

"Yes sir, there was a plasma rupture in their area. We, Aki and myself were aiding the medical teams as assigned. When we arrive we found her and a security office under some debris. The officers injuries were critical so I used an emergency medical transponder and had him beamed to sickbay. Unforunately he died from his injuries....Ensign Webb I believe was his name. Well once we got to the Ambassador she started to come to so I gave her a mild stimulant to help get her on her feet. But then, do disrespect ma'am, but she got....uh... argumentative. Well we need to get her to sick bay so I knocked her out, and we carried her here."

Da`nal grinned inwardly....he had been on the receiving end of her 'arguementativeness' himself, but that wasn't the issue right now. "I see weel what did you use?"

"Standard med-kit supplies sir...Anetrizine, but the effects would have worn off by now. Even if they weren't countered with other meds."

"My daughter would sooner suffer than accept medical treatment from anyone unfamiliar with her history. She is no martyr, but is fully aware that certain combinations of medication could kill her. Isha has an exceptionally rare condition." Llaiir peered at the man for a moment, "If your chef has exacerbated it in any way I will hunt him and any living relatives he happens to have into extinction."

It was more than Llaiir had wished to say - had Isha been part of any lesser family or indeed some of similar status she would never have made it past her fifth year - Llaiir had violated a tradition to keep her alive and the knowledge that was held by very few parties had occaisionally resulted in blackmail attempts, and now the basics were in the hands of aliens.

Fighting the twitch of concern at the edge of her eye, Llaiir turned back to the Klingon, "We don't have long, if you have any questions for me you should ask them."

"If the Ambassador had any medical conditions or allergies they should have been reported to our medical staff. However given that this man was acting iis only assigned to aid the medical teams in emergency situation it is likely he knew nothing of this condition, ~if it had even been reported,~ he thought to himself. He was only doing what he thought was in her best interest."

Hoping that would be the end of that particular issue, Da`nal continued. "For now, if you like, you can see to your daughter's needs and we can meet in an hour to go over what repairs, are needed as well as plan our next course of action. As you said we don't have much time."

"Then we will procede directly to your diplomatic suite, Isha can be found quarters once our discussion is done," Llaiir said.

Nodding to the security detail. "These men will escort you there. We will be there in about an hour."

Calling Tom and and the ships chef over. "See to their needs."

Aki then appeared from seemingly thin air. "I'll prepare some fresh Rihannsu food and deliver it to your quarters personally." Aki said as he then quickly departed. He didn't want to be near an angry Romulan mother on a mission.

As Da`nal watched them leave Melanie was stepping out of the sugical bay looking drained. "How is you patient?"

"She will be alright. We got to her in time." She smiled weakly. "I don't think I could of bore the loss of another today."

"What were our losses?"

Melanie sighed. "Four, two others are in serious condition but I am expecting them to pull through...and there is still Casiday...she relapsed again...I am not sure if she will pull through."

"Understood." Casiday's injuries had been sever and her recovery had been questionable. The longer she was under the more they began to doubt she'd recover.

The EMH turned as he completed his current task, picking up a padd and handing it to the ships commanding officer. "Captain here is a full casualty report." Nodding to the CMO, I took the liberty as you were still in surgury."

"Thank you." Melanie gringed inwardly, she never thought that she would be thanking an EMH for doing a report that she should of done after she finished the surgery.

"Excellent work...both of you." Taking the report he then turned back to his XO. "Let get to Engineering and check out things there." He could have easily called for a damage report but one of the names on the list was the Chief Engineer, a personal visit and expression of confidence in the other Engineers was in order.


Cmdr Da'nal
Commanding Offcer

EMH, Tom, and Wounded Crewman
Played by Da`nal

Hru'hfirh enRiov Llaiir t'Khellian (Isha's mother)
NPC by Louise

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Aki Vixen

LtCmdr Andrew Fienneman


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