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Behind Closed Doors

Posted on 08 Jul 2009 @ 8:21am by

961 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Main Senate Builiding. Praetor's Office. ch'Rihan (Romulus)

“Fiasco is too mild a term,†tr’Avilh muttered. The Praetor laid down the padd and peered through narrowed eyes at Jalad S’Tei the Head of the Diplomatic Services who stood opposite his desk waiting patiently for a response to his report.

Three years into tr’Avilh’s term as Praetor and already another bid for power – that was how it appeared, anyway. He repressed a sigh; it was still a job for life, but in recent years the life expectancy of successive Praetors had reduced – he had outlasted his predecessor’s two years but he was not open to taking chances. “Walk with me,†tr’Avilh said to S’Tei.

He said nothing more until they emerged into a circular cloister that arced round a central fountain. Protected from the midday glare of Eisn by the high, windowless walls, the air was cool here despite the season and the enclosed space was filled with the scent of blossoms from the vines that twisted up the columns of the arcade.

Unless one was to fall from the sky, there was one way in and one way out of this garden through the Praetor’s own office, and that entrance, now they had passed through was protected by members of the Praetor’s own guard – no, tr’Avilh did not like to take chances, which was why he chose this location to speak – even the Chairman of the Tal’Shiar, a man for whom tr’Avilh had no trust and little regard could not get access to this courtyard.

“I have two problems, S’Tei,†Praetor tr’Avilh began as they paced slowly around the arcade, “I have taken your advice regarding this particular Consulate … a ‘low key operation’ – limited support staff, but now the Klingons are stepping up their presence on the same station and will no doubt arrive with a typical lack of subtlety – add to this that the Cardassians have also opened their eyes to the potential in that sector.â€

“Fvillha, we have grown our presence over almost two years allowing us to conduct a subtle examination of the area, particularly that which lies outside claimed territories … it is reported that we are very near a discovery.â€

“Could those reports have been intercepted?†tr’Avilh asked, leaked, he meant – a seemingly insignificant planetoid outside claimed territory with verifiable indications of Iconian settlement … hearing of that would cause other powers to increase their presence, it was his suspicion that the ruins were the reason that a space station was commissioned in that location by the Federation in the first place. As S’Tei opened his mouth to speak tr’Avilh raised a hand to silence him, “I will speak with the Director of the Tal’Shiar myself … you should be more concerned about the second part of your report involving that area of space. This subtly established consulate of yours has found itself at the centre of a battlefield and by your report it is the Ambassador who is right at the centre of it …â€

S’Tei waited this time before speaking, “It does appear that way, Fvillha,†he said in a non-committal tone.

“I recognise a lie when I see one, it is delicately constructed, though it is false all the same.â€

The evidence, to S’Tei’s eyes appeared convincing, one of her own ships was involved, members of her family her son, even her husband’s brother – he knew the rumours and suspected collusion but he held his tongue; S’Tei did not know tr’Avilh’s mind and he had no wish to take the opposite side of the argument to this very closed and calculating Praetor.

tr’Avilh raised an eyebrow, S’Tei of course only had part of the story; the House pulling itself apart, or appearing to do so in order to position itself for a power bid, but tr’Avilh held the communications that had come from both Isha and her son, the same accusations, the same evidence, but different targets, he also held Isha’s case that pointed to a traitor during the Dominion war – to these last three documents he had assigned a Ra'tar security classification – they would go no further unless he chose to share them, even the clerks involved in receiving the data had had their memories altered, so sensitive it was … he had not yet made that decision.

“She has asked for a tribunal, we will give it to her and they can air their differences as a House matter … there is an issue of the Federation – if those kll'inghann-a fvaiin had not attempted to have tr’Illialhlae extradited we could have dealt with this simply but now the Senate will be watching and they will judge my worth on the proceedings …†tr’Avilh knew that it was not just silent respect that caused voices to hush when he entered the room … since the second his appointment was announced they were speculating about his successor, it was always the way. “S’Tei, have we a name for whoever sent the extradition request to the Federation?â€

S’Tei nodded, “He names himself Ralnath of the house of Varal – there is some history between the families, it seems …â€

“Oh...?†tr’Avillh breathed deeply as he bent his legs and lowered himself onto a curved stone bench.

For a moment he gazed at the fountain then he spoke again. “Relate the story to me, S’Tei … it may have some bearing on what I decide the outcome of this case of hers will be.â€

To be continued …


Fvillha (Praetor) tr'Avilh
S'Tei, Head of the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi (Romulan Diplomatic Services)
NPCd by Louise


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