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Arrival at SB 47

Posted on 10 Jul 2009 @ 11:13am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,041 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

Standing at his widow Da`nal watched as the stars streaked by as the Freedom traveled at warp. They would be arriving at the star base soon, but not for long...a day at the most. He was lost in thought when the comm sounded summoning him to the bridge.

Stepping through the doors he moved to his seat. "Report."

"Sir, we're arriving in Star Base 47's space..." Saraya said as she keyed in commands at her console. "We are being hailed..."

"Excellent. Mr. DeHavilland take us out of warp. On screen."

"Aye, sir." he replied, "Slowing to impulse."

"Captain, I am detecting five Klingon vessels in slow orbit around the base. two of which have ambassadorial transponders," T'Pal said and sent the identification codes to his console. "The other three are escort vessels."

One of the Klingon vessels he knew was probably his father's the others he had no idea, they would have to wait as the screen shifted to the officer on the other end of the hail.

Saraya tapped on her console and looked up just in time to see the screen blink. It was the face of a young Ensign, a human male that seemed rather surprised.

"On screen, Sir..." Saraya responded.

=^=SB 47 to USS Freedom....we don't have you on our scheduled arrivals....may we be of assistance?=^= He asked while fumbling something on his console.

Da`nal sat in his chair and replied. "Request permission to dock. We are here to pick up our XO that is dropped off here. We've had a long journey from DS5 and could use some time to stretch our legs and give our warp drive rest." Da`nal left out the fact that his family was here, but that had nothing to do with Starfleet matters.

The ensign checked his console then replied, =/='re assigned to docking port 5, Bay number nine...but please slow to one quarter impulse for three minutes....The USS Sicily is currently exiting number five now...please stand by...=/=

"Acknowledge." Looking to the back of C.J.'s head. "Mr DeHavilland, all stop. Once the bay is clear, take us in."

"All stop, sir. Standing by for the bay to clear." DeHavilland said, taking his hands away from the panel and leaning back in his chair, his arms folded across his chest.

Saraya watched as the small ship exited the base and sped to full impulse, finally turning Starboard from the view screen.

"Wow...that's what we were waiting on?" Saraya commented with slight sarcasm as the small ship disappeared.

"It would appear so. I don't think her Captain would have appreciated us parking on top of his ship. Nor would Engineering like to have to scrape them off, and repaint the Freedom's hull. Beside our esteemed pilot is already on the Chief's short list as it is."

"Problem is... I've not yet begun to defile myself." CJ winked back.

John looked at the helmsman and smiled. "No hard feelings laddie" he said, his accent thick, and his smile grew wider. He was finally beginning to get comfortable on the ship, now that everything seemed to be running smoother.

They waited for what seemed a small eternity before the ensign reappeared on the screen.

=/= Alright Freedom...sorry about that. You are cleared for entry into docking port five...please adjust elevation minus 6 degrees and turn left fifteen degrees on my mark...proceed on that mark at one-quarter impulse. Upon entry, proceed directly ahead to docking bay will be at 1000 meters to your port and indicated by the magenta stripe...ready...MARK=/=

"Acknowledged." DeHavilland replied, shaking his head. "Because I've never piloted a ship before and needed the step by step instructions." he added under his breath.

=/=Thank you USS Freedom and have a wonderful stay with us! Starbase 47 out...=/=

"Sounds rather personable...somewhat like a Marriott commercial..." Saraya chuckled lightly.

Da`nal grinned slightly at both comments. "Perhaps there will even be chocolates on the pillows..."

Saraya smiled an almost uncontrollable laugh on the inside, then led Da'nal into a more serious subject, "How long will we have in port Sir?...I'd like to get a nice, stiff drink, if anyone would like to join me...time permitting of course, Commander..."

"We won't be here very long. Perhaps a day at the most. I will authorize limited shore duty hours only."

T'Pal called up information about the Klingon vessels, being her thorough self. She still had an Romulan agent to catch and she wanted all her bases covered. Her face remained impassive even when she saw the names of the Klingon Ambassadors, but she supressed a glance in Da'nal's direction.

Sitting back he watched as DeHaviland brought the Freedom into the bay and brought her to a stop. "Engage Moorings."

"Engaged and locked down." CJ replied.

"Mr McPherson, I trust 20 to 24 hours will be enough time to verify our Warp engines survived the trip and to see if the station has any new toys for you to get your hands on?"

"More then enough sir. Now that I'm a little more familiar wi' the way these new engines work, I should only need half tha' time." he said, fairly certain he only really needed a few hours.

Nodding. "Excellent, just don't go adding anything without authorization." Glancing about the bridge. "Standard docking shifts and as I noted shore leave is approved for off duty hours only.

"Computer, link with the stations network and locate Lt Commander Fienneman."

"Lt. Commander Andrew Fiennenman is in Station's Security; Detention Cell 5," came the computer's reply.

Da`nal had a flash of anger, shifting to irritation. ~Wait and see what happened....~ he thought. "Well I'd better go bail out our new XO. Lt T'pal you have the bridge."

"Acknowledged," T'pal said and motioned for the tactical second to replace her at her station. After transferring her codes, she left the tactical console.

"XO in the Brig already... this should be interesting." CJ said, under his breath.

"I hope it was worth it," T'Pal added in Klingon, more for herself, but didn't care if someone did hear it.


Cmdr Da`nal


LT McPherson

LT Saraya Cranz

Ltjg "Cj" Dehavilland


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