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Coming to an understanding

Posted on 05 Jul 2009 @ 11:52am by

1,323 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Chief Sec Quarters
Timeline: Current

There was one person on the ship that T"Pal wanted to engage in her search for the Romulan agent, but she could not dow so openly without risking her cover. At least she knew she could discuss it with him. Deep in thought T'Pal walked to her quarters, where she knew he would be waiting.

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Aktuh was busily working at her console when she entered. He didn't even bother turning around but merely said, "Dunbar said we should expect to hear from Reynolds within the hour."

"Great," she said, obviously not meaning it. "I am going to pretend to be drunk tonight to get the name from of Nniol's dog on the ship," she said matter of factly. Even if she had not discussed it with him, he should know it by now. Neither needed to beat around the bush.

This caused him to turn, eyes dark and stormy as he did, "Pretend to be drunk," he re-stated, then added after a moment, "There are other ways to gain information."

"I know..." she said, her mouth curling upward in a sneer. "I have...*personal*...reasons for this." Her emphasis indicated an element of revenge with it as she said it with open disgust.

If he could have shot lightning bolts from his eyes, he would have. He was not accustomed to feelings of jealousy or possessiveness. However, he clenched his jaw and said in a quiet, dark tone, "You will have satisfaction from your encounter but not pleasure. When you return, I will be waiting."

His aggressive tone got her attention and her head lifted almost imperceptably. With her own hazel eyes now alight with smouldering fire, she slowly walked to him with a distinct predatory edge. "And I suppose you will provide just that..." she said with a clear challenge, her fingers meaningfully grazing the muscles on his back as she stood behind him where he sat in front of her console.

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"Yes," He said with certainty and an unusually raw quality to his tone. He was unmoving, carefully breathing evenly, not allowing her to effect him.

The sexual chemistry between them filled the space around her. Subtly, she closed the small gap between the back of his head and her stomach, touching him lightly. Her fingers dragged upwards into his hair, massaging his scalp. "I will keep that in mind," came her husky response.

Staring straight ahead, he felt and suppressed the stirring in his groin as he kept his words even and unreadable, "You would like your pleasure before the unpleasantness, I take it. Or are you being greedy, wanting both?"

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In keeping with his demeanor, she continued her subtle caresses, taking his earlobes between her fingers, but kept her voice neutral, purposefully supressing her own building desire. "I will be satisfied with what you can offer," she said, an edge of challenge in her voice.

He kept his breathing even and shallow, trying to sort mentally through the mixed emotions he hadn't been expecting to feel. He, of course, understood, better than most, the use of sex as a weapon or a punishment...but at the same time, he was not prone to sharing and he had no plans for the sexual relationship he and T'Pal had begun to end anytime soon. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, he made the bold, brutally honest statement, "The thought of you with another is reprehensible, repulsive, an extreme turn off. And yet here I sit, struggling to control my body's reaction to you."

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When T'Pal realized what he was thinking, her hands paused, feeling compelled to explain to him. She was pleased, however, that he seemed *jealous*. "I am not going to *be* with him, I will merely pretend to be drunk.... there will be a forcefield between us. He finds Klingons reprehensible and I hope that he will drop that name in arrogance, thinking that I won't remember it," she said softly.

Realizing that she did not plan on using her body to lure the prisoner into confessing anything after all, Aktuh swept his foot under both of hers, moving rapidly and unexpectedly to topple her along with himself to the floor, pinning her beneath himself and grinning down at her, saying with humor shining in his now clear blue eyes, "Well then, that changes everything."

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A grin slowly spread across her face as she locked eyes with him, her legs spreading one curled up along his leg. "So... I will have pleasure, get satisfaction.. and have pleasure again..." she said with a gleam in her eyes. "What more could I possibly want...?"

"Indeed," Aktuh responded, nipping forcefully at her lips and tongue before adding, "Although that is if I allow you to leave for your satisfaction," and then, to prove his point, stretched his body completely along hers, moving his hands up her sides to hold her hands above her head.

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T'Pal felt as if she was melting against him, not only her body, but her being. Her eyes fluttered at the realization and the unusual emotion she was feeling. Her eyes closed and she inhaled his masculine scent. When she opened her eyes again, a smouldering fire danced in them. For a moment, she knew that he would indeed be able to distract her enough not to go through with her plan and she smiled at the thought. "I will need to go.. only because it is crucial to this mission.... and to me," she added softly.

[Some time later]

Nearly exhausted, her arms lazily went around his back, stroking him tenderly over the cuts and ridges her nails and various other objects in their way caused. Sucking his tongue gently into her mouth she afforded him the same tenderness she received from him, more than she ever thought she had.

When the kiss ended, he held himself above her, eyes studying her with more openness in them than any save his wife had ever seen. Softly, gently, he brushed a wet tendril of hair from her face before kissing her temple and then up along her forehead, over to the other temple. Then he said with a hint of humor in his voice, "Now you are too exhausted to get your satisfaction."

She laughed softly, kissing him back. "But I still need to do that later...." she said her lips against his skin, slightly absent mindedly as she thought of something. "I want to find a way for you to be present in the observation room.." she said, saying that she somehow wanted or even needed him there.

"I will be there," he said with a serious nod, not even questioning his own ability to make it happen, "You tell me when and which observation room, and I will be there."

She nodded and kissed him on his lips. "I need to get back to my shift. I think we are making headway in catching that agent," she said in a serious tone.

"Good," Aktuh nodded, rising and exiting her in order to allow her to get up as well, "I will find you should Reynolds contact us."

T'Pal's commbadge chirped as she was getting dressed, Slightly irritated to be interrupted, she tapped her badge anyway. "On my way," she said, glancing at the man with her with a look that clearly asked..~what the hell is it now..~

He shrugged but clearly he was on the alert, his stance telling her he was ready to follow if that was what she needed.

With a last glance she left Aktuh and made her way to the Romulan Ambassador's quarters. No one would even suspect what had just transpired during her lunch break.
Lt T'Pal


Aktuh of the House of Mishtak
(NPC by Mari/Erica)


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