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order to chaos

Posted on 16 Mar 2009 @ 11:36am by

358 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: 5 minutes after meeting with first officer

Silonez exited the turbolift, what he walked into could be considered total chaos. Technicians working on half completed stations, engineers working on preparations and construction crews trying to clean-up and get out of the way. Silonez grabbed the first person he could find "I need a status report."

the startled technician said " have main power online, the warp drive will be up in 10 minutes, and we're just waiting the all clear from the environmental team to switch over to internal systems, weapons and shields’ are being inspected right now, and replicators think there done with them sir."

The technician then scrambled off to resume what ever he was doing. he walked over the chief engineers status board, ~looks good, just no chief engineer.~

~ok next stop the cargo bays.~ and with that silonez left engineering.

==5 minutes later==

"Cortice! Whats the situation?"

Janis looked like she was ready to kill someone. "90% of the cargo is loaded now, but the construction stores are still taking up the majority of cargo bay 2, our stores are in cargo bay 3, engineering stores are currently in cargo bay 4 along with medical. Two of the science labs are being used as offices for the construction co-coordinator and won't be empty until the top of the hour. I check the armory that’s going to be a problem."

Silonez was puzzled, "meaning what exactly?"

"Meaning there’s' 40 had phasers and nothing else! Someone screwed up the armaments profile and we got 40 hand phasers. I've put a call into DS5 to get rifles from the industrial replicators but that’s going to be at least 2 hours....I know, I know I'll get done in less, the up side is we have a full complement of photon torpedoes and tri-cobalt devices."

"No Quantum torpedoes though?"

"That shuttle is sitting in hold outside the main shuttle bay."

"We have 90 minutes from what little I’ve been able to gather, the encryption room is still in pieces, so I'll get on the horn with Intel on DS5 and get a situation report."

Lt. Silonez Eircson
And too many NPCs' to list


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