
Reporting in

Posted on 14 Mar 2009 @ 9:42pm by

623 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Main Bridge
Timeline: Current

As the turbo lift door opened Lt. Ericson saw the hustle and bustle of a ship being prepared for launch. He looked around for the First officer. He saw one woman wearing a command uniform directing traffic. He played a hunch and spoke, "Lieutenant Silonez Ericson and Warrent officer 3rd Class Janis Cortice Reporting for Duty, Ma'am."

Mari whirled around and gave the two standing there a wide smile and a nod, "Welcome aboard. I'm afraid that things have been so hectic since I arrived that I haven't had a chance to look at the roster thoroughly. The names are familiar but what positions will you both have again? I seem to be having more trouble remembering that for some reason..." the beautiful Latina said apologetically.

"No problem ma'am, both of us only got our orders within the last week. If you don't mind my asking, why is it so crazy around here? I've been on ships getting ready to get under way this is total panic." Silonez observed.

Janis looked at a cargo report on a nearby terminal. Other than basic stores, no other equipment had been brought on board. "Lieutenant Ericson, the intelligence stores are in holding in the shipyard, I'll see if I can get them bumped up to next on the list."

"Intelligence stores? I'm sorry, are you the intel officer, then?" Mari asked, not wanting to answer the man's question without first finding out for sure who he was.

Silonez was puzzled "Yes, I'm the ships Intelligence officer, this is my encryption officer, is there a problem ma'am?"

"No, no problem," Mari said cheerfully, "You just hadn't answered my question about your positions on board, which would be essential to me answering your question," she paused and then continued more seriously, "It appears that there may be trouble headed to the station here so we may be pulling out early. Problem is...a commanding officer hasn't been assigned yet. Thus the reason for the chaos."

Silonez was concerned now, "Whats the situation?"

"I don't have details," Mari said with a shake of her head and a frown, "I was just asked to get the crew ready to ship out ASAP."

Silonez looked at the woman with some concern then spoke "This isn't my first crisis, just my first day here. I'll get down to engineering and check on things there, Warrant officer Cortice can head to the cargo bay and over see the loading of stores if that will give you time to get a handle on what the panic is about."

"It should," Mari nodded before adding, "And I'd appreciate it."

"I'll check with the yard master about a priority launch. Ms. Cortice, get down to the cargo bays. I need a rundown on what's left to load." He stopped and looked at a technician, "You there, I need this ship ready yesterday. I need a rundown on what's left and what's not done now!"

Mari gave the man her most charming and flattering smile, saying, "Thank you so much. Since you have that under control, I'm going to run to the bridge and see if I can't get more info on...well...everything...I'll be in contact as soon as I know something."

"Yes ma'am, should I use some back channels to see if I can speed up getting some info on what is going on?" Silonez added before leaving.

"Definitely!" Mari called back over her shoulder as she moved at a fast clip, almost a jog, toward the turbolift to head to her office.

"You heard the Lieutenant! Let;s get this thing moving, Warrant Officer Cortice!"

Lt. Silonez Cortice
WO Janis Cortice
(played by Andy)

Lt. Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez
Executive Officer
USS Freedom



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