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Tine for change

Posted on 16 Mar 2009 @ 3:50pm by

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Main Lounge DS5
Timeline: Current

[Previous day, 15h00, Main lounge, DS5]

T’Pal sat down facing the portal. She had been on her feet the whole day and needed a break or she was going to break someone’s neck. The main lounge was almost empty except for a few very loud maintenance crewmen. Why they had to carry on like that, she couldn’t grasp. Not only were they noisy, but obnoxious and undisciplined in their behaviour. Especially the Bolian. . Nervous, too willing to please, just too much for her. She rolled her eyes.

She closed herself off and focused on the quiet scene in front of her and allowed the quietness of space to calm her down. Before long she was thinking again about a rumour she had heard earlier in passing. She shook her head unconsciously, but it stayed with her. Apparently there were cloaked Romulan ships ready to pounce and here she was, carrying plates around.. Was there something in her that wanted to enter that world again? There had to be, otherwise she would have been indifferent, but she was obviously not.

“Hey, waiter!,†the Bolian interrupted her thoughts. “What about some more of the same?†he said holding a glass up. She grit her teeth and thought of one of the more than thousand ways she knew how to injure him. Her Vulcan restraint gave way to a very volatile Klingon.

She got up slowly and walked over to the table where the five rowdy customers were. She put her hands down on the table hard. Her voice was low and threatening. “Get up and get whatever you want yourselves! I’ve had enough!†They all had a mixture of surprise and fright written on their faces. This was not the calm, quiet waitress they had known working here. “You have been sitting here as if you are on shore leave, in the meantime we are in a dire position!†By this time the bartender approached them, not quite knowing what to do. “Have you no respect? No honour?†With that she turned and saw that the bar tender was about to call security. “Don’t worry, I quit!†With that she walked out and left them staring after her.

“For crying out loud†her thoughts screaming in her head as she walked to her quarters. “I am a trained assasin, had fought in a war, was Chief of Security! dRo’gh MoQ’ guy’Cha baQa!†The Klignon curses escaped her lips in a forced whisper. She entered her quarters. As she started to control her breathing and force herself to inhale slowly and deeply, she calmed down.

This was the first time in a long time that she felt this angry. She was smart enough to realize that it was a more than a mere irritation with the customers, it was also a symptom of discontentment. She was highly trained and had seen and experienced more than a lot of people would in a life time. She wanted to get away from it all. Her life as a Federation spy, and everything that entailed was difficult even for a half Vulcan. Her heritage made her ideal for Starfleet covert missions. The things she had to do…

She needed a break, but a waitress? Maybe it was too different from her previous life. It had lasted long enough though. She half smiled at herself. It took her temper to make her realize that it was time for a chance.

She was now on a Space station without a job and she would need to find something fast, but she knew that wouldn’t be a problem. She had contacts all over the place and a few Captains that knew her and informed her that they would have her anytime.

T’Pal had made a few discreet calls, but and was told by Starfleet that there were positions open on the station in security, which would be ideal. It had pleased her and she was to report for duty as soon as possible, but just as she was preparing to go, she had received other orders.

“USS Freedom?!†she said out loud. “What the hell? Security Chief!†That was the last thing she had wanted. She just wanted a low key job, but no, now she wsa sec chief … again and a lieutenant.. A nice reduction in rank, which she didn’t care about! They had to be damn desperate to appoint a former agent as security chief. Or she was going to receive her ‘real’ mission soon, which meant that she was not free after all. Annoyed she arranged for her few things to be transported to her new ship and walked to the umbilical to report for duty on the USS Freedom…. What irony….. Freedom, something she had never experienced herself

Lieutenant T’Pal
Chief of Security


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