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Posted on 04 Jul 2009 @ 5:25pm by

282 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Intelligence office
Timeline: MD? 0025 hrs

Lita decided to see if Silonez was in his office at this hour, she was betting he was and her hunch paid off. He was sitting in his office hunched over a computer terminal working. She finally spoke "So are you really leaving or just talking out loud."

Silonez turned to face her, his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. "Since the Rigel mission I've been unsure of what to do."

"Mission?" Lita was confused.

"I was on a mission investigating some weapons smuggling involving the Orion syndicate, I was supposed to meet with a local contact when the cafe I was in was bombed. the blast killed fifteen people, including this little girl, she just laid there, in a broken heap." Silonez started trying to hold back his emotions. "Before the dust had settled I was on the next transport back to earth. When I got home Rita was gone, I put in for this transfer and left earth behind."

Lita stood there, the graphic story ringing in her ears. "So now what?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure what to do, I think I'm better off just being left alone for now." he started "I just want to sit behind this desk and not think about what is going on, I'll just read about it for now."

Lita looked at her friend, she couldn't exactly argue with him and she wasn't about to either, "Ok Sil, just remember we're all in this together now."

Silonez just nodded and went back to work. Lita was confused, and suddenly had something she wanted to investigate. She'd talk with the Captain in the morning.


Ensign Lita Masterson (NPC)

Lt. Silonez Ericson


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