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To get a name

Posted on 26 Jul 2009 @ 3:21pm by

4,276 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Brig
Timeline: After Isha had spoken with Patterson


With the gamma shift security team leader prepped and the two people T'Pal had arranged with now in the observation room, she looked to Aktuh. "Time to go...." she said and took a good swig from the bottle of blood wine in her hand. Her dress was typical what one would expect T'Pal to wear when off duty. Especially if you were an arrogant Romulan and you thought that the Vulcan was only a thin veneer hiding an unruly and lowly Klingon dog.

With her hair loose over hare bare shoulders, her black leather top laced up in the back and front, revealing just the top of the curve of her breasts and part of the valley between them. It narrowed down to her waist where it stopped just short of the belt of her charcoal skirt, showing off her taut flat stomach. The long skirt was open in the front in typical Klingon fashion, , revealing her long, muscular legs, covered in black leggings and ending in long boots.

"Is my appearance sufficient?" she asked Aktuh.

Smirking as he looked her over appreciatively with his eyes, Aktuh responded dryly, "Sufficient regardless of your intention when putting the ensemble together."

The look in his eyes, regardless of his tone of voice, convinced her that she was hitting the mark. Grabbing another bottle for good measure and putting a phazer pistol in her belt, the two made their way to the brig. Though sober, T'Pal's eyes were slightly bloodshot and her face appeared flushed. She had done this before. For all practical purposes, the usually ice cold Security chief was drunk and looking for trouble.

Coming out of the turbolift, T'Pal swore loudly. "QI'yaH!! batlh pothl law` yIn pothl puS [Honour is more important than life!] And this Ha'DIbaH [animal] has touched my honour!" she said to anyone who could hear.

The brig officer heard her approach and, uncertain of his superior's intentions, tried to stop her. "Sir.... where are you going?"

"Step out of my way!!!" she growled, taking another swig from the bottle. "I want to be alone with the prishonerrr" she said, slightly swaying on her feet.

"I am sorry.. but I can't allow that, you are intoxicated," he said, very worried.

Aktuh folded his arms over his chest as he settled in the observation room, ready to watch. He nodded to the other two occupants of the room, but remained silent.

Elek leaned on the wall of the observation room, watching Nniol's reactions from within the brig. Flicking his eyes over to Isha, he saw her standing aloof, silently staring into the brig. He remained where he was for a moment, but sent a mental tag, to at least tell her she wasn't alone.

To say that Isha was conflicted about this charade missed the complex undercurrents of loyalty, duty, hatred and affection that washed through her relationship with the man in the cell and with her husband, his brother and that was before the responsibilities to the House and to the Empire were drawn in.

Isha wrapped her arms a little more tightly round her body, “But I am,†she murmured in response to Elek’s nudge; she had conspired to allow an alien power across the border to attack people, citizens of the Empire whose only ‘wrongdoing’ was to believe that the future lay behind closed borders, she had sold an innocent woman for information incendiary enough to start a war, and now she was colluding with a knot of Klingons to entrap a man her own husband had refused to condemn – she had to be alone because she could not face letting anyone else know how much good green blood had run because of her.


Beyond the observation room Nniol waited. There had been no further communication, he had expected none and when finally they crossed the border Isha would come through and do as he had asked, he could rely on ‘Nerok’ to ensure that she did, the man had a knack for persuasion.

For a man with a very active mind and body waiting was hard, Nniol was used to leading events, not twiddling his thumbs until they happened, but he made good use of the time, at least those hours of it where he was not being interrupted by foolish attempts to question him, to plan his revenge starting with that half–breed security chief.

Hearing the commotion Nniol opened his eyes and raised himself on one elbow, “It’s a strange time for the circus to roll into town,†he said raising an eyebrow at the woman’s outfit, “Are you planning to perform tricks for me now?â€

"Get out of my way, you ... PetaQ! Gyu'cha!!" T'Pal said to the poor brig officer, still trying to stop her. In between glaring at Nniol and wrestling with the guard, she managed to overwhelm him and dropped him to the floor with a Vulcan neck pinch. "You try to fight me, you stupid maQDar!?" she sneered at the unconscious officer.

"Circus.... what circus?" she asked Nniol. " no.." she grinned, wagging a finger. "You are in a zoo!" she laughed at her own joke.."And... I came.. to watch.." she added taking another long drink from the bottle. "Whansum?" she offered. "Ohh yes... you can't have any.... you are in a zoo," she said again, in drunken amusement.

As his eyes slid from the fallen guard back to T’Pal Nniol’s brow wrinkled with revulsion; she was obscene!

“Funny, I’m not the one who is a genetic oddity,†he observed, “I suspect that if I sit here long enough every freak and misfit the Federation can engineer will pass by. Why are you here this time? Planning to recreate the night of your conception like your mother did?â€

"Ohhh wouldn't you just like that.... I can imagine," she sneered at him, and leaned with her bare hands against the forcefield. It buzzed and stung, but she ignored it and leaned closer to him.. "All you can do is fan..ta...size... all day.." she sneered.

Nniol rested his hands on his knees - let her do that to herself - she probably enjoyed it.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply as though tasting the air, "The difference between you and I, kll'inghann-a fvaiin is that my fantasies have a habit of coming true - the Elements love me. Right now I think that I will keep you dressed that way and sell you to a neth`whoishe (pimp) who will whore you around the back-streets of Ra'tleihfi and then you can make all sorts of fantasies come true. I'd watch, but you would bore me after an hour."

She had removed her hands and inspected them as if she had only then realized what she had done. More liquid made it down her throat before she faced him again. "You schould.. dream on....." she said and waved clumsily with her hand in the air. "B'caush you.. will neva... made it out of are..ssstuck," she laughed again. "Dyou are a tu'HomIraH ... and you will shtay that way!" she said and laughed again.

Nniol tightened his fingers around his knees then pushed to his feet. "Are you so certain?" he asked as he paced forward coming to a stop just millimetres from the shield.

"Of course... I yam!" she said swaying slightly closing the distance between them. "This thing.. keeepsh you rrgiht inside and... Issha, well that shtupid bidch shaid NOO to dyou," she added, bringing her face towards him. "Who can rrely on herrr anwayyy?" T'Pal's attempted sneer, now sounded comical.

"You're not worthy to speak the name of my brother's wife," Nniol said evenly.

She laughed loudly, knowing she had hit a nerve there. "And dyou are going to do... whad about it? You losht..."

"I 'losht'?!" Nniol chuckled. "I losht nothing! I will have everything I desire, the Elements will see to it."

"You believe the Elementsh are going to get through thish?" she laughed. "Dyou ....are a fucking fool!"

"I'm not the one who is as drunk as a ... well, the phrase as drunk as a Klingon doesn't really work here, does it," he sneered. "Why are you here?"

"Hmmm. let me thought... you can get oudohere, but dyou can't....and I to shee a defeated Romulan veQ, shtupid enough... to think he ish in control... not even the *Ambasharorr* wantsh to help dyou," she spat with drunken disgust.

"You think so? Well, we'll see what the Ambassador does, won't we - she doesn't like klivamsu any more than I do," Nniol shrugged, "What would you know about being in control? One of us is being humiliated here and you are too drunk to realise that it is you," his eyes wandered again to the guard, "if the captain of this crate has any sense he'll have you flogged for behaving like this, but then he's probably wrecked and making a fool of himself too."

T'Pal of course was completely sober, drinking real alcohol, but had used an inhibitor, breaking down the alcohol before it could into her blood stream. She was testing him, looking for a gap, eliciting different emotional responses form him. The more he abbored her, the better it was for her. "Whad dju think I am shtupud? Thisj place izz logged... locked!" she said with a wagging finger. "So... no one.. eshpechally your Ambashaddorial bidge, cannot hear...."

"Hmmph, I doubt there is anything that you could say that would interest the ambassador, even if she could understand a word you were saying. I swear that I can smell that muck in your hand through this bloody field. Why don't you fuck off and leave me in peace."

"Dyou would be sur.... prised..." she laughed. "I have her rrright where I wand her... she ish a weak...a bIHnuch [coward] alwaysh lookin to save her own ass.... and no I will go when I wand.... you will hav to find peach in thish room o yours!"

Oh? That was interesting. Nniol had been given the impression, not least by that Elek fellow that he was the only one facing any allegations. It did not look like the susse-thrai was going anywhere, he thought, so he might as well see if he could get anything useful out of her while she could still stand.

"And just where is that?" he asked, leaning his shoulder against the rim of the cell, Isha could be accused of many things, but being cowardly was not one of them.

T"Pal laughed softly, but triumphantly and leaned slightly nearer, almost conspiratory. "One sshhould neva trusht a Romulan....she thinks sshe worksh with me, but I .. will nail her," she said slamming her one fist into her hand, for emphasis. "Isha.. will rot .. with dyou.." she sneered.

"Works with you!" he half laughed, half spat the words, "I hardly think so. So you are after both of us then," he said. "I knew it!"

"Oh yess, she does... Isha.. that petaQ..." she sneered at him, then laughing hollow. "I am after.. any Romulan Ha'DIbaH [animal].. two of them in one shot!!" she said arrogantly.

Nnio, turned, sat and closed his eyes.

"Spit on the forcefield, klivam," Nniol said as he reclined on his bench, "the opinions of my brother's wife are almost as insignificant as yours."

"Oh really? Now why ish that.... tell me.. she iish not behind a qoH! [Fool] But dyou are..."

"I asked that poodle of hers the same thing, didn't I. My brother's wife is a very deceptive woman," Nniol said, "she looks as frail as an orchid but she's a poisonous flower." He smiled to himself as if at a memory, "I can hardly wait until she turns on you, and you'll not even know it until you feel her sting between your shoulder blades."

"No no no..." she wagged a finger to him. "Difference "You saw the *orchid* and sshe rejected dyou... I ... saw the cowardly snake in her.. rright fom the stard! I will be reddy fo her," she chucked and threw the bottle of bloodwine away from her. "And fom you.. I have nothing to fear," she said with disgust.

"Think that if it gives you comfort, klivam," he laughed then opened one eye, "If you're so damn certain you have nothing to fear from me, drop the field - you said yourself the door is locked, and this poor excuse for third rate accommodation is isolated from the rest of your facility ... its not like I can get beyond that door.†The sseikea was pissed, he thought as he got to his feet and placed a hand on the lip of the cell. He leaned forward so that his nose was almost touching the field, “Go on, klivam if you're capable of more than talk - drop the field."

T'Pal contemplated that for a moment rationally. Was she willing to be beaten by this loathsome man to get what she wanted? However this could be exactly the gap she needed. Bracing herself inwardly she stepped towards the panel. "I would like to shhee your green stinking blood pour on this fllor!" she said and pressed her code in.

Nniol drew a deep, slow breath, his eyes on hers as he waited for the field to fade – he could feel the tension burning in his muscles, anticipating the surge of satisfaction as fist crunched into that condescending sneer – the force-field fizzed - and the stink of stale wine assailed his nostrils.

It was down.

Nniol’s hand snapped out, clamping around her throat as he emerged from the cell. Adding muscle to his own momentum he propelled her backwards, his fingers releasing as she thudded into the wall and dropped winded to the floor.

“Get up,†he spat looking down at the repellent creature at his feet.

Still playing the intoxicated security chief, T'Pal tried to grab his arm, but he was too fast and she felt herself flung through the air, hitting the wall behind her. Her breath was forced from her in a loud grunt. Rubbing her throat, she slowly, clumsily got to her feet and glared at him. "taHqeq!" she said as she lunged forward.

He stepped aside but as she passed caught her hair with both hands and pulled his arms sharply back. Turning, Nniol swept his leg round and kicked the discarded flask at her, drops of dark liquid spraying over the floor “If you didn’t drink this shit you might not keep falling over,†he observed. “Get up!â€

Nniol was not stupid, drunk or not, she wasn’t the sort of woman who would be cowed by a quick backhand; he’d let her exhaust herself a little while he warmed up, “I own a klivam slave, you know … I had a lot of fun breaking him in,†he said as he waited. He flicked his fingers at her, “Up!â€

"You?! A weak BiHnuch [coward] like you.. you can't even keep a real woman," she taunted. ~Now that was interesting~ she thought, as she kicked at the side of his knee, rolling as she did so. She simply slowed movements she would have used were she in a real fight, and now it had little effect. He could have killed her in reality, but he was toying with her and she would let him.

“Still all you have for me is words,†Nniol said, flexing his fingers. He was showing remarkable restraint, he thought, in not simply battering the life out of her. He happened to be an outstanding practitioner of the Romulan fighting style known as Komorek, but Nniol didn’t want to kill her, at least not until she had unlocked the door for him, and he had made her appreciate her own weakness and inferiority, “You can do better than that, surely … or did Starfleet truly reach the bottom of the recruitment barrel when they took you on?â€

T'Pal grit her teeth at his insults. "Qu'vatlh" she growled and attacked him. To stay realistic, Klingons were notorious for handling their alcohol well and even drunk, they were known as of the best warriors in the quadrant. And enough time had passed for her to regain some coordination. Though slightly clumsier and slower as she normally would, she allowed some of what she could to show. using a mixture a Vulcan martial art and earth based Kung Fu, she let him work a little. After one kick the side of his face, she stood back. "You didn't see thad one ..comin" she snarled and laughed, a little off balance. ~That's got to piss him off~ she thought as she saw the look in his eyes and braced herself for what was to follow.

He ran his tongue along his teeth; his hand halfway to his jaw, Nniol paused. “Better,†he said with a twist of his lips that in another setting could have been mistaken for an amused smile, though there was no humour in it here.

Nniol responded. Bringing the heel of his palm across her cheek and nose – to his pleasure, something shifted beneath it and with his other hand he took that impractically loose hair of hers, wrenched her around and drove her face first into the wall.

T'Pal felt her skin break and blood starting to seep from her broken nose and lips and she grimaced. "You should take shome lessonsh from my lover..." she sneered, her face pressed against the wall.

This time he did not let her fall.

“I’m bored, klivam,†he breathed into her ear as he pressed his forearm against her neck, pressing her harder into the wall. He pulled back her arm and inserted a clenched fist beneath the humerus as a fulcrum, his other hand wrapped around her wrist. “I’ll give you one chance. Open the door, no fuss, and I’ll allow you to go.â€

He was going to break the bone, of course, his weight balanced at those points would cause it to snap with the slightest struggle on her part, or the slightest pressure from his.

"And thad is... going... to help you how?" she snarled even as she grunted against his hold. She knew what would happen and she cared less about a broken bone ot two. Pain meant little to her, but he had to believe that it did, for now.

In the enclosed space the snap reverberated around the walls.

T'Pal let a loud grunt escape her swelling lips. "Why ... should I open the door.. for ... a Romulan dog?"

"Now, that, you brought on yourself," Nniol told her, "Now why don't you stop asking stupid questions and open the door, we'll quietly make our way to a shuttlecraft, and then you can go. OK?"

"No.... For.. Get It... " she growled, wrestling against his hold. She knew how to get out of his grip and decided to attempt part of it. She bend her head forward, and then jerked it backwards, catching him in the face with her hardened skull.

"I will give.. you nothing..."

"Nnnnngh!" Nniol staggered back, swearing, He spat the blood from his mouth, "I think you will," he said darting to the guard she had attacked earlier. He kicked them over and placed his foot on their throat, "The door, klivam," he repeated.

Thinking fast, T'Pal had two options, either jump towards him, or lure him to her again, away from the hapless guard. She had not foreseen that and she wasn't going to sacrifice a man. Nniol was not bluffing "tojo'Qa'!!Aright.. you bastard... " she said and moved towards the panel, making sure she staggered just that little bit.

Nniol rolled his foot idly back and forth, pressing it on the windpipe for effect - leaving now would be complicated, but why the fuck should he sit here and wait for a neurotic to try and stage a gaol-break when he had their security chief to do it instead - "Get on with it, then, unless you want me to break your other arm too," he said calmly.

"Shut up!" she said annoyed. "They fuching locked me out, the petQ!" she growled frustrated as she angrily tapped the panel. ~Thank you~ she thought to whoever locked her out for real.

He did not kill the guard. Nniol was confident that any evidence they had in relation to the attack on DS5 was circumstantial – certainly the tribunal would find that way – but a clear-cut case of murder would complicate things if he was not able to get out now. It would almost be worth the complication to see how she reacted, he thought, and it would be entirely her fault for behaving like a drunken amton’wi-kha but slowly he lifted his foot and placed it back on the ground.

“If this is a bluff …†he said.

"Whad is!?" she asked half dismissively, still trying to use her override codes. Turning around, there was a gleam of panic in her eyes. "Get back in you cage! I should never have let you out." She seemed a little more sober as the alcohol was being absorbed in her system.

So she really couldn’t open it … Nniol’s lips split into a wide, predatory smile, “I don’t think I’ll do that,†he said slowly closing the distance between them, “But you are right about one thing, you should not have let me out,†he grabbed her injured arm and shoved her up against the wall.

T"Pal grunted. "Qu'vatlh! You are still in a cage... it is just a bit bigger... " she said and laughed at situation and him, thinking it really funny in her drunken state. "I will probably join you in the brig now.... well not WITH you.. of course... they will be scared I kill you..." she sneered.

“A'rhea, (dear heart – used sarcastically here, obviously!) by the time they open that door you’ll not be able to feed yourself,†just to emphasise his point he swung a fist hard into her jaw, feeling a certain satisfaction with each impact.

T'Pal grunted with every blow, thinking tha she would need quite some repairs done. She was beginning to wonder if this was all worth it, but she kept pushing. "Can not bette.." most of her words were drowned by the blows.

“… and then … then I think I’ll give you to Geillun and see what he can get out of you – it’ll give him something to do on the way back to ch’Rihan.â€

The instant T'Pal heard the name, her demeanor changed. She had been fooling him and gave him no indication of what she really was capable of and she ducked the blow, swung her body and drove her good elbow into the Romulan solar plexus with all the strength she had from both her hetitages.

He was caught by surprise and as he bent forward, the side of her foot connected wih his temple in a well controlled kick.

"You festering cunt!" he spat as she verified his suspicions. There was blood in his spittle and shards of some fractured teeth. "Enough, then ... tough shit, klivam you die," he said running his hand up his chin.

T'Pal didn't underestimate her opponent and being at a disadvantage she moved away and out of his reach. Almost casually she removed her hidden phazer and trained it on him. "Now get back in your cage, you useless piece of baktag!" There was not a hint of teh intoxicated hybrid left, she had fooled him and she wanted him to know it. "Nerok is his name on this ship," she said and flicked the phazer towards the cell.

"I know you now," Nniol said. He did not move, and he would not. He simply laughed at her.

She smirked. "Sure, you will need something to make you feel superior. I got what I wanted," she said coldly. "And believe me.... it was not the name, that I had before I came here... it was to hear you Spit. It. Out", she said.

Nniol's brow wrinkled, as he stared toward the observation window - he could only guess at who was beyond that wall ... "When I find out which vang'radam (traitor) told you that I'll put my fist so far down their throat ..."

T'Pal shot him and motioned to the waiting Kalh to open the brig door. "You will have to drag him into the cell, he didn't want to walk," she said with disgust.

"Then meet me in the security office" T'Pal would have to get to Sickbay first and get herself fixed up, before attempting tp arrest another very dangerous man.


Isha had watched it all in silence though her breathing had become more laboured as the scene went on, he was talking to her, of course, though he didn't know it. She looked with sadness at the fallen man, he was terribly cruel, but he was guided by mnhei'sahe, the charade had convinced her of that - she shouldn't be standing here helping condemn him for being guided by the ruling passion - the Elements would punish her for that.


Lt T'Pal

Nniol tr'Illialhlae

Aktuh of the House of Mishtak
Position Unknown


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