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... how we laughed!

Posted on 17 Jul 2009 @ 4:08pm by

2,175 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Isha's Quarters

“At least I have an answer for this unexpected miracle,†he said eventually, “though given what little you have told me I can’t say that I am surprised. You developed a tolerance for this … I’ve heard your words and I’ve seen your recollection of the process, very entertaining it was too, enthusiastic, aren’t you?â€

The Isha from the memory laughed, a soft bitter sound, the crushing tiredness she felt grating through her voice as she spoke, “You took gloating pleasure in telling me how it renders the will inactive and the victim open to suggestion … if it amuses you to make me dwell on the circumstances of my repeated rape I am sorry for you.â€

“Do you expect me to believe that you were unaware of what was happening for four weeks?†he snapped back. “It sounds like an excuse to me. You knew much sooner than that that the man who was fucking you each night was not your husband.â€

“Why can you not listen to what I am saying - I believed it was,†Isha repeated drowsily, “You said yourself that I was vulnerable to suggestion … I believed that man was my husband – nothing you can do to me will change that, or what I believed or what I believe. He stole my ability to reason until I began to grow tolerant to your infernal drugs and when I was able to push myself through that fog he could not continue without causing me injury and exposing himself and so it ended. I was not aware until that moment.â€

“Why did you not tell your husband? Why lie if you are so sure of your innocence?â€

“I’ve told you again, again, again it would have destroyed him and his House. I kept my silence to preserve that - my husband’s House could not survive such a rift – it is a conflict that could not be contained, and I did it to protect my husband – a lie of omission to keep the status quo – that is all – you are a Rihanna, act like one and do not question my adherence to mhnei’sahe.

“I think you developed that tolerance much sooner … how do I make you admit that?†he mused passing behind Isha. She felt his hands on her shoulders, hard strong fingers, through the thin smock she wore, “Should I try you myself?â€

“My husband will kill you if you touch me,†she said. It had already occurred to Isha that he had to be working under severe constraints to be taking this long over her – she wasn’t sure how long, it had been but she could hardly imagine that they always took this long. He could not use every method at his disposal which told her that Nveid did know what was happening – that he really did only want the truth.

“Well, there are other ways to make you scream,†he said, “It looks like I am going to have to do this the old fashioned way,†he said thoughtfully. “Your husband turned you over to the Tal’Shiar, why would he care what happens to you.â€

“Because he needs to know that I did not mean to harm him,†it was a simple enough reason, and Isha understood his actions even if she might never forgive him for them, “and that it is his brother who should be sitting here, not his wife. I have told you the truth, I am telling you the truth and no amount of inducement will change that. You know what I think when you speak – ‘thwarted’ – you can hardly believe that I am winning because your world just doesn’t work that way – you think you can always win, don’t you? But you can’t and I hope you never forget that I am stronger than you are, fvadt you haven’t even had the guts to show me your face. I am not a child and I am not afraid of an Aehallh that can’t come out of the shadows,†that last was a lie, she was terrified, but Isha had a tendency to bluff when she was afraid.

It was then that he finally stepped into the pool of light, a tall wiry man, with flat cold eyes, the only life in them seemed to come from the reflection of the bright light against his dark pupils; there was no feeling in them, “I’ve had enough of you,†he said gripping her chin and jerking her head up to look at him, “I’m going to find out exactly what is going on in there even if I have to take you apart to do it ...â€

Isha’s eyes slid to the side as the door flew open, “Enough!†it was Nveid … so he’d seen everything, Isha thought, “Release her, Giellun, I believe her,†he demanded. If she could have run to him Isha would have done, Isha almost cried out in relief,

With a flick Giellun released her chin and straightened, “It’s too late, Nveid,†he said, “I agreed to do you a favour, we’re beyond that now. We were beyond that a week ago when she didn’t respond to the mind probe. Your wife has a unique ability, one that is usually the result of extensive training, however in her case it appears to be entirely natural – you may be a friend, Nveid, but I haven’t gone to all this trouble to resolve your marital crisis. I am required by my superiors to find out just how capable she is.â€

“That was not part of our agreement.â€

“Then you should have trusted her word and given me your brother. I did what you asked,†Giellun said with a shrug. “I could have told you she wasn’t lying after half an hour but that was never going to be enough for you. Go home, Nveid, I will return her to you once I am done. And find a way to make peace with your brother – she was right about that too, a rift in your House would have severe repercussions throughout the Empire.â€

“I can’t leave her with you.â€

“You must. Its out of your hands, you have no authority here. She will remember nothing, I’ll make sure of it. You have to go now.â€

Isha had never thought of her husband as a weak or pathetic man but as he turned at the door and looked back at her she thought he looked crushed and impotent and every one of his hundred and thirty years.

He should have done more to get her out of this situation, it was his fault, he should have tried, but he left her there and Isha had remembered none of this until now. She felt as though she had been punched in the stomach.

“It’s the same man,†Isha said as her connection with T’Pal dissolved and she found herself looking into the hybrid’s eyes, “He knew my husband and I think we can conclude that he knows his brother.â€

T'Pal took a few moments to focus again breathing deeply for a few moments and nodded quietly. What Isha had now experienced, T'Pal had felt in every detail... and she would have meditate to deal with them. Keeping her own thoughts tucked away for now, she focussed on the issue at hand. "I concur," she agreed. "Thank you Ambassador.... I think we have the edge on Nniol we needed," she said thoughtfully.

Isha had touched memories that had not surfaced for decades - even her long, long talk with Elek had not reached so deep; all she wanted to do now was collapse in a quivering heap and never get up again. Instead, Isha searched for the grain of dignity that had kept her sane throughout those days; the knowledge that she was, and always had been in the right. And she would focus on that grain and coat everything that surrounded it with layer after layer of denial and supression until it became as harmless as any other memory.

"I hope it was worth it," Isha said lowering her gaze.

After a moment Isha rose and retrieved the glass she had been using earlier, "I think I may never sleep again," she said, draining it. The splash of the pale blue liquid as she refilled it was almost as comforting as the burn in her throat and the trickle of warmth that spread through her stomach, "Will you join me, T'Pal?" she asked raising the bottle.

"I can't think of anything else I would rather do right now...." she said with a small grin. ~Except having sex with Aktuh~ the thought to herself. "Might as well make tonight look real..." she added with a smirk. She had looked into the depths of another person.. and a very unlikely person at that, and it didn't leave her untouched.

Isha crossed purposefully to the replicator and produced a second ice-filled glass, but there was nothing artificial about the kal'iFhou. She sat, poured and handed the glass to T'Pal, "You know more about me than Rh'vaurek does," she said, "and he took almost everything that was worth knowing ... maybe I shouldn't speak. I'm too ..." she waved her free hand about her brow - the words she could catch hold of were insufficient.

T'Pal looked at the liquid as she slowly swirled it in the glass. "I probably do," she admitted and maybe words would be superfluous at that moment. "Some things can not and should not be expressed verbally," she said meaningfully, letting Isha know that she would respect her privacy and not disclose her knowedge to anyone.

It occurred to Isha as she swallowed another mouthful of her drink that if she contnued to cane the heady blue beverage in this manner she might actually manage to achieve unconcsiousness, even if sleep continued to elude her.

She nodded at T'Pal's words, "What will you do?" she asked after a short silence.

Studying the liquid in her glass T"Pal took a few moments before he raised the glass and rested it against her lips, before she swallowed some more of the drink. "I will proceed as planned..... see what Nniol will spill to a drunken Klingon," she said and raised her eyes too. There is still an intruder on this ship and I want enough evidence to apprehend him," she said.

Isha chewed on that for a moment, "From the perspective of the Rihannsu, you have more than enough evidence to incarcerate a suspected interloper ... but we are not on one of our ships, so I must keep my silence," Isha said, trying hard to find a focus for her anger at her own ineffectuality. "I cannot stop you, but I would not advise it."

"I know I can arrest him... in fact I think I will do that anyway...." she said. "It will make my encounter with Nniol ever more satisfying.... however, I would like to know why you would advise against it?"

Isha placed her glass on the table and stared at it for a moment, "I really don't know," she said, "Even though I know who he is now, and what he is, I cannot seriously consider stopping him ... its like my brain will not allow me to. Isn't that strange?"

"Perhaps your brain considers it betrayal of your own at some level..." T'Pal mused.

"We are fortunate then that it is not my decision," Isha said, perhaps it was one more act of treachery against her own people than she was capable of handling. "As it is I am loathe to speculate as to why I am able to override what my own common sense tells me."

There was a flicker of recognition in T'Pal's eyes. She had been there more than once in her life, where she had to obey orders or make decisions against her own judgement and take actions against her own people. Later in her career she had more influence and could do her own investigation beofre taking a hit, but earlier and during the war... it was ugly and she was forced to act against her own conscience. "One learns to live with it..... if one can find meaning...." she said almost philosophically.

"Meaning ..." Isha's tone was thoughtful, Rh'vaurek would have answers if Isha ever got the chance to see him again ... then she might find some meaning. She reached for her glass again, "I am who I must be," Isha said, "I have always said that, and I will do what I must."

T'Pal got up after emptying the contents of her glass. "I know, Ambassador..." she said. She knew what Isha had meant, but there was no reason to express that. "You will."

"Kholairlh-a ssaed-asi," Isha said, "Elements willing."


Lt T'Pal

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Ensign Timothy Webb
Security Officer


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