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A Debt of Honor

Posted on 10 Jul 2009 @ 11:33am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

261 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Back Post - before arrival at SB47

During the days that the freedom warped towards SB 47 Da`nal had spent many of his off duty hours in the holodeck. Before leaving DS5 he had manage to 'accuire' enough of the hull fragments from the Firestorm for his purposes.

The program he was running all night in and night out was that of a Klingon forge. Taking the metal he first melted it all down into a single smelting pot. Once properly melted, he poured the molten metal into a form and began pounding and folding the metal to give it the needed stregnth. He repeated the process over and over again; pound and folding - folding and pounding. All the while he sand songs of glory and death...songs to honor the fallen who had died gloriously in battle. The sweat from his arms and brow hissing when it fell on the glowing metal.

Once the process of strengthening was completed he began to shape and form the metal into the weapon of his people; the Bat'leth - "The Sword of Honor". It had taken many hours, but eventually he had two Bat'leths.

Satified with his work he wrapped the hand grips of each in Targh leather began to sharpened each blade to a razors edge. Finally, with both blade completed he made a final check of each for proper balance, making minor corrections as needed.

One would go to his son who had stood in defence of his family even at his extremely young age. The other...well that would come later.


Cmdr Da`nal


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