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Posted on 10 Jul 2009 @ 11:36am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,270 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: SB 47 - Brig / Freedom - Ready Room

Da`nal made his way from the airlock to the station Security facilities. Needless to say he wasn't please to have to arrange the release of his XO from the brig. Fortunately the Freedom had arrived shorlty after the Station's Commanding Officer had returned and after a short conversation the release had been authorized.

Stepping through the doors the lieutenant manning the desk stood. "What can I do for you Commander?"

"You can release my First Officer. You should find his release authorization in your database."

"It just came through sir. Would you like me to go back and let him know you are here"

A subtle grin formed as he thought. "No....I'll go back and get him myself."

Da`nal caught his grin as he stepped past and into the detention area. Two Klingon's stood as he entered, both wearing the crest of his House and they recognized him immediately. "Lord Da`nal?"

Andrew heard the Klingon's and jumped off of his seat at the back of his cell and moved quickly towards the security screen. He adjusted his uniform and hair quickly before standing at a crisp 'parade rest' before the energy field, waiting for Da`nal to come into view.

Easy. he thought to himself, You didn't start this... you just finished it.

[Translated from Klingon]
In a stern voice Da`nal toyed with the two two warriors, knowing full well that the crew on his father's ship would rib them endlessly for losing to a human. "My father will be back for you later!"

Turning to the man behind the security field....his new XO. ~At least they had allowed him to clean up~ he thought as he look over the officer staring straight ahead. "Not the best way to meet the your new CO is it Commander?"

"No, sir." Andrew replied crisply. "My apologies." he added, not turning his gaze from the rivet in the wall twenty yards away across the deck.

Da`nal knew the required investigation had determined that Fienneman's actions had been in self-defense. How ever with a full garrison of Klingons now moving through the station security had their hands full. Da`nal recalled his history of the region and this very station...though an earlier incarnation. How the crews of six D-7's not to mention the crew of the station and 4 Federation ships had faced off with each other ready to do battle. He wondered what it would have been like to suddenly have every instrument becoming to hot to handle when the Organian's forced an uneasy peace.

With a wry grin he reached up and deactivated the security field. "Nothing to apologize for....after all you won, though he 'was' drunk.

Andrew smirked, "Drunk, but still steady on his feet." he replied. He stepped out of the cell and saluted quickly, "Andrew Fienneman reporting for duty, sir."

"Well lets get back aboard, we have a lot to discuss."


A while later after he had finally finished briefing his new officer on current events he sat back. "What do you make of all this?"

Andrew shook his head, "The whole thing doesn't sound right, sir." he said, "I think that whatever is going on here is just the visible side; there's something else moving in the shadows." he clarified. "I couldn't even begin to tell you what that would be, sir. I'm still trying to get my arms around it myself." he added.

"Well I wouldn't expect you to not after one briefing, but I do need you up to speed as soon as possible. Just know that StarFleet, as well as the Klingon Empire, don't buy this family struggle excuse either. Even if the entire Senate wasn't involved, it is very likely that some Senators are.

"There are two other issues that has surfaced during our trip here. One, it looks like we may have Romulan agents on board and two our Chief Intelligence Officer, Mr. Silonez, tried to kill himself."

"Romulan agents we can handle, sir. I'd be more concerned with our Intelligence Officer. What happened?" he asked.

Nodding with a smirk he liked the man's confidence, but his thoughts quickly turned back to Silonez. "He tried to over dose on some medication. Our Counselor has been working with him...or at least he's been trying to. Both his staff and the counselor have brought up issues with his past that seems unresolved. I want you to over see the Intel Department until he either gets back on his feet or a new department head is named."

"Consider Intelligence under my supervision then, Commander." Andrew replied, "I'll keep in touch with the Counselor and keep you apprised of Silonez's progress." he added.

"Excellent, that's one thing I can take off my plate at least. Oh there will be a dinner later tonight with the Romulan Ambassador and Mr. Elek our diplomatic officer; Dress uniforms are 'not' required."

Andrew nodded, "Dinner sounds good." he smiled. "I suspect its not going to be pleasantries though." he added, noticing the Commander's lack of reaction.

With a rather wry expression Da`nal replied. "Well I had to promise to be as civil as possible. Who knows I may even be courteous."

Andrew smiled, "Don't hurt yourself, Commander." he chuckled. He turned back to business quickly though. "Anything I should be aware of regarding the Bridge crew?" he asked, "I'd like to spend some time getting things ship-shape while we're here at the station. Might not have another opportunity for a while." he added.

"Ships resources, including the crew are now your responsibility. The crew has been together for only a short time, but most have been though the initial battle together. Other than Silonez there isn't anything major." He deliberately failed to mention the issues with T'Pal and her 'colleague'. As Section 31 was most likely involved he decided to keep things quiet until the matter was settled.

Leaning back a bit he laced his fingers together. "As a Security Chief I kept an open door policy, as a Captain I want to maintain an extent. I want problems that can be handled at the departmental level handled at that level. I want people to know that they can come to me but I don't want any end running either. If that ever happens I will address the issue being raised, find out if that issue was taken through proper channels, if it wasn't I full expect you or the department head that was bypassed to put that crew member in their place."

"You needn't worry about me following the Chain of Command, or busting ass on those that circumvent. I ran a tight Department and will run a tight ship, the crew can adapt or deal with my foot in their ass. Sir." he replied with a smirk.

"Good. That's just what I wanted to hear. But just keep in mind that I don't have a problem putting foot to ass either. Meaning my foot to your ass...," with a smirk of his own he added, "...should the need arise, of course."

"Shit rolls downhill, sir." Andrew replied, "You can be sure whatever I get is turned ten fold down the hill." he added with a wry smile.

Da`nal smirked slightly, "That is does. Well I will let you get settled in, and I will see you tonight then."

Returning the XO's nod he watched the him depart then tapped the comm panel on his desk. "Lt. Cranz, report to the ready room."


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Cdr Fienneman


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