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The plan

Posted on 24 Jun 2009 @ 11:32am by

546 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Chief Sec office
Timeline: 10 00

After her meeting with Da'nal and the CMO, T"Pal walked back to her office. =/= "T'Pal to Webb, report to my office =/= she instructed over her comm badge

=^=On my way ma'am, Webb out=^= After the butt chewing Webb received, he wondered what he did now.

A few minutes later he was at T'Pal's Office. He push the door chime and waited for an answer.

"Come!" she said and the door swished open to allow the officer in, looking as if he was expecting another beating. The security chief merely raised an eyebrow and indicated for him to sit down.

Webb sat down in the chair. "Yes ma'am?"

"I need to discuss something with you, but it is confidential and it needs to stay that way," she said, almost with a warning in her voice, meaning if it didn't stay that way, he might really loose his head.

"I understand, ma'am. I would like to think that you can trust me. Please continue." Webb replied.

"I have reason to believe that we have an intruder on board and we need to flush him or her out. I am using traditional means too, but I will try something different as well and that is where you come in." she said and watched him carefully.

"Very well, How can I help?"

"Tonight, I will approach the brig appearing to be drunk and disorderly. Nniol hates me and my race, seeing himself as a superior. We will use that. Lt Elek will be in the observation room and I will enter the brig, overpowering the brig officer and whoever else is there. It has to seem real or he will not give me what I want. I need you to try and stop me, but I *neutralize*you and you will lie there, recording everything. will lock down the brig and appear to disable the automatic recording, using a *dampening* device. Questions?"

"Understood, what will you use to neutralize me, making it look believable? And will there be any safety or security concerns?" he added.

T'Pal looked him over. "I will stun you, there is less chance that I will harm you accidentally and really knock you out," she said dryly. "It will sting but you should be ok," she added. "If in any way Nniol gets out, he is to be stunned or if our intruder monitors the brig and shows up. Be very aware of any activity outside the plan of action. Have a security team on standby as we will have to move to intercept the intruder immediately once I have the name. ""

"Very well, Lieutenant, I will give get team on standby with minimal information. I will have them posted in a room on the same deck as the brig."

"There is something else you need to do. I want you to go through the the file of a science officer called Nerok. I want to know everything you can find on him - *everything* Ensign, and report to me stat." she instructed.

"Understood ma'am, I will get on it right away."

"Good, Ensign," she said. "Then if there are no more questions, you are dismissed," she stated.

Webb got up and left the room.


Ensign Timothy Webb
Security Officer

Lt T'Pal


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