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Cloak and dagger

Posted on 24 Jun 2009 @ 11:31am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

835 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: Day after Departure - on route to SB 47

[Captain's Quarter's]

Da`nal sat waiting on the two officer's to arrive. There was several things he needed to cover with T'Pal but tonight was mainly personal matters concerning the ship CMO and her 'situation'.

T'Pal arrived first and rang the chime to be allowed entry.


"Commander, you wanted to see me," she said as she stapped through the door.

"Yes come in, We have a situation that need to be handled....delicately. It concerns our Chief Medical Officer."

T'Pal wasn't exactly in the mood for 'delicately' fact she was seldom in the mood for that. ~Get the dilplomat to handle that~ she almost said, but kept her thoughts to herself, although there was a momentary Klinogn scowl there as evidence. When she lifted her gaze to Da'nal's face, it was gone. "What is it, Commander?" se asked, knowing that she was NOT going to like the answer.

"Several issues actually. One it has come to my attention that that ships security was bypassed. Nothing was taken but a holorecording was left in the doctor's quarters. This recording was from a Vulcan male she was involved with....a farewell that was delivered after his death in the attack on DS5. Now this man went by the name of Talar and in reality he was a Romulan that had unofficially defected. He had left the Romulan Empire with the hhelp of the doctor. Now his body has gone missing.

Also, the 'accident' that injured myself and Lt. Taylor. I don't think it was an accident at all. Were you able to find anything?"

T'Pal was hoping to keep her investigation as still as possible, but will have to inform the CO now. "I have reason to believe that we have an agent on board and we are investigating as we speak. I will prefer that this fact will remain between us," she said. "And whoever elas on a need to know basis."

"I agree, no sense in tipping him off to our suspicions."

"Mr Elek and I have a talk. He has good insight into the prisoner. Nniol is very arrogant and he hates Klingons, thinking they are nothing more than mutts. He places me in that category too. We will use that weekness. I will go tonight to him appearing drunk and disorderly, behaving like a KLingon who will not remember a thing the next morning. I believe that chances are significant for him to *boast* to me," she said. "Only Mr Elek, Mr. Webb and you will know about this for now. If necessary I will also inform the Ambassador..." she continued. "In the mean time, we are also looking for the Intruder and now perhaps saboteur in the traditional way."

"Approved. Let me know when you head in. I will observe from my location. Now as the the Doctor's situation. See what you can find out about this Talar. He had been delcared dead so his remains have to be somewhere. That or someone altered the files."

"I will look into it," she stated, frowing slightly. "There is something else. There is a possibility of a Romulan attack as we cross the border. Tactical will be on high alert, but discreetly so," she informed him.

"Yes I was thinking the same thing. I was informed of Nniol's attempt to persuade the ambassador to release him. If there is to be an escape attempt, the best time would be when we cross the border and are under escort. Have the brig's detention cells recoded and set for due authorization to deactivate, so that only your authorization and mine can lower the isolation fields."

T'Pal nodded. as she said as she tapped her Padd. While he was talking she had already accessed the ship's computer and uploaded the new authorization protocols to the computer. "Done, Commander, I will also disable the manual override." She used to be an agent in covert ops, and she knew what to expect from someone bent on assisting a prisoner to escape.

"When we approach the border I'll order a yellow alert. With my House's past dealings with Nniol's, the attack on DS5, not to mention the Shinzon incident will be all the 'justification' we'll need to have our guard up. We can lull them into a sense of self confidence by allowing them to 'talk' us down. But keep the weapons ready and coordinate with Flight control. The second they try to charge their weapons, lock on, raise their shield I want evasive maneuvers."

"I think we can fool them in letting them believe we have powered down the weapons as well," she said. "I will speak to engineering," she said.

"Good, and double the yield on the torpedoes as well."

"Well it appears that the good doctor wasn't able to make it. We can discuss her 'situation' at a leter date."

T'Pal nodded sharply. "I will investigate this Talar and see what I can find out," she said.


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt T'Pal


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