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Out of the Frying pan and into the Brig

Posted on 26 Jun 2009 @ 8:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,589 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Star Base 47
Timeline: Current

It was going to be some time before the Freedom arrived. As such Ralnath had allowed his crew some shore leave aboard the station. He and his wife sat in the rear of one of the stations many establishments eating a meal, as they watched the other members of the crew enjoy themselves.

The Roqnar had been on a long patrol before returning to pick up the Head of their House. So the crew of the Roqnar were taking full advantage of the break. There was some minor brawling...more tests of strength than an actual fight, lots of feasting and singing and of course - bloodwine.

Lieutenant Commander Fienneman walked casually into the room and took a seat at a nearby table, eyeing the raucous Klingon's curiously with a smirk. Always an interesting crowd, he thought to himself.

The steward walked over and smiled, and Andrew ordered himself a drink and whatever happened to be the house special today, glancing quickly at the two elder Klingon's sitting not too far away before turning his gaze out of the viewport towards the darkness beyond.

Ralnath noticed the glance of the Starfleet officer as it moved past him and out the window. His expression never waivered as three junior warriors moved towards him two carrying bottle of somekind.

A rather large warrior slammed his tankard on the table as he sat down his arms in the positions for the B'aht Qul challenge. "Care to test your strength against a Klingon Warrior?"

Andrew smirked and mirrored his position, "Yes, but I suppose you'll do for now." he replied.

All he did was glare. "Wa! Cha! Wey!" At the count the human's arms pushed out and a little ground but the Klingon held him there and then began to bring their arms in steadily.

The large amounts of bloodwine began to take its toll and the human began to press him. Finally his arms were forced to the table.

Andrew laughed and smirked at the Klingon, "Was that just a practice run?" he asked.

In a rage he dove at the human sending both of them to the floor.

As the beast of a Klingon fell on top of him, scatter the table and cups and chairs about, Andrew hit the ground knocking the air from his lungs. He tried to grab hold of something on the Klingon's body, but couldn't grip. With nothing to use as support, he just pressed upwards against the Klingon's chest and put his foot in his stomach, kicking the weighty warrior up over him onto his back behind Andrew. As the Klingon flew, Andrew clammered to his feet and turned around to face him.

Even as the human stood a bottle of blood wine crashed over his head. Seeing his friend coming to his aid, when they moved to grab him he shouted, "The human is mine!" Still on his knees from the blow from the bottle, Korgan lifted him to his feet.

Andrew blinked his eyes for a moment, his head aching, while he tried to focus. He clung to the Klingon's arms as he lifted him in the air. His breath was stank and foul from whatever dinner had been and made Andrew cringe in response. As he was raised, and the Klingon was seemingly enjoying this moment of triumph, Andrew smirked. He knew it would piss off the Klingon, but he had a trick up his sleeve.

As the Klingon's scowl turned dark, Andrew raised his hands through the gap of his arms and brought his elbows down on the inside of the Klingon's, tucking his legs a bit to put his full weight into them. His gripped snapped loose from the force and Andrew charged hard into his chest, spinning around before his companions could round on him. He slid on some wine and nearly fell over, but caught himself on a tumbled chair, which he quickly used to get himself steady as he waited for the imminent charge.

Ralnath wathched the Fleeter deal with the drunken members of his crew quite nicely. He was even prepared to face his two comrades. However as he regained his balance, they drew their d'k tagh. As the secondary blades sprang out he stood slamming his fist into the table as he shouted. "Mevyap!"

The heads of all three standing combatants looked in Ralnath's direction, and as he moved towards them several Starfleet security officers arrived. Looking around they saw two Klingons with weapons out, one getting to his feet and a wine soaked Lieutenant Commander with what could have been blood on the back of his head. The lead officer motion to his team and they began collecting the Klingon's weapons. They were reluctant at first but with a word from Ralnath they complied. "I want everyon involved in security....we'll sort this out there."

Andrew looked back at his tow combatants, relaxing and brushing himself off.

"That means you too Commander." Looking at Ralnath. "You too."

One of the security detail moved to take Ralnath's arm. but a glare stopped him cold. I am Ralnath head of the House of Varal and I hold Ambassadorial status in the Federation."

"House of Varal?" Andrew asked, the name ringing a bell. "Your son commands the USS Freedom, Ambassador?" he asked, not needing to see that he was right in the Klingon's reaction. Andrew drew himself up a bit and pulled on the top of his uniform. "My name is Andrew Fienneman, the Freedom's new Executive Officer." he added.

Ralnath looked to the officer appraisingly. "Indeed? Well in that case we have things to discuss."

"You two can discuss anything you want after we have this situation resolved. Mr. 'Ambassador', if you would accomany me I would like to get a statement from you as a witness, Commander you were directly until I get the situation straight everyones guilty."

Ralnath nodded "Very well."

"By your lead." Andrew said, accepting a towel from one of the stewards.

Turning to the junior member of the detail. "Stay here and get statements from everyone else.

"Yes sir."

[Later in Security]

Andrew stepped into the doors of security, followed by the Security Officers, Ralnath and his Klingon 'friends'. As the doors slide closed behind the group, the Security Officer came around in front of them and surveyed them all.

Leaning against the desk, folding his arms. "Ok, what the hell happened in there Commander?"

Andrew clasped his hands firmly behind his back and looked back at the Security Officer. "A disagreement." he replied, "I beat the Klingon here in a match of strength, but he seems to disagree. The result of which you see now." he said matter-of-factly. "Everything else was purely of a defensive nature." he added, not glancing back at the Klingon's. He doubted they would agree, but this was business.

Ralnath had been a witness to the entire event, but remained silent. His warrior, who had been beaten was another who began to spout a string of Klingon curses as he drunkenly tried to defend himself. "Be silent!" Ralnath finally shouted.

Turning to the security officer Ralnath tried to deal with his people in his own way. "Lieutenant, I can make this easier for you. I will take my crew member back to my ship. I assure you they will be dealt with appropriately."

"That's not my call sir. These men where involved in a bar brawl on Federation station, assault on a Federation Officer, and I'm quite sure the bar owner will be filing charges on any damages."

Ralnath was beginning to get frustrated. "Lieutenant I have..."

"Diplomatic status...yes sir I'm aware of that. You may have, but they don't. Until I get everything cleared up everyone is going to have to say here."

"Lieutenant." Andrew began, "I'll need to speak to your superior Officer. Alone." he continued, drawing himself up a bit as he saw the Lieutenant beginning to protest. "Lieutenant, I am not asking you for your permission. I am telling you, as your superior officer, to direct me to your direct superior so that I can discuss this all with him. Do you understand?"

It wasn't the first time he'd had an officer try to throw his rank around to get out of something. Right now he didn't care who said what, until he had confirmation on the events, no one was going anywhere. "I will forward your 'request' sir, but right now both the CO and XO are off the station, they should be back by tomorrow. And as you know there are regulations and procedures to be followed." Waving a finger at the two brawlers. "For now, neither of the people involved in the 'altercation' are stationed here so everyone will be staying here until my investigation is complete on the charge of disturbing the peace."

Waving to the two guards standing at the entrance to the brig. "Take the Commander and..."

"Warrior, 1st Class Korgan" he hissed.

"...and the Warrior Korgan to the holding cells."

Seeing the glares from both Ralnath and the Commander. "You have my word gentlemen that I will try to get this resolve as soon as possible."

"I hope so, Lieutenant." Fienneman replied, "Commander Da'nal will not be happy to find I've been 'detained' while you 'investigate'." he replied icily.

Ralnath spun on his heel and headed straight for Station Operations.


NPC's - Klingons, and SB 47 Security
All played by Da`nal

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer
USS Freedom


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