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An Assignation

Posted on 21 Jun 2009 @ 8:38am by

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Lounge
Timeline: Current

Termin Elek was sat quietly in the Main Lounge. He had deliberately sat in the corner by one of the large windows, reading a letter from his seventh child, one of his daughters, who was currently living on Trill doing some genetic research which Elek didn't even begin to understand.

"Buenas tardes," Mari said with a small smile as she approached and took a seat across from him and asked, "What are you reading?"

Elek looked up and smiled. "Oh, this?" he asked, raising the padd. "A letter from my daughter, A'renna. She's a scientist, and about twenty times more intelligent than I'd ever hope to be."

"Ahhh," was her only response along with a nod. Hearing him speak of his child, who was most likely decades older or even centuries older than she herself, was something she still found disconcerting, but she did her best to push past that and keep herself open to him as she'd said she would.

He found that he couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful woman in front of him and he asked, "So, what have you been up to?"

"Pues, my first duty shift in the science lab. Orienting myself to the tasks there and," she grinned, "Trying to learn something about the labs, the position, the current work going on there...get myself up to date and not completely left out of the loop."

"Yeah, it must be difficult, being dropped in the deep end like that. My daughter's a scientist, and I haven't got the foggiest idea what she's talking about half the time. To be honest, I think she makes it up." He put the padd down and leaned across the table. "Don't let the scientists bamboozle you with technobabble," he said in a mock whisper. "They can usually break it down into easier sentences, they just don't like to."

A soft chuckle and a warm smile curled on Mari's lips as she took the opportunity of him leaning across the table to impulsively give him a brief but meaningful kiss, "Si, I am aware of that. I will be harsh in getting my information from them if needed," she winked teasingly, "And you? What have you been up to? Besides reading letters..."

Elek shrugged, and smiled, appreciating the kiss. "Not much," he said. "Klingons and Romluans, Mari. I've been told off by a Klingon today, and I've got two Romulans wanting to kill each other. I'm expecting life on the Freedom to be quieter than this usually."

"I'm glad I'm not the counselor or the diplomat," Mari responded, squeezing his hand and chuckling again, "I wouldn't be able to handle it."

"People can often surprise themselves with their capacity to adapt." Elek quirked an eyebrow. "Look at you and the Science Division."

"Hmmm..." Mari pursed her lips, not sure she was quite in agreement and said, "Si, but all I have done so far is meet the department and play with her toys. It will take much longer than that to get acclimated and actually feel comfortable there."

He leaned back in his chair and squeezed her hand back. "How are you feeling lately?"

She shrugged in response and merely stated, "Right now I am simply holding on," both her hands held his almost as if she were using their contact as a symbol of what she was saying.

"What with the whole job thing, you mean?" Elek leaned forward again and pushed a loose thread of hair back behind her ear. "Or is it more than that?"

"I'm not sure," Mari answered honestly, smiling wistfully at his actions.

Elek shrugged. "You don't have to know," he said, "not immediately. Time will tell. The fact that you acknowledge your feelings is important. We'll work through them." He gave her a genuine smile.

Looking around with her eyes for a moment, Mari said softly with a bit of humor and more in her tone, "You make it difficult not to invite you back to my quarters. Algo de abrazando...algo de horario por nada..." she crooned in the nearly symphonic tones of the soothing and sensual Spanish words, wondering vaguely if he would have any clue what she had said.

Elek loved the sound of her hypnotic voice, but didn't have any idea what she had said. He wasn't about to let her know that, though.

"Well ..." he said slowly, with a grin on his face, "what's stopping you?"

"Hmmm...shall we?" Mari asked with a nearly seductive lilt in her voice and a little smirk that was both expectant and challenging somehow.

"As they say on Vulcan," Elek said, quirking an eyebrow, "that would be most logical."

Mari chuckled and pulled him up with her and, as they strode out, she murmured in his ear an explanation of what she had suggested: essentially, some hugging or snuggling, some kissing, and no schedule for anything...

Elek smiled as he relaxed properly for the first time in days.

LtJg Termin Elek
Counselor & CDO

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez
Chief Science Officer


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