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Reporting on nightly visit

Posted on 21 Jun 2009 @ 1:30pm by

1,008 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Lt T'Pal's Quarters
Timeline: Current 0630

I apologize - I accidentally posted this one without a title ...duh...


Ensign Webb approached Lieutenant T'Pals quarters, tapping on the door chime he waited for a response.

T'Pal was busy doing stretching exercises, calming mind and body when the chime rang. Covering her lithe body in a Vulcan gown, she motioned for Aktuh who was in the shower, to disappear. Only when he was out of sight did she instructed the computer to open the doors.

Webb stepped in, the door hissing shut behind him. "Lieutenant, I have some information that you might be interested in. The ambassador payed a visit to the brig last night. Sato was on watch. I gave her instructions that if the ambassador was to sneak out, to let her and find out what information she could and to make sure the ambassador would be in no danger or danger of breaching security. The ambassador met up with Lt Elek at the brig and the ambassador went in, alone.

A flash of anger lit up T'Pal's eyes and if she had appeared to be relaxed, that was instantly gone. "What?? And you tell me this NOW??" she asked furiously, "*Interested* in?!" she asked exasperated him. "Qu'vatlh!"

She turned away from him sharply and paced, grabbing her forehead, with her one hand, the other in her side. After a few paces she swiped the dinner table clean, sending whatever was on it, smashing into the wall. Slowly she turned around and for a few moments it seemed, looking at her eyes, that the Freedom might be less one Ensign shortly. "It is not something I am *interested* in!! It is imperative that I know!" She realized she needed to calm down and paced again.

Webb put his hands behind his back and made sure his feet were shoulder width apart as a sign of respect just in case T'Pal decided to get in his face like many Drill Instructors had done in the past during his Academy. Webb felt sweat rolling down his back and forming on his forehead. He thought that she would have been please by the actions of the security officers in preventing her from evading them while trying to gather intel. Webb had no idea that T"Pal had this type of temper and was a little nervous about what might happen next.

"Lieutenant, I came to you as soon I as I received the information myself. Sato informed me as soon as it was safe to do so. If you feel that I am not doing my duty as a security officer, please replace me. Considering the circumstances I think that everyone has done an outstanding job."

Pinching the bridge of her nose and regulating her breathing the hybrid Klingon attempted to bring her rage under control. "Dor-sho-gha!" she growled. "Don't give me that crap, Ensign," she said in a warning tone, referring to him telling her to replace him. =/= T'Pal to Sato, report to my quarters immediately=/= she instructed over her comm.

=^=On my way ma'am, out=^= Sato responded.

T'Pal said not another word, but instead used the time to calm her thoughts. This was why she wondered if she would ever make it in the *normal* world. Working with younger inexperiences staff. And new...

After a few long moments the door chime sounded.

"Enter!" she said and folded her arms accross her chest. If she didn't have such a scowl on her face, one could almost have thought her an attractive woman, but the expression ruined any thoughts in that direction, unless you were Aktuh of course.

Sato entered the room and stopped beside Webb. "Yes ma'am?"

"Mister webb here mentioned that the Ambassador *sneaked* out? Did the Ambassador try to avoid you? " T'Pal asked the crewman, cutting to the chase.

"Not exactly ma'am. She tried to sneak out, then tried to offer me a drink. Since that didn't work, she told me that she had it cleared through the Captain for her to go and visit her husband down in the Brig and that she would meet up with LT Elek and that I was escort her down there."

"Ensign Webb had said that she might try to manipulate or slip by me and for me to use my best judgment, because it would be only a matter of time. He said if she tried that I must go with her and gather as much Intel as I could as long as there was no threat to security or the Ambassador."

Sato look at Webb, "I am sorry Webb, I should have refused. She was trying very hard to get away from me and I thought it would be a good chance to get some Intel."

T'Pal closed her eyes and shook her head inwardly. Neither of the two officers was aware of how dangerous the situation really was. "Your actions were according to procedures, but sometimes you have to THINK! The Ambassador went to speak *alone* to a suspected very dangerous terrorist, involved in a recent attack on a Federation Space station - and that doesn't constitute a considerable risk for a security beach? Think about that," she said with conviction. "I should have been informed immediately, not the morning after the incident. You tried to gain intelligence....good, but that would have helped nothing if the ambassador was going to assist that terrorist to escape, whether then or later. No one can see any prisoner alone without my authorization, let alone a someone who is not Starfleet and not even a member of the Federation. Even if the Ambassador said she had cleared it with the Captain, you should have checked it with him through me *immediately," she stated firmly. "Is that clear?"

"Perfectly," Webb responded.

"Yes ma'am," came from Sato at the same time Webb spoke.

"Dismissed", T'Pal said, still annoyed, but her anger was directed less at the two of them, more at Elek and the Romulan ambassador. With them she would deal each in their own way.




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