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The new Grease Monkey - Part 2

Posted on 05 Feb 2024 @ 12:34am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Jason Mitchell

1,614 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future

Looking at the strange face, Anita took the PADD, looking over it with a quick glance. A few quick taps and his medical records were downloaded and the PADD was returned. Turning to grab a medical tricorder she spoke to him. "Seem you just had your annual physical about five months ago. " Facing him again, "No need to redo recent work...unless there's nee any changes, loss...irregularity...impotence..." She trailed off straight faced with a questioning brow.

Behind the pair Rico's eyes had widened at the last and stood there shaking his head.

...Now the conclusion...

"Sounds about right, give or take a week." Jason responded calmly to the comment, then politely turned to face her fully. "Nothing inconsistent with the job on aches and strains." He had to work to keep from laughing at the next two symptoms, yet it still came out in his voice. "Nah, nothing out of the usual there, probably time for a haircut though now that I think about it."

Jason took a moment to turn his head back to Rico in time to catch him shaking his head. "Something wrong, sir?".

"No, but she was just messing with you."

While the two spoke Anita ran her scan and compared it to the results of his previous physical. "Sir...don't give away my secrets; you know how I like to mess with the new arrivals. All done Lieutenant. No significant differences between your last physical and my scan. See you in seven months for your next physical."

"No offense ma'am, but the almost-Vulcan expression after the interaction with the Captain here, kinda gave you away before he said anything." Jason responded to her with a grin. "Seven months, got it.". An exaggerated sigh of relief was uttered before he again turned back to Rico. "Meaning no offense here Captain, but I kinda skipped lunch to get off that transport faster..." Jason let the comment hang there to give Rico the most options, right as his stomach left out a loud rumble.

The Captain nodded, "Well I had planned on taking you to Engineering but if you need to grab a bite to eat we can do that."

Jason looked at Rico for a moment, clearly thinking. "The CENG's office should have a replicator, right Captain? If so, then I can get a snack there and we can get me installed. Two birds, one stone." Hopping down off the bio-bed and taking a moment to correct his uniform, Jason turned to await the decision.


With sickbay and main engineering on the same deck it wasn't long before they turned to see the slow pulsing of the warp core. On less complicated or larger ships there typically a 'pool table' and master system display however on the Phoenix those had been combined into a single, vertical integrated panel that split the main approach to the core. As they entered Rico hung back slightly to observe.

Stepping into the main room of Engineering, Jason took in the sights. Normally this place would have more noise and people, but being on station power and restaffing, it was oddly quiet. The vertical panel caught his eye, and there was a quick glare given to it. He was more a fan of the tables, easier to gather staff around. Then a look of confusion crossed his face as he turned to the pulsing warp core. "Are we due to leave soon, Captain?" Jason asked Rico, pointing the pulsing core.

Rico nodded. "We have a few holes to plug in the crew but the sooner we can get out of here the better. We don't have specific orders yet but with the fiasco with DS5 I was informed we would be getting them soon. Supply wise we are set. Both anti-matter and deuterium stores are topped off; and we won't be tapping into them until we move to internal power. If there are any specialists, you feel you need to...acquire...that might be on the station. Let me know and I will make it happen. The captain of the station already got several rare cigars off me so I won't have a problem using deployment priority to steal an engineer or two."

"Can I get back to you on that once I have a chance to review the rosters? I kinda got handed this assignment in route, I was originally supposed to go to the Rota." Jason says with a grin as he leads Rico to the Chief's office. A moment to look around made him shake his head. It needed a bit of cleaning and some personal touches. Motioning for Rico to sit in the main chair, Jason found himself at the replicator. "What'll you have, Captain?"

His brow arched ever so slightly as he thought. To be honest he was didn't and was curious as to the interests of his new engineer. With a casual wave in his direction, "Hosts discretion."

That eyebrow spoke volumes, this was something Jason knew was going to be discussed at some point, so better to beard the dragon now. "Understood. Computer, two portions of steak chili, medium well, heat level 3 with cornbread formulation 5-whiskey. Two empty glasses, one pitcher Icoberry Juice, One Pitcher Iced water."

As the items appeared, Jason grabbed them and carried them over. Heat level three would produce a habanero pepper level of heat in the food. Which would be balanced by the cornbread. "I saw the eyebrow, something in my statement was a surprise to you, Captain." Jason pointed out bluntly.

Rico replied as he reached for the bowl of chili, taking a piece of the cornbread as well. "Oh not at all. I was just contemplating on whether to pick something or see what you might have in store." He breathed in deeply as he smelled the chili. "Very nice..."

Taking a bit he savored the favor. Not bad, good favor, the heat right where it needed to be. "Not bad. I don't think I've had this particular chili from the replicator. You should try some of the recipes my Abuelita programmed for me when I volunteered for the Achilles mission. My mother told me that she drove the programmer crazy because she wouldn't let him leave until her dishes came out just right."

"I'd believe it, and I will definitely try some of those out." Jason stated simply as he savored a bite of the chili, the heat giving it a stronger sense of flavor. After a few bites, his curiosity prompted another question. "I'm afraid travelling in a shuttle has left me a bit unaware of the greater galaxy, and I rushed to get here, what happened with DS5?" Sensing this might be a topic of some sensitivity to the crew, Jason preferred to know ahead of time.

Looking over the top of his glass as he finished the question, he set his glass aside before replying. "The Phoenix was built and launched from Deep Space 5 and as well as being our home port. Long story short the Cardassians were expelled from DS5, they got their knickers in a twist and not long after managed to capture the station. Then during the attempt to retake the station they went scorched earth and destroyed it. Just before the detonation there was a massive evacuation attempt so at least some of the station's population survived.

"At last report there was still fighting on the surface of Pangaea."

"I see, explains a lot. I'll keep an eye on the staff and the ratings and see how they do. Losing a homeport is never easy for a crew." Jason said to Rico with a note of sadness. "Once we get crew back from their shore leave, which ends when by the way, I'd like to have the Counseling section run through everyone with a connection to DS5. They might be more willing to talk to someone familiar than a brand new outsider."

Finishing off the chili, Jason looked over at Rico. "Elsewise, what can we do here in Engineering to help things out? I'll be reviewing my predecessor's logs, see if they noted any quirks I should be aware of. Oh, and if you're up to it, I'd like to try a sparring match with you later on. Haven't had a good one in years." Jason added with a smile.

"I've spoken with Lt. McCaine to keep an eye on things but each department need to keep an eye on their own as well. We do have a member of the crew that is half Cardassian; I don't want any incidents. As to the ship itself, everything is topped of and ready to go; though I am sure that you'll wanna give everything a once over yourself. You have permission to go to internal power get the nacelles warmed up."

Downing the last of his drink he set the glass down, "Thanks for the chili..." He stood, turning towards the door and as it opened he stopped in the doorway, "...once we are'll have your match."

"Anytime Captain. Wait till I can get the setup done to make it by hand instead of replicated. I look forward to the match, just don't go easy on me." Jason quipped as he stood up while Rico headed out. Stomach filled and settled into the office, Jason decided it was time to get some work done. Familiarization was going to be a bear. Then he remembered there was a cousin at some removes onboard, and he meant to look him up later on.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Jason Mitchell


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