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Posted on 12 Feb 2024 @ 5:45pm by Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Astrometrics
Timeline: Predeparture

L'Vor, as usual, was in Astrometrics. While the ship had been docked there really hadn't been a lot to do other than system maintenance and refinement. Rumor had it that they would be departing soon, and she was completing one last diagnostic on not only the Astrometric system but all the sensor arrays and other scientific systems aboard ship.

Since the reassignment of their senior staff, she had been the acting head of the department, a task she was more than willing to hand over to the new department head, once she arrived.

The doors of Astrometrics opened and a young looking Trill wandered in. "Oh.." she said. "I wasn't disturbing anything was I?"

Turning from the central station, L'Vor glanced at the woman. "Not at all Lieutenant, just making sure everything is ready to go...again," she added with a chuckle. "You must be the new head of the Department?"

The young Trill wandered over. "Yeah, I'm Lieutenant Yaotome, the new Chief of Science," she introduced herself.

Lauran smiled, "Nice to meet you. I'm Lauren L'vor, but call me Lauren please." Not waiting she cut right to it. "I know this is your department and you can assign people as you see fit but," glancing at the big display before returning to her new boss, "astrometrics is...well...I.... I just hope you'll assign me here."

Urushi moved over towards the Lieutenant. "So, what you looking at currently? Anything cool?"

"Well while I was doing sensor recalibration ahead of our departure I was examining the remnants of a supernova, that had been detect last year, on the edge of Breen space. It had been assumed explosion had destroyed its companion star but is seem that that wasn't entirely true. The resulting nebular matter created and the measurements of the primary and secondary energy release doesn't add up. I am theorizing that at least a portion of the companion stars core was thrown out, intact."

"Let me see," Urushi said as she stepped next to her. "So, are you saying there were two stars?"

"Right. I was a binary system. However when the primary star went nova the resulting energy released, and the amount of matter ejected into the surrounding cloud was less than what is should have been had the companion star been destroyed. I think there is now a rogue core, or at least core fragment out there."

"It's unusual for a binary star to go supernova and not destroy the other star." Urushi said as she looked over the readings. "The only thing I can think of is that the second star absorbed the other somehow, but that's stupidly rare!"

"Agreed. Well once thing calms down and we can get more detailed reading we will be able to tell if the star was absorbed in some manner or if a portion was ejected from the system. If the latter a stellar fragment would be disastrous to and star system in it's path."

"Well, can we see anything?" Urushi asked as she tapped at the console. "If there is a stellar fragment. Our sensors should be able to detect it."

"I would have thought so as well. There was no formation of a singularity. Given the time since the supernova there shouldn't be any issues with a fragment be concealed by the light and radiation of the initial blast nor should it be hidden by the resulting nebular cloud. The only thing I can think of was that there was an issue with the sensors, thus the recalibration, some kind of spatial anomaly as yet detected, or the initial data on the stars themselves was incorrect. I going to submit my findings to the Federations Stellar research division. Perhaps they would be able to direct a deep space telescope on the area for a more detailed examination."

"That would be a good idea. I'm surprised that Starfleet haven't sent out a science ship to observe this." Urushi commented. "Although, if we send these readings to the Science department back at command they may consider it." She said with a smile. "You seem good at the astro-sciences..."

To find potential threats to their kind, from this realm they had needed to infiltrate the stellar and engineering sciences of various species. From those positions they could keep an eye on the development of various technologies and their movements. She simply smiled, "I always had a love for the stars, even as a kid. I guess I was fortunate to be able to make a career out of it."

"Same," Urushi smiled as she returned her gaze to the viewscreen. "I guess that you'll like being assigned to the Astrometrics labs then?" she asked.

Mimicking the behavior in her memories she acted exuberantly as if she wanted to hug her new boss but contained her gratitude. "Oh, thank you! You won't regret it I promise!"

Urushi noticed and was thankful that Lauren held back. "Just be sure to keep me updated on your missing stellar matter."

"Yes Ma'am."

Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor
Astrometrics Officer
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome


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