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Posted on 10 Nov 2023 @ 1:25pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman

548 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Deck 12
Timeline: Predeparture - 1300

Stepping out of the lift he continued to get questioning glances. The type of glance he got varied but from the quick expressions he could tell what was going through their minds. 'Why was the captain in his dress uniform... Was there brass on the ship... No one said anything about a formal function... If he wasn't married...'

Rounding the corned to he entered into Marine country on the ship. Compared to stations or larger starships he only had a handful of Marines. But. Marines are Marines and if there was one thing Marines clung to was their traditions...and today was their birthday.

He knew all the United Earth history but to many the origins of the ethos and nearly all the traditions for Starfleet's Marines Corps could be traced back to the founding of the Marine Corps, of what had been the United States of America. By that reckoning it would be the....621st birthday of the Corps.

Having checked on their location before heading out Rico entered the combat holodeck to find his Marines gathered together. Not training but ending a short commemorative ceremony.

Gunny Wickman, seeing his entry called everyone to attention. "CAPTAIN ON DECK!"

"As you were. I just wanted to make sure you all were wish a Happy Birthday. Even though you haven't been assigned a commanding officer it was only right that I stop by. Marines have a long history and many in the fleet don't recognize your Corps' long history and tradition."

"Please Captain, join us."

A Corporal cut picked up a plate and cut the Captain a piece of the small birthday cake they were using for their ceremony hand handed it to him.

"Thank you. I need to apologize. I should have made a formal announcement but..."

"Captain, you're here. That's a lot more than a most Starship Captains would do. Beside you have this whole ship to see to, departure prep, new staff to get worked into your command. You already make sure we aren't sitting around on the ship by working us into ships security. Most Starfleet Captains forget about us until they need us. So, thank you sir."

Taking another bite of the cake he set it down on the table and looked from face to face. "Well next year, I will personally make sure this is commemorated properly. Full ceremony, dress ball, the works. That said is all your predeparture checks done?"

the Gunny nodded and could see the hope growing in the eyes of his Marines. "Sir we are fully supplied and ready. I just need to meet with the new Chief of Security to work out the duty assignments."

Rico nodded. He to saw the gleams in the young Marines. "Well when you are done here you are all on leave until Monday. ...Just don't go getting into trouble on the station. Happy Birthday Marines!"

There was a chorus of "OOHRAH"'s and "Thank you Captain"'s and shortly after he turned to leave. Before the doors closed behind him, he heard one of the shout, "I Love This Ship!"

Rico smiled hand back to his quarters to get out of his dress uniform and into something more comfortable.


Captain Ricardo Montoya

Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman
Marine Senior NCO


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