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First impressions

Posted on 05 Nov 2023 @ 6:34pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome

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Mission: M-18 The Past is Future

Ready Room

Captain Montoya glanced at his calendar again as he waited for his next department head to report. It was almost unheard of for some to be late to meet the new commanding officer without good reason, and definitely not without some kind of notification. He was almost about to pester his Yeoman again when he decided to do it himself.

"Computer location of Lt. Yaotome."

"Lt. Yaotome is not aboard the Phoenix."

"Scan the station."

"Lt. Yaotome is in docking bay 42, starboard lounge."

He grinned. He knew that lounge well as it gave an outstanding view of the ship. His hand moved to his commbadge to hail the Lieutenant but he stopped short and his grin turned to a coy smirk as the head to the turbo lift by way of his yeoman's desk. "I will be in the docking bay's starboard lounge."

As the door closed behind him his yeoman felt sorry for the Lieutenant. Either He was going to rip her up once side and down the other or he was going to catch her in some prank and surprise the hell out of her. She was betting on the later.

Docking Bay 42 - Starboard Lounge

Standing looking out of one of the huge windows was a light purpled haired woman. She was standing with a PADD in her hand as she observed the clean lines of the Starship Phoenix. She seemed to be taking notes as she traced the lines with her gaze. She turned to glance at the chronometer on the wall, anyone behind her would now notice the distinguished Trill spots running from her temple down her face and neck.

Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome smiled as she returned her gaze back to the Phoenix. The ship was her new assignment, however she had not yet received her orders to report aboard. Therefore she didn't have the correct security access to board. In the meantime she was content with observing the ship from afar.

Rico had taken the port gantry to board the station and had worked his way around to the starboard side of the bay. Upon entering the lounge he saw the young woman staring up at the ship and he saliently made his way, mixing in with a few station personnel until he was behind and to her that she could see the pips on collar. "A beautiful site...?" He trailed off looking up at the ship.

Urushi nodded. "Oh yeah, its a rather beautiful looking Starship. Although, she was built for war." She said with a sigh. "If only she was a true Science Ship, I think I could appreciate her better. But visually, she looks impressive..."

"That she does. But like most ships the sensor pallets can be changed, upgraded or enhanced. IF you could, what would you upgrade to get her closer to, as you say, 'a true science ship'?"

A smile emerged on the Trill's face as she began to tap at her PADD. "Well, first of all I would take out some of these phaser arrays. The Prometheus Class is well armed as it is. But we're not at war, Starfleet is peaceful and our main mission is to explore." She tapped again on her PADD. "I would also install more science labs and extra facilities in the unused space that is currently being used to hold spare parts or cargo." She paused for a moment. "Why do you ask?"

It was then that she turned to face the person she was actually talking to and realised that he wore the rank of Captain. "C...C..Captain?" She said slightly nervously. "Wait, which Captain are you?!"

His laugh was genuine as he crossed his arms. "Removing the phasers are out of the question. And I might have been willing to expand a lab or two for you, had you not been late for our meeting."

Urushi tilted her head to one side in confusion. "Meeting?"

"Yes. According to my calendar you were supposed to report aboard almost 30 minutes ago."

The science officer took a step back, she could feel a hot sweat come on. 'Am I late? Wait? Thirty Minutes Ago? But I haven't recieved my orders... Is this a joke... No... Oh no!' Thoughts began to race through her mind as she took another step away from the larger Human.

"I... I... I haven't recieved any orders... sir... I'm sorry... Oh this is so bad!" She stuttered trying to come to her senses.

Her reaction alone was enough to convince him she was telling the truth. Whatever happened was past and he would have his Yeoman look into it so it doesn't happen again. "Take it easy Lieutenant, it's ok. I believe you...what's done is done." Motioning to the sectional couch in the lounge, "Why don't we have a seat and you telling me again how you'd upgrade the Phoenix's science capabilities...WITHOUT degrading her offensive or defensive systems."

A huge sigh of relief escaped the Trill as she hunched over slightly. She then looked over towards the couch with a little suspicion. For some strange reason it felt like a trick question to be told to sit down by a Starfleet Captain. She seemed hesitant to answer the question. "Well, many of the ships main sensor arrays are actually blocked when in normal flight mode..." She stated to him. "Main arrays on the other two sections can only be used when in Multi-Vector Assault mode. However if we used new ODN relays between the sensor pallets, we can use the blocked sensors to act as backup and auxiliary sensor processors..." she paused for a brief moment. "I've calculated it would make our processing of sensor information nearly thirty per cent quicker..."

Rico listened intently. "Those 'blocked' arrays were only meant to be used during MVAM, thus giving each section their own sensors and allowing each section to operate totally independent of the other. However, your idea is intriguing. Get with Engineering and ensure the feasibility. If your estimate proves to be accurate and the increase in sensitivity doesn't put an unjustifiable wear on the ships system, I will approve it. Just don't be late anymore."

Urushi couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was he actually suggesting she work on this idea? It was something she had been playing with in her mind whilst waiting for the ship to arrive; she never expected it to be approved or even attempted. "Erm... Yes sir... Sorry sir..."

"He leaned back into the couch. "Now since I don't have a padd with your record with me. Tell me about yourself."

Urushi finally sat down on the opposite couch. "I guess... I'm reporting for duty as your new Chief Science Officer." She stated to open. She had never really been put on the spot like this before now.

He raised an eyebrow. "That I know. I know that you are an unjoined trill, that you are a good science officer and the Captain of the Cassard thinks highly of you. I also recall you have physical fitness issue and have to almost be dragged to sickbay for your annual check. What I don't know is you. As you know a starship is a family. I want to get to know my officers, but if this is too much too soon I can respect that. How about a dinner with me a nd my wife? No uniforms, no ranks, no sirs, just a casual evening. Rumor has it you're a cook."

The small science officer froze for a brief moment. 'Crap! He knows more about me than I do?!' she thought to herself. She began to rub her hands together nervously. "Well yeah... I do cook. And as for the sickbay thing, that place is icky..." she explained. "I've never been invited for dinner before. Is this something you do with all new senior officers?" She asked curiously trying to avoid eye contact.

He forced himself from chuckling, couldn't prevent the humorous smile as she looked away. She seemed almost too shy for someone in her position. That or she was just really bad at first meetings. He decided to be evenmorereassuringuntil she came out of her shell. "It is actually. I know a lot of Captains feel they need to be this towering untouchable figure. I think, especially on a smaller ship, that I need to have a more personable, approachable, even fatherly reputation. I reassure you, the dinner is totally informal, and voluntary I might add."

Urushi looked up at him. "I'll come. Did you want me to cook something for it? I'll need access to a kitchen..."

To receive any addition pressure he took her off the hook. "Tell you what. The only thing you need to bring is yourself. You don't need to worry about a thing. And if you want we can look at setting you up a kitchen. Replicators are great but nothing beats a good home cooked meal from time to time."

He rose from the couch looking down at her. "Co contact my yeoman if you need any assistance getting settled in." Offering her his hand, "Welcome aboard."

Urushi took his hand and smiled. She gave him a polite nod. "Thank you Captain," she added.


Capt. Ricardo Montoya
CO - USS Phoenix

Lt. Urushi Yaotome
CSO - USS Phoenix


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