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Captain's Log

Posted on 23 Jan 2024 @ 7:46pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

266 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future

"Captain's Log, Stardate: 73062.23

"We recently received word, along with the rest of the sector, that Deep Space 5 has been destroyed by the Cardassians. This ship and her crew have strong ties to that station as the ship was constructed in DS5's shipyard and most of her original crew, apart from myself and the various department heads, came from the station itself. I have advice Counselor McCaine that she should be prepared for a possible increase in those that may be in need of her services.

"The ship is currently fully supplied and ready, but the crew is another story. The ship is still short several key personnel, but those gaps seem to be closing. Fortunately. I again state for the record that none of this would have been necessary if my senior staff hadn't been stripped in order to be assigned to the effort to retake Deep Space 5. It would have been easier to assign the Phoenix to that effort, with her crew intact. I only hope my former crewmembers survived the loss of the station and the continued fighting on Pangaea.

"As soon as our final crew replacements arrive we will depart Deep Space 3 and patrol along the border of Breen space between the Black Cluster and the Federation/Klingon Dilithium mining and processing station in the Tarelis system. With all the Federation and Klingon forces in the area it is unlike the Breen would choose to do anything big, but they might try to raid the stream of supplies coming into the area. If they do the Phoenix will be ready."

"End log."


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