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I Feel Like I've Done This Before...

Posted on 04 Nov 2023 @ 7:22pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Silas Lightlocke

1,862 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Deep Space 3 / USS Phoenix

Deep Space 3

Silas materialized on one of the many transporter pads operated on Deep Space 3. His former CO had taken him aside on his previous ship to inform him he was being transferred to a forward unit. Normally he would just take everything on the chin and go where he was ordered. That was part of the job after all, but this time, he was curious, especially at the use of the word "forward." Unfortunately, there was no information for him, which was typical. He'd have to find out from his new CO, a Captain Montoya.

Apparently, Silas was to rendezvous with the USS Phoenix at Deep Space 3, but he was curious as to why it was all so cloak and dagger. Approaching the onboard office for the Captain, he signaled his arrival and entered upon being granted entry.

Standing at attention, he said, "Lieutenant Silas Lightlocke, reporting as ordered, sir." He stood rather rigidly, which was not his usual demeanor.

Ready Room

Whoever it had snap to attention as soon as the doors opened and she chuckled a bit. "I'm sorry sir but I'm not the Captain. I'm just the Captain's Yeoman." Finishing placing several padds on the desk she approach the Lieutenant. "I just got word a little while ago from the station that you had arrived, but the Captain wasn't expecting you this soon. He's in the main lounge having lunch if you want to speak with him now."

Silas hadn't really bothered to look at the person at the desk. As she approached, he said, "My last captain went a bit overboard when it came to tradition."

"Nonsense. He isn't some hardass just a sec." Tapping her commbadge. "Crewmen Sh'velihr to Captain Montoya. Lieutenant Lightlocke is here to report."

=^= Excellent. Have him join me here. Has he eaten? =^=

Looking to the Lieutenant questioningly...

Silas raised an eyebrow. Being the son of a chef, food was always a good thing. "From here on, you can always assume I haven't eaten."

Having heard the comment over the channel Rico grinned. =^= Well then get down here Lieutenant. =^=

Silas smiled. "Aye, sir," he replied. He looked back at Crewman Sh'velihr and said, "Well then, 'not the captain.' I supposed I'll see you around then."

She smiled. He was either being nice or he was flirting, no harm in being friendly. "Well sir, that's kinda unavoidable, be the Captain's Yeoman. Wherever he is I'm usually nearby." She put both hand behind her back, "When not on duty I'm usually on the holodeck skiing from time to time."

"I've never skied before," he said in response. "Most days, I'm usually a beach man."

"Oh I never has snow skiing...though I can, but I love the water."

"Sounds like we have something in common then. Skies and water make for a fun combination."

He was twice her age but obviously in shape. She bit her tongue before replying, "Well maybe some time we'll see who can go the longest, but the Captain is waiting."

"Indeed he is." Silas then added, "It was a pleasure to meet you."

"Until next time then..."

Silas nodded and left the room.

Main Lounge

The journey to the main lounge was shorter than he'd expected, but Silas was happy for that. As if on cue, as soon as someone mentions food, his stomach started to grumble and growl. There was a small collection of people scattered about the lounge. He located the captain, having seen a picture of him on what information he was permitted. He opted for a more relaxed approach this time. "Captain," he said respectfully.

Rico has stood and motioned him to have a seat. As he pulled his chair back to sit back down the stewards approached with the food. There was a large bowl of spaghetti with meat sauce, two loaves of bread, arancini, Osso buco alla Milanese, salad, and a bottle of synthohol wine. "I may be Spanish, but I love Italian food...though I will be hitting the gym extra hard tomorrow morning."

"You can't go wrong with a classic," Silas said as his eyes poured over the food. He'd had countless different pasta dishes over the years, but the great part about Italian food is that as long as you have the basics of Italian cooking down, you can create a culinary masterpiece. He could only hope these stewards could present something half as good as what his mother creates.

"Allow me." Taking the serving spoons, he scooped up a health portion of spaghetti and held it out for the Lieutenant.

Silas' eyes widened momentarily, accepting the offering. He also placed portions of each item on the menu onto his plate, fully intending to immerse himself.

After they both filled their plates Rico opened the bottle and began filling their glasses. "So tell me about yourself Mr. Lightlocke."

"Well, I've been roaming the galaxy with the Fleet for the best part of the last ten years, most recently on the Marianas under Captain Heretti. My father was an engineer at the corps, though he's retired now. He was one of the sources of my inspiration to join Starfleet. He also got me into studying interplanetary military history." He paused and chuckled. "I know the Tactical Chief studying tactics in his spare time. I get it all the time." He smiled and moved some spaghetti around with his fork. "Over the years I've seen a lot of different things, but I can't wait to see what trouble we can get into."

Gesturing with an empty fork scoldingly as he chewed. Swallowing, "Don't jinx us by 'looking for trouble'. This area has enough problems with the Cardassians destroying Deep Space 5, the Breen popping up now and then, and the Romulans lurking around."

He took a sip of wine. "Those Galaxy class ships are quite nice aren't they, but this is your second time on a Prometheus class ship isn't it?"

"That's correct sir," Silas answered after taking a sip of wine. "I served on the Uriel for a little under three years.
That was an.... experience."

"Oh? I think that needs an explanation."

Silas figured he walked himself into that one. "Well out average alert status was Yellow Alert. We were in a pretty rough region of space that turned out to be home to large pirate cartel. We didn't figure that out until a good ways into the mission though, given all the different species involved." Silas ripped a piece of bread off. "It's never a good thing when pirates are organized."

"Sounds like someone may have underestimated the situation; but that is only speculation on my part. Cutting himselh a bite of the Osso buco he moved into a more local issue. "Tell me, what experiance do you have with Marines aboard ship?"

"It wasn't hard. The area was well known to be infested with pirates. The were twelve of our ships involved all together. We came out on top, but we took losses." He looked down, remembering his own loss. He'd worked long and hard to get over those feelings, but it still didn't make it easy to talk about it. "We had a contingent with us for about eight months. A lot of the security staff didn't like having them aboard. They still take their presence personally," he said chuckling. "I never had a problem with them though. They definitely do things differently, but they're effective. You can't deny results."

Using a piece of bread, he mopped up some extra sauce but paused before taking the bite. "This is true. The Phoenix has a small contingent and they can't just keep training until needed. Over training decreases effectiveness. And as I am somewhat of a Naval traditionalist, I have integrated the Marines into ships security. Guard duty, roving patrols, brig duty is intergraded, and assignments are yours to make. When called upon for Ground or boarding operations fall under Marine command. Once our new MCO arrives I will allow the two of you to work out any fine points, but Gunny Wickman has been on board for a while and is up to speed with my way of doing thing."

"Understood. That is essentially what I'm used to, though my immediate department Chief was a very hands on person. He liked to be... involved, shall we say." Silas took the last bite before him and swallowed. "They're part of the crew and the need the same readiness level. They'll be integrated. You can count on that." He was confident in his assertion. He'd make absolutely sure to keep everyone on the same page and everyone ready. Anything could happen at any moment and his department would be ready to respond.

"Excellent." Refilling their glasses. "You know I usually do the 'get to know you' meal with new crew members once they've gotten settled in and met some of their shipmates. Guess you will have to meet the wife later."

Silas accepted the refill. "It'd be my pleasure." While it was not unheard of, it was certainly unusual to have a family stationed on the smaller sized ships, but in today's society with everything constantly in motion, people had to make unusual situations their new reality.

"Did you come straight here after arriving on the station?'

"I did, sir. I like to get to the introductions right away. Gives me a good feel for the ship atmosphere before I even unpack. Its almost a ritual."

"Finishing another bite he nodded. "If you need any help getting a room assignmet or getting you things transferred just let my Yeoman know and she'll get it ironed out. She's young, but sharp as a tack."

"I gathered that. She's definitely quick on her feet. I will reach out to her and get everything sorted." Silas took another sip of the wine.

"Speaking of rituals," gesturing at the table, "this is one of mine. A get to know the new officer dinner. Normally less formal and with the wife, but the timing of your arrival allowed both your check-in and the meal at the same time...two birds with one stone as it were."

"Traditions are important. My family certainly has a few." His mother was well known to do a ritual every morning when she opened her restaurant. It may be a little superstitious, but it got her through every day. "And I'm all about efficiency," he paused, "though, the food can always come around."

Rico wipped his mouth with his napkin and layed the cloth on the table. "Well you will have to excuse me I was to meet with the stations quartermaster. Seem one of the Marines accidentally fired up one of the new ground vehicles and crashed it in their equipment hanger."

"Of course they did. A day in the life." There was always something going on. "I thank you for the invitation, Captain." He wiped his mouth with the napkin and stood.

Rico extended his hand. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant."

Silas accepted the gesture. "Thank you, sir."


Captain Ricardo Montoya
CO - USS Phoenix

Lt. Silas Lightlocke
CSec/Tac - USS Phoenix


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