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04 Nov 2023 @ 7:22pm

Lieutenant Silas Lightlocke

Name Silas Lightlocke

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32
Languages English

Physical Appearance

Height 190 cm
Weight 90 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Silas is an imposing figure. He stands at over six feet, with a strong athletic build, and sports a strong, chiseled jawline. His facial features are very distinctive. The top of his head is shaved clean and sports facial hair in the style of van Dyke. For those that have seen him without shirt on, his strong muscular figure features three scars on his body, a six inch horizontal scar across the top of his left pectoral muscle, a three inch vertical scar in his right side torso, and a long claw scratch on his back starting at his right shoulder going down to his left hip. (This is technically three scars but he considers it the same scar)


Spouse None, brief relationship with Sarah Constantine (deceased)
Children Hope Constantine, MIA presumed dead
Father Commander Josiah Lightlocke, ret
Mother Melissa Lightlocke
Brother(s) Lieutenant Commander Elias Lightlocke, USS Virginia
Sister(s) None
Other Family various extended family, none of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview At first meeting, Silas often seems cold at first. After the loss of his daughter, his demeanor changed from rather happy go lucky to a much more serious tone, having gone through depression and grief. He has worked through that, but the result is a much more serious individual. Fortunately, this did not affect his work. He doesn’t quite play by the book, but has made certain “adaptations” as his career has gone on and still follows the “book” in general terms.
Socially, Silas tends to be a loner. He used to be rather outgoing and the life of the party, but once again, after the death of his daughter, he tended to distance himself from everyone. That’s not to say he is capable of making friends, its just difficult to get past his emotional wall. When a person does make the breach, Silas is fiercely loyal and protective of his friends, not to the point of possessiveness, but you can always count on him watching your back.
Strengths & Weaknesses Expert Marksman, methodical and meticulous, generally good judge of character

Socially distant, only a basic knowledge of the sciences
Ambitions After the loss of his daughter, Silas’ ambitions changed drastically. Initially, the thought of being in the center seat was always in the forefront of his mind, but these days, he just takes life one step at a time. He wants to do the very best he can at his job so what happened to his daughter doesn’t happen to anyone else.
Hobbies & Interests Silas has an innate interest in military history, something he got from his father. While not a historian by any means, he enjoys learning about the tactics and the politics of different civilizations’ military conflicts.

Personal History Silas was born in Chicago, Illinois to Josiah and Melissa Lightlocke. Josiah, at the time was a Starfleet engineer stationed with the engineering corps on Earth, though he often spent stints on Starbase 1. Melissa was a culinary instructor of a family-run culinary school based out of Chicago. Silas was the younger of two boys, his elder brother Elias being three at the time of Silas’ birth. Silas’ early years were filled with love and laughter. His parents imparted on both boys the importance of a strong work ethic and good school record, whatever their future held in store for them.

Though it wasn’t expected, Elias and Silas’ path forward was almost predictable. Both had a knack for wanting to travel and both had a strong rapport built with their father. Elias was certainly the brains of the two. He loved science and nature. Once about every three months the boys and their father would go on camping trips to various parts of the world. Silas, on the other hand, was the scrappy and mouthy one. Any time someone started the trash talk, Silas was right there in the middle of it. There were a few “escalated situations,” as Silas would call them, and upon his dressing down by his father later, when asked why he got into the altercation, the typical response was “well he shouldn’t have been running his mouth.” Needless to say, the proverbial whip was never far from cracking when it came to Silas, but all in all, he usually stayed on the right side of things. As they say, “Boys will be boys.”

In his later teenage years, Silas had mellowed out a little and really kicked it into gear at school. He made sure to put in the effort to top marks in his classes. His brother Elias had been accepted into Starfleet Academy to become a science officer and though it wasn’t expected of him, Silas wanted to enlist as well. When he became of age, Silas went to enlist as an NCO on the security track, but given his marks in school, his father encouraged him to apply to the Academy to become an officer. The thought of being a bridge officer certainly had its appeal, but the idea of it really hadn’t occurred to him. He did the preparatory work for the examinations and went through the admissions process. The examination process was intense. As with all applicants, he had his strengths and weaknesses. Good marks in school were not the sole deciding factor in who was accepted into the academy. That was fortunate for him, since he was certainly not the highest scoring applicant in the pool. He did, however, find great measure of success in some of the other tested areas. All in all, he passed and was accepted as a Starfleet Academy Cadet on the Tactical and Security track.

The Academy went as one might expect. The courses were rigorous, the fitness training was intense, and the psychological preparation was fierce and full of suspense. Silas was no stranger to hard work, a mentality instilled by his father, and he performed well in his courses. During his time there, he befriended another cadet, Sarah Constantine. They became quite close, though in separate officer tracks. In their final year, they were in a relationship for about six months, but broke it off due to being assigned to different ships. It was a mutual decision and while he did experience a certain measure of sadness, he knew it was the best decision for them and he pushed forward, eager to jump into his new career.

Silas was first assigned to the USS Breckinridge, a California Class support ship. Her primary utilization was in cargo hauling, but the ship served in many utility and support roles over his tenure onboard. Exploration was not at the forefront of the mission list. For the most part, missions were, for lack of a better word, boring. Everything was by the book and little was left to the imagination. It did give Silas a relatively uneventful opportunity to really get acquainted with being a bridge officer. There weren’t many combat situations, but there were a few that Silas gained very valuable experience during and his performance earned him one of the primary duty shifts on the bridge, a position he held until his transfer in 2386.

His next assignment was aboard the Prometheus-Class USS Uriel. This assignment was much more action packed. The Uriel was frequently at odds with a variety of species. They were involved in multiple engagements that gave Silas a true foundation of tactical experience. His commanding officer was a brilliant tactician and Silas gleaned over every report the woman was involved in, at least the ones he had access to. He learned a lot during this assignment, but the most important experience was a tragic one. In 2391, a little over two years into the assignment, his lost love from the academy, Sarah, appeared in his life. She’d left Starfleet and gotten involved with the wrong group of scoundrels, the same group the Uriel had been dispatched to investigate and detain. Sarah, who had been acting as an analyst of rare antiquities for the group, was apparently accused of cheating and sabotaging them. She sought asylum aboard the Uriel and brought another treasure. Sarah brought forth a daughter to the ship, claiming her father to be Silas. Naturally, a wave of confusing emotions had fallen over Silas. Having only met the little girl this once, he’d immediately felt a sort of attachment to, as he still felt for her mother, even after all this time. A plan was made to entrap the pirates which unfortunately found both Sarah and her daughter down on a planet. A fire fight ensued and Sarah was gunned down by one of the pirates. The child ran to Silas, but in mid stride was beamed away by a shuttle belonging to the pirates. Silas was then pinned down, but he heard an explosion coming from the air. He looked up to find the shuttle had been destroyed with his daughter aboard. He felt his heart become ripped from his chest. The battle was forced in the Uriel crew’s favor shortly thereafter with the destruction of the shuttle and the remaining pirates were detained. In the aftermath of the battle, only a few short months later, Silas succumbed to the grief and was granted a temporary leave of absence while he sought counseling and returned to Earth. The leave lasted two months. During that time he had several sessions with a counselor, as well as sought guidance from his parents. Though it was something one doesn’t easily get over, he found some measure closure and requested reactivation.

Silas was therefore assigned to the USS Marianas, a Galaxy class explorer. During this time he had taken an assignment as Beta shift Tactical Officer, but his experience garnered him a quick elevation to Assistant Chief once again. The Marianas crew was quite a bit larger than his crew on the Uriel and thus, a much more time consuming responsibility. He was up to the task, since he effectively had thrown himself into his work. The Marianas had a wide range of exploratory and other styles of missions, which only added to his extensive career of experience. After a five year stint on the Marianas, Silas accepted a department head spot on the USS Phoenix-A, another Prometheus class ship.
Service Record 2382 - 2386 :
Starfleet Academy, Tactical and Security Cadet

2386 - 2389 :
Relief Tactical Officer, USS Breckinridge
Delta Shift Tactical Officer, USS Breckinridge

2389-2391 :
Beta Shift Tactical Officer, USS Uriel
Assistant Tactical Officer, USS Uriel

Temporary Leave of Absence

2391 - 2396:
Beta Shift Tactical Officer, USS Marianas
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer, USS Marianas

2396 - present :
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Phoenix-A