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Posted on 11 Jun 2009 @ 5:04pm by

643 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Webb's Quarters
Timeline: Day 4 morning hours


Webb woke up looking around, thinking to himself that something was not right. Everything looked distorted in a way. Tim stepped into the corridor with just his pajama pants on. There was no one in the corridor in sight. Tim thought to himself, ~Maria~. He ran to her door and push the chime but, got no answer. He pushed it again, still no answer. He started beating on the door and calling out "Maria" but, no answer.

Tim caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned and began to move down the corridor where he saw the movement. Once he reached the corner and turned he saw a figure go around the far corner. His jaw dropped in disbelief. The figure looked like Linda. ~It can not be Linda. Linda is dead. What the hell is going on here?"

Tim heard movement behind him. He turned and saw Borg drones. "What? On the Freedom, that’s not possible? We just left DS5. Something is wrong here. How can that be?" Tim began to run down the corridor. Once he got to the corner he saw another figure move around the corner in front of him. It was Maria this time. "Maria, it's me, Tim." She was to far to hear and she stayed out of his reach. He could not gain ground on her, no matter how fast he was.

Tim came to a turbo lift. "Bridge" The turbo lift door closed as Tim caught another glimpse of a Borg drone. Once the door opened on the turbo lift, Tim began to step out but froze instead. Six Borg drone were trying to information from the terminals on the bridge.

Tim’s only thoughts now were of Maria. “I have to find her and save her. The crew is gone. Engineering.†The turbo lift doors closed once more and the lift began to move.

Tim reached the Engineering section but, it was empty. No one on the bottom floor, so he looked up and caught a glimpse of Maria, two decks up close on a catwalk. Tim ran to the nearest lift and began to go up. Once he got to the same level Maria was on, he gasped in horror. A Borg drone was holding Maria. She looked scared. She was struggling against the drone and reaching out to Tim for help.

Tim reached down for his phaser but, it was not there. “Damn!†He began to move quickly for Maria but was stopped by a cold arm reaching around his neck. Tim yelled, “I have to save her, let me go!†but the arm was unfaltering, unwavering. Tim could not move. He struggled as much as he could, reaching out for her. He could not help her and he hated himself for that.

Tim yelled out “NO!†as the drone thrust the assimilation injectors into Maria’s neck. He watched as she stopped resisting and began to change in color. He began to cry as he winched at the pain of the injectors being thrust into his neck. He could feel the cold alien fluid moving through out his body and could only guess that his skin too was changing color. He felt his humanity slipping away.

Tim woke up yelling “Maria!†He sat up out of bed and spun to put his feet on the floor. He put his face in his hands, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stood and walked over to the sink to clean him self up. He got a glass of iced tea from the replicator and sat down at his desk. “Computer, what is the location of Lieutenant Cruz?â€

“Lieutenant Cruz is in her quarters,†the computer responded.

Tim looked at the computer terminal, “Terminal on. Display record, Webb, Timothy.â€


Ensign Timothy Webb
Security Officer


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