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First Hit

Posted on 12 Jun 2009 @ 3:21pm by

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Undisclosed section 31 traning facility
Timeline: Past

T"Pal was sitting in her office going over the results from the peformance of the unlisted security officers during their training in the holodeck. Four showed real skill in close quater combat, one in long distance shooting and one in tracking, A smile tugged at her lips when she was reminded of a time when she tracked the person who had overstepped some boundaries when she was trainid in counterintellince after being recuited by what she thought was SFI, but which turned out to be th eillusive Section 31......

[Many years ago]

Reynolds, T'Pal's interrogator... no, torturer had an almost a full hour head start on T'Pal. That was how long the strange man called Tyler, worked on her after her three day ordeal. She was blacked out most of the time, and was surprised when she realized how long it took repair the damage Reynolds had inflicted on her body. He had made a error of judgment though. You didn't try to pry information from a Klingon or Vulcan by using pain as a means to extract it. Both species were exceptionally resilient, physically and mentally. Not only did his subject have the physical superiority of both species, reading her mind was near impossible due to her Klingon brain chemistry, unless she relaxed her defenses purposefully. Coupled with Vulcan mental discipline, she wasn't going to break. That was why Section was willing to go to great, even extreme lengths to recruit her. Klingon/Vulcan hybrids were relatively rare and it wasn't something they would not allow to slip from their grasp..

She had no human DNA in her. She possessed no or very little mercy or compassion, neither was she restricted to a set of norms and values most humans took for granted. Another life had little meaning to her. She shared honor, respect and loyalty with the human race, but her conscience was far less vulnerable than that of the human agents they recruited. She was guided by a different reference framework. Her training didn't need to make her cold, calculated, callous, she possessed those characteristics naturally.

There were ways to get to her, but Reynolds never figured that out, and he would never get the chance either. This female predator was on the hunt, the hunt for him.

Once outside T'Pal adjusted her eyes to the sharp sunlight. They were in a forest as she had gathered, actually on the edge of one. She smelled sea water on the air, that would make for one boundary if you were on foot. Reynolds had a scent too, apart from the distinctive scent of his race, he smelled of sweat. The rancid odor remained in the direction of his flight. It lead towards a mountain ridge to her right. T'Pal had by no means the ability to follow her prey by her nose like a full Klingon could, but she had a considerably sophisticated sense of smell. Instead of running after him immediately, T'Pal scaled the remains of a water pump of some kind and stood at the top. She saw nothing after panning the area within her visual range. Maybe a bit of encouragement would help, she thought casually.

"Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam! - it is a good day to die!" she shouted into the mountain. Ty cocked his head at the ancient Klingon battle cry, rather surprised that T'Pal was still so close to the compound. He instantly knew that she was trying to flush her prey and nodded with a smile to himself. Even at a great distance, he might just hear enough to give himself away.

T'Pal simply needed to watch for movement. Her voice echoed of the rocky cliffs. A one hour head start in this type of environment for that petaQ would put him in a maximum radius of 8 to 10 clicks. Of course, that was if he had used a straight line of escape away at a fast pace, which would be the best way in this case. Put distance between you and your enemy as fast and as quickly as possible. He is probably more likely to be less than that from the compound. Even if he didn't move, she wanted him to know she was coming.

Then she saw him, a speck on a ridge. She was right. He didn't go in a straight line. You only criss crossed or doubled back if you either panicked or expected to confuse an enemy using tracking. He was no more than three kilometers away. Knowing where to head for made it easier. She smiled and came down the scaffolding in leaps and bounds and disappeared into the forest.

Tyvan heard a noise outside and then the doors opening and closing in the compound. He checked the chronometer. Two and a half hours since T'Pal left. He raised his eyebrows, that was quicker than he thought. He walked out into the corridor where had heard shuffling sounds. And there she was, roughly pulling the dead body along into the building. The blood stains on her clothes near her shoulder indicated that she probably carried the man most of the way, well that, and the woman seemed rather hot and bothered.

When she saw Ty, she dropped the dead body's arm, which caused the shoulders to slump to the floor.

"You gutted him?" Ty asked her. The obvious red colour of his shirt and the slight depression in his abdominal area, spoke for itself. She couldn't tell whether he was amused of surprised or what. She didn't really care anyway.

"Well you try to carry all that shit all the way back here." she said indifferently.

Tyvan walked closer to Reynold's remains and saw no signs of torture. The wound in his neck indicated one efficient stab that killed instantly.

Without having to ask the question why she didn't take the time to torture him as he did her, T'Pal answered him.

"I didn’t want to waste time, I was hungry" she said simply. With one last look at her first hit, T'Pal followed Ty to the kitchen area where she would have her first meal since her interrogation began just over 75 hours ago.


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