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Posted on 23 Jul 2019 @ 4:28pm by
Edited on on 30 Apr 2022 @ 3:22am

1,541 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-16 Rebirth
Location: USS Phoenix/DS5

Rico sat in his command chair as the station began to loom larger and larger. The USS Berlin was just ahead of the and to their starboard as the ships entered the stationa's control zone. No sooner had the station taken control of their approach that the Berlin peeled away and moved off to another docking area.

It had been good to see his former crew and ship again but given the circumstances he knew they were in for a tough grilling.

As the Phoenix approched its docking berth they passed worker pod ready and waiting to access their precious cargo of dilithium. Command hadn't exaggerated, there was an almost desperate need in the sector...well not any more.

Looking to his XO, "Commander you're with me."

Cevel stood from his chair, "Aye sir."
He turned toward one of the bridge crew, "Chief, you have the Conn."

Together the pair made their way to the umbilical and onto the station to meet it's Commander.

"Any problems you foresee with the new influx of dilithium? I know that Pirate operations are on the decline federation wide, but it is still a possibility." Cevel asked as they walked down the corridor.

Stepping onto the station, glancing to his XO. "I'd be more concerned about Cardassian involvement, be it direct or through as you say pirates. According to report this new supply is going to significantly undermine their opperations in the sector."

"Which will make them desperate and make them bring in force. You think they'll bring in any military might? I know they aren't supposed to have any military weaponry, but we both know they still do. They're just really good at hiding it." Cevel said as they made their way onto the station promanade.

Pausing as several people stepped out of a turbo lift he nodded as the other personnel acknowledge him. Once in the lift he announced therlir destination. "Ops."

Leaning against the wall of the lift he continued their conversation. "They are definatley trying to reassert themselves. And while you wouldn't think they would take direct action, we are close enough to open space that nothing would surprise me. Hopefully Commander Soran has more current information and can give us her impressions on the situation and how she thinks the wind will blow."

The lift opened to the normal hustle and bustle for a celestial class space station but he noticed the addition of armed security outside the commander's office. The station wasn't on alert...he wondered what was going on.

He approached the doors and didn't wait for the pair to intervene. "Captain Montoya and Lieutenant Commander Th'raran to see Commander Soran."

Security glanced to the Commander's yeoman, who gave them the nod, standing up to indicate that they should go straight ahead into the spartan ready room with the two chairs set out waiting. As they entered, Maritza go to her feet. "Welcome back, sir. Commander," She acknowledged Th'raran. "I'm told you come bearing gifts?"

Rico smirked. "You could say that. There were crews ready to offload our cargo even before we docked. I still find it hard to believe those people hadn't been using such a rich source of dilithium...but when you are already being catered to I guess there wasn't a need. If you like i can get you my full report on our findings or do you want the abridged version?"

"The Abridged version, please. I'll catch up on the full details when it gets a bit quieter round here." Soran replied.

"Perfect. Short and sweet it is. The inhabitants of the system are arrogant and spoiled. Their sole source of income is derived from the use of the fourth planet as a prison. The neighboring systems pay to house their imnates on the planet and those incarcerated mine, manufacture, grow crops, etc. They are warp capable, but that technology was purchased...not earned through their own development. That all combined they never exploted the vast dilithium resources in the rest of the system. And when i say vast...I mean VAST. The crystals we brought are from solid formations that were floating in the rings around one of their class J planets. All we had to do was clean them up a bit. In additon to the rings, several of that planets moons have rich deposits and so does their asteriod belt. It will take generations to completly mine the system. I have already recommended the establishment of additional security measures.

"DS5 is the closest Federation facility and until the joint base is completed everything will be coming through here...Oh and your Mr. Lasuma was smart enough to have the area designated as neutral territory. In the event that relations were to ever sour between the Federation and the Empire. Of course the Federation Council and the Klingon High Council will both have to sign off on those arrangements but the Ambassador and Starfleet Command are confident everything will be approved...though it may end up being more of a 50/50 spilt on things in the end."

"They've already been in touch. They're offering processing to Raddoncorp, i suspect as some sort of compensation, after Xi'cadia." Soran. "They will probably be unpleasant about it, just on principal. To cite the old earth saying. 'Do not feed the trolls.'"

Rico scoffed slightly. "Throwing them a bone huh? Well that's their call. Funny you mention Xi'cadia though," glancing to his XO, "we were just discussing the Cardassians. With this new supply of dilithium their efforts there are now basically wasted. Definately not something they are going to like."

"I give it several weeks before we start seeing Galor class ships armed with deceptive and illegal weapons." Cevel said with a curt nod, "I may have some better intel for us if that's the case."

Rico didn't think it would be that long. Though they may be delayed by having to rethink their approach in this sector...then again. "I still don't see their goal in this area? We are considerable distance from Cardassian space here; if anyone was going to try and destabilize the Federation in this area you'd think it would be the Romulans. What's the endgame?"

"I have no idea." Maritza brought over drinks from the replicator, "Turvan seems to have failed to grasp that the dominion war was twenty years ago, and Cardassia is still reconstructing. They may nearly be done, but they're aren't the power they once were. Turvan hasn't seemed to get his head round that. He's got a pro-consul who's much easier to deal with. The honey to his vinegar. Says all the right things. SO honestly. I'm waiting for her to stab me in the back whilst I'm looking at whatever grandstanding Turvan pulls next."

"Well at least you are looking for them to pull something. As he reached for the drink she provided he thumbed towards the door. "That the reason for the extra security outside your door?"

"No. At least I don't think so. I was walking through the arboretum with Mr Lasuma when someone tried to stab one of us. We're not sure who."

Rico's eyes widened. "An assasination attempt?!

Soran nodded. "A human, with a Romulan blade, a few nights ago. "He is refusing to answer questions. Like why. Or if he was hired by someone. OR even who he was aiming for."

Rico was shaking his head. "Well the excitement never ends around here does it? If there is anything my people can do to help they are at your disposal...someone unknown on the station and all. We took some damage prior to the actual negotiation so once the dilithium is off loaded, I would like to move the Phoenix to the repair yard."

"Understandable. I'll have engineering make arrangements." Soran nodded, the repair yards had been backing up with out Dilithium. Now a supply had arrived, the berths should clear pretty quickly. "But it may take a few days. We've got a couple of stranded ships to refuel with dilithium first."

"That won't be a problem. I'll give my crew shore leave while we wait and repairs are made." He was about to rise but stopped. "Oh, there was one thing, Dr. Williams..."

"Are you about to tell me you've misplaced him? Or brought him back in more than once piece?" Soran arched an eyebrow at the two men.

A wide grin spread over his features as he chuckled. "No no, he is safe and sound and in one piece. I was want to make his temporary assignment a bit more permanent. That is if Starfleet personnel isn't able to get a CMO before we have to depart."

"Tell him to put in a transfer request and I'll sign it off immediately." Soran replied. "Is there anything else I can help with?"

This time he nodded to his XO and rose. "Nothing that comes to mind...but if anything comes up you'll be the first to know. And if there is anything my crew or myself can do while we are do not hesitate to contact me."


Captain Ricardo Montoya
Commanding Officer - USS Phoenix

Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran
Executive Officer - USS Phoenix


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