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Moving on

Posted on 17 Jun 2019 @ 4:41pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

609 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Ready Room

Captain's Log Stardate 71393.68

With some effort we managed to resolve the issues on the Tarelis system. Not only has the Imeras Council freed the command crew of the USS Berlin but they have agreed to allow for the, independent, mining of their vast dilithium resources.

"While they had taken great offense at the advanced surveillance teams, that is standard Federation procedure for first a first contact situation, they had had other motives for taking the officers hostage.

"It seems their primary goal all along had been protection. They knew the value we place on our people and felt that their live would be more important than a distant resource that could be found elsewhere at a some point in the future.

"The Imersa insisted on an independent negotiator and as I was unable to make contact with the Raddon Corperation, I contacted Geral Lasuma of Leasuma Enterprises, the only entrepreneur in the sector that might have the negotiation abilities and the resources to help facilitate the agreement.

"As a result of the Imersa Council's demands, and our lengthy negotiations a joint Federation-Klingon task force will ensure the security of the Tarelis system from, what they called "less economically inclined powers". Seems they had a fear of Breen, Cardassian, or Romulan intervention in their system. In return for ensuring their safety and continued autonomy Both the Federation and the Klingon Empire will share in a 60/40 split of the extensive dilithium resources within the system.

The House of Varal, which helped broker the arrangements through Ambassador Charghwl'IH, have agreed to construct an orbital station around the 7th planet of the system for the housing of mining personnel, their families and the loading of transport ships to Federation or Klingon facilities.

In closing I am formally protesting both the means in which I was originally was given this assignment and how I was ordered to secure the release of personnel. That protest has been filed with the Federation Judge advocate."

Ricardo Montoya
Captain, USS Phoenix.


Rico tapped the control on his desk and leaned back in his chair. Heather was their and began to rub his shoulders her attempt was appreciated but he reached up to tale her hands, turning his head tonkiss her hand.

"Did you really file that complaint on Admiral Rittenhouse?"

"No... I don't think it was him so. I left the complaint open ended against Starfleet operations as a wbole to hopefully smoke out whoever issued that order. Hopefully it won't fall on some sacrificial lamb.

"So what are you ing to do now?"

"Well, we need to escort the Beriln back to Federation space and with both ships bursting at the seems with dilithium looks like we are headed back to DS5. Besides, I need to have a word with the Klingon Ambassador."

Heather nodded. During their negotiations she had met the Ambassador several times. She liked him, he was humorous but dutiful having served in both the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Now he served the House of Varal which was lead by their former CO...which meant Rico would trust him without question.

Just then the comm sounded. =^= Bridge to Captain Montoya =^=

Tapping his commbadge he replied. "Montoya here."

=^= Captain, the Berlin reports they are ready to depart. =^=

"Very good, I'm on my way. Set a course for DS5, warp 7."

Closing the channel he got out of his chair. "Time to get back to work."

Heather smiled as a hand moved to her abdomen. "Well I'm due down in sickbay as it is. I should get down there before Dr. Williams sends out a search party."

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya


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